<h1>Pine basket</h>

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Pine Basket

My Information Garden
baskets by Debbie Norton
of Feather River Basket

Pine needle Dyeing
Reed Dyeing
Basket Etc...Link

I am not an Expert on dyeing but here is some things I believe to be true. Dye, and Stain at your own risk.

There are two major categories of dye: natural and synthetic. Natural dyes create beautiful colors, earthy tones. They often have natural mordants that are chemical so how safe are they? A mordant is what help the dye bond to the fibers, and is often toxic. So don't treat it with any less care than the synthetic dyes. Because synthetic dye's are easier to obtain they are used far more often. These are Rit, Cushing, Napier, Basket Tree, Comcraft, Tintex are all dyes that work well on reed,and pine needles, wood , plastic, fabric, and gourds (not the best choice for gourds).

Fiber-reactive dyes actually bond to the fiber molecule to make a lightfast color. They are formulated for cellulose fibers, not protein fibers like wool. They are harder to find and most of the time you will have to mail order them. But if you can find silk dyes they are almost always a fiber-reactive dye. Some tie-dye kits have fiber-reactive dye also so read the label carefully. You don't know take down the company's name and phone and call them. Most have an 1-800 number. Safety should always come first.
Keep dyes and Chemicals out of the reach of children. All are TOXIC to some degree. Except Kool-Aid.(more later on Kool-Aid)

Label all containers and put "Yuck" labels on them.

Never use dye pots or spoons or any dye equipment for any thing else ever again except in dying. Not even glass containers!

If you can dye outside or in the garage, the room must be well ventilated, draft free. That is not easy outside, so avoid windy days. The kids on you're street will thing of you as a witch with your fire and big pot and stainless steel spoon, stirring the brew.

Avoid breathing. Ok you can breath just try not to take in the stuff in the dye pot.

Wear rubber, vinyl gloves. Be careful of latex gloves many people are allergic and some have died from there reaction. Do Not use disposable pans (Turkey Roaster)

Where old clothes, and wash them when you are done separately.

A paper mask is helpful.

Use enamel or stainless steal pots. Never Galvanized or aluminum pots, because they will react with the dye. If you're enamel pot has a nick you can use "Bondo" ( car body filler) to patch the nick.

An old stove will work; a camp stove if you have it in a draft free area. Be sure to keep news papers and rags away from the flame.

House hold dyes like Rit can be saved for use later in glass jars that are labeled. Leave room for expansion if you are going to freeze them. If you use plastic the dye will eat through it. Pour dye through a strainer before you use again. If it was shelf stored mold will develop, straing will take out the mold. It should not change the color much. I like to freeze to avoid mold. Don't answer the phone or door and make sure some one else can take care of the dog ,cat, kids, husband, wife or bird and Mother-inlaw.

Dyeing Reed

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I use Rit for a lot of needle work. I do put a warning label on my baskets to avoid sitting in direct light and inform them it will fade with time. I made my sister a basket 7 years ago that sits in a fluorescent lit bank. It has faded from a deep navy blue to a pinkish purple color. The underside of lid, inside of basket, and bottom are still the same navy blue. Shirley my best friend received a forest green basket 5 years ago, she put it near her greenhouse window and for a time under a light on her stove top. That basket is now more olive than forest. If you look closely you can see the natural brown of the needles peeking through. Yes it was made with green dried needles but all needles will turn brown in there own time. Unless kept in total darkness.

I use a enamel roaster pan to dye my needles. Wal-Mart has 4 sizes(S.M.L.XL.) and I like the large size for needles. I use a canning pot for reed. The dye will eat through the pot if keep there long. Empty you're dye into glass only jars when done dying. The heat is on med. for needles and high for reed. This is because the pot is bigger for reed and it takes longer to get it hot. Bring pot to a simmer never boil. Carefully add you're dye it will splash and can fizz up so go slowly and stir while adding. You can mix Rit dye colors. I almost always do. I prefer the powder over the liquid. I feel you're color is more controlable.

Place the needles in the pot when the dye has already been mixed well. Simmer till a little darker than you wanted. When the needles have dried they will be lighter in color. If you soak the needles in warm water for a few minutes first they will take the dye better. It can take one or two minutes to 20 minutes. This depends on how much dye to water and what color you want. If you need more color add it by the teaspoon full till it looks good. If it is too dark add some water.

Always test first. The color of the needle will change the color of needle when dyed.

Place needles on a news paper and I let mine set over night. Then I rinse with cold water and vinager(1 cup) in a sink for 20 minutes or so. Now rinse till clear. You can rinse right a way but you may loose a little more color. Spread out on news papers to dry. If you use them right a way the will bleed some on you're hands as you make the basket. If they set for two months they may not bleed at all. It is hard to do things two months in advance so use hand cream. Wash you're hands before you eat if you are working with dyed needles. To get blue, green, teal, forest green, purple,or black needles: dye needles that were pulled from the tree green and dried in the shade. They will already be a light green.

To get brown, rust, gold, red, orange, dark brown, or wine: dye natural brown needles.

Always put a cup of bleach in you're dye pot when done. Make sure it goes all the way up the sides. If you're pot is very big add more bleach. This is to remove the dye from the water scale on the sides and bottom of the pot. It keeps the next batch pure. To get pastels colors you can use some bleach in a sink to soak the needdles first. This does not always work so well. The bleaching does not bleach much. Then try dyeing a light color.

You're needles will always be a lighter shade of brown in the spring than in the fall. Heat will darken them. So the longer you keep them at simmer they will darken some. Needles gathered in the spring are best for pastels.

Some of the best needles I have found have been on the edge of forest fires. The needles will be a beautiful reddish brown and still be flex able just as though they were fresh green. I try to harvest needles that are down and brown (Trees some one else has cut down and have turned or are fresh green). The road maintenance worker or where they are clearing a lot for construction is a good place to look. Good Luck on the needles.

Please do not make baby rattles or any baby things out of reed. In the processing of the reed formaldehyde and insecticides are used. Don't let the dog drink from the bucket you soak the reed in.

Reed is dyed about the same way keep it at a simmer and watch the pot. Stir to keep the color even and push it down into the dye evenly (turn reed frequently).

Soak the reed for 5 minutes before dyeing this helps the dye to penetrae the reed.

If there are no ties on the reed put some on loosely to keep the reed from tangling. The blue ribbon some reed is tied with bleeds and can change the colors.

To get a variegated look in one color in flat reed only. Coil up the reed into a circle about 8 inches across. Now place a rubber band around the center a couple of times. It should look like a 8. After you have dyed and rinse take off the rubber band. The pressure of the band keeps the dye from getting to that part of the reed. If the pressure is right; just enough color will get through to give it a warn away look.

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pine needle dyeing
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Kool Aid Dyeing

It stains your shirt why not you're reed? Yes it is true, and kids love to use this product. Just dissolve un-sweetened Kool-Aid in warm water and let the reed soak for about 30 minutes. The depth of the color will depend on the number of packages you used. About two packages work for two ounces of #2 reed pine needles it takes more. Rinse and it's ready to use.

Dyeing with Fiber-Reative Dye
Small packages come with a "fixer" to help the dye bond to the molecule of the fiber. Each package directions are a little different. Please fallow the directions on the package. And this dye has been known to cause respiratory problems.
These dyes can not be saved and used again. There shelf life is short and you should only what you'll need and use within a few hours. Procion by is a good bran.

In addition to the dye you may need a water softner (Calgon works). Unidodized salt and soda ash. Soda ash is washing soda and it causes the dye to bond to the reed. ( The salt, soda ash, and water softner may not be needed with some kits for silk or tie-dyeing kits. ) The salt makes the dye penetrate the reed. The water softner neutralizes the chemicals that makes the water hard. Fallow the direction on the package and give you're self lots of time This method take more time but a lot less watching. You can do something else while the dye bath is working.

Have Fun I hope my hints helped. You can also find some great hints on the Basket Etc... page for hints on dyeing. This is a wonderful place to go to learn all about all kinds of baskets. Please book mark or save as a favorite. Baskets Ect.. is one of mine.

Here is that link. Baskets Ect home page

Basket Etc..page on tips on basket making

Basket Ect..Dyeing Baskets page

Baskets Etc.. Page on staining baskets

Dharama Trading Compy has many dyes. The best one for baskets, wood, needles,and gourds is Procion it is a Fiber-reactive dye. For that page Procion
Here is a link on how to tub dyeing.
Liquid Procion and how to use it.

Rit Consumer Service, Dept. CC-1, P.O. Box 21079, Indianapolis, IN 46221 . Rite Dye

Pro Chemical and Dye, Inc., Box 14, Somerset, Ma. 02726 Fiber reactive dyes Pro Mx Dyes 508-676-3838. Orders only 1-800-2Buy Dye how to use with reed and pine needle.


Fiber and Reed, 504 41st. Street N., Great Falls, MT 59401. They have a nice Dye information booklet and Procion MX.

Crooked River Crafts, P.O. Box917, LaFarge, WI. 54639. (608) 625-4460. Dyed reed

W. Cushing Co., P. O. Box 3513, Kennebunkport, ME 04016 Crshing "Perfection" dyes.

Atkinsons Country House, 2775 Riniel Road, Lennon, Michigan.48449 For question or advice only (810) 621-3058 For orders 1-800-832-3071 email orders or questions http://www.sandya@tri.com" Sandy's web site at Atkinson's Country Home Sandy has a show on P.B.S. on basketry and has a wonderful catalog.

This home page <©> Copyright 1998, by Debbie Norton.

Photography by Greg Norton of Creative Images by Greg

Photos <©> Copyright 1998, by Greg Norton

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