Clearly, the BIG trip of 2003 was the sabbatical to Australia! However, the Weeks/Weil clan didn’t stop there. We also made trips to New York City, Annandale, and Myrtle Beach.
Right after we got back from Perth, we went off to New York City to visit Claudia’s parents and go to Claudia’s 20th college reunion. It was a great time for Claudia’s parents to get reacquainted with the girls.
Fig. 1 – Sarah & Sophie checking out the traffic on 2nd ave.
Fig. 2 - Sophie and Grandmommy Barbara in the NY city apartment.
Our annual summer trip to an east coast beach once again landed us in Myrtle Beach with our friends Heidi and Toby and two other couples. We rented an excellent house a few feet from beach. We got to hang at the beach and ate excellent seafood cooked by our friend Pat (he runs a seafood store, and KNOWS his seafood!). It was an excellent time.
Fig. 1 – The girls check out the LIVE blue crabs (before their demise in the cooking pot)
Fig. 2 – Toby and Pat sampling the live crabs.
Fig. 3 – The crew in the BIG house.
Fig. 4 – Heidi & Toby eating a mound of crayfish
Fig. 5 – The beach house.
Fig. 6 – The ENTIRE crew!
Last updated: 1/27/2004
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