How to Make a Pine Baskets
Row 3
Other Starts
Wood Burning
Gourd w/pine needle rim
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This gourd was wood-burned. The flowers, the dark area at the top and the bottom are all wood-burned.
The only other thing used was gold paint to create the lines on the gourd. A pen was used
to do that. I think all gourds are beautiful. They have a wonderful feeling to them.
If a gourd has a "flaw," try to use that area as the a focal point; don't put it on
the other side. The reason I say this is because if the "flaw" is not used, it gives
the appearance that you are hiding it or that the gourd is inferior. If you use it, then
you have recognized it for it's uniqueness and beauty.
This gourd is called "Tweedy" one year our neighbors had a robin fall from the nest. By the time we found it, Tweedy was so cold. We nurse it back to health ( we thought). Tweedy even learned to fly to us in the evenings to sit on us. How ever Tweedy did not live long (two months). We don't know why she didn't live, but there is Robin's song in our hearts to this very day.
This gourd was large, 51 inches around. It's called "Eagles Dream II" I used gourd seeds and seed beads to hang the gourd seed from. When you wood burn it is helpful to draw in some light pencil lines first. That way when you get to the other side of the gourd the feathers are the same size. The feathers can easily become larger and larger as each hour passes. This gourd lives in Quincy Calif.
© 1997 pinebasket@hotmail.com
This home page <©> Copyright 1998, by Debbie Norton.
Photography by Greg Norton of Creative Images by Greg
Photos <©> Copyright 1998, by Greg Norton
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