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Our Home and Family
From The Heart Of Almanor

Lake Almanor California

This is where I grew up, got married, watched my children get married, and now I'm watching my grandchildren grow up. It is in Northern California where the Cascade Mountains and the Northern Sierra Nevada Mountains meet. The mountain on the right is Mount Lassen it is in Lassen Volcanic National Park. It is an active volcano and last erupted May 22 1915.

This is where the Heart of Almanor is. For you see the lake is shaped like a large heart. The north arm of the Feather River runs right down the center of the lake. My husband Greg has lived here since 1960 and I since 1970.

My baskets come from the Heart of Almanor that's what I named my business I put a piece of something grown here in every basket. This is where the inspiration comes from and my love for Jesus has grown. My love for my wonderful husband Greg, our children Gregory and Christopher, they too are my inspiration. I'm I blessed? You bet!! If you've looked around my pages you have seen Greg's Art. He does all the Photography. He makes my work look wonderful. I think he shows his love of life and Jesus in his photos.

Indian Valley

I just love Greg's pictures. This is a Indian Valley near our home. It was a cold spring morning. The frozen mist made for a beautiful rainbow. Canada Geese were getting ready to nest.

This picture is about ten years old. It doesn't look to much like me, not when out at the grocery store or fishing. It was one of those Mall studios. Any way it's the best shot I've got. Who wants to look their age anyway.

This is Greg my husband but it's an old picture. I think maybe ten years ago. For some reason I think he hid the few I had. You see he always has the camera. He looks about the same, Hansom isn't he!!

Feather River Baskets

© 1997 pinebasket@hotmail.com

This home page <©> Copyright 1998, by Debbie Norton.

Photography by Greg Norton of Creative Images by Greg

Photos <©> Copyright 1998, by Greg Norton

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