I am working to update this web site. Here are a few of my baskets that I have made over the years.
How to make a pine needle basket
Row 3
Other Starts
Wood Burning
Gourd w/pine needle rim
My Home & Family
Pine Needle Baskets
The Heart of Almanor
Baskets by Debbie Norton
2784 Heartland Acres
Here are a few of my baskets. Yes we now have our own site. heartofalmanor.com My Wonderful husband Greg is working on getting some stuff up. It's going to take some time as I am working 40 hours at one job, and trying to do 30+hours on the baskets each week. I now have two places where you can purchas my baskets, Peninsula Market Lake Almanor Ca. Green Gallery Lake Almanor Ca. I hope to put lots of "how to "links and some new ideas I'm working on. I gave up basket making completly shortly after my father died. Lots of stuff happen to our family in the last 10 years. I have some hope things are going to get better. But this much I do know "I must make baskets". "Not a need to", and "Not a want to " "A Must Do" to be happy. I Thank you for understanding. Debbie

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© 1997 pinebasket@hotmail.com
This home page <©> Copyright 1998, by Debbie Norton.
Photography by Greg Norton of Creative Images by Greg
Photos <©> Copyright 1998, by Greg Norton
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