Well, this year Sarah is not at all shy about telling Santa what she REALLY wants for Christmas: a BABY DOLL!!! (Yes, all of that fine, gender-neutral upbringing has led to this: the girlie wants her baby doll!). Of course, she's got to be a GOOD GIRL to get that baby doll, no?
Sarah is more than happy to show her baby sister how to open her presents! Looks like the girls got WAY more than they will ever be able to play with! Of course, Sophie only wants to play with the bows and the wrapping paper! (Now, where again is that BABY DOLL Santa was supposed to bring???)
OH! I guess Santa DIDN'T forget to bring Sarah that Baby Doll!!! Why the heck did he put it all the way at the back of the pile of presents? Did he think that Sarah wouldn't open any more presents once she found the BABY DOLL? No, not Santa!
Well, the girls had a great 2001 Christmas, and are now playing with their haul as we speak! Let's hope 2002 brings a better year than 2001, eh?
Last updated: 1/7/2002
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