Australia – Page 1

Ok, so the BIG news of this year is that we have moved, for 3 mos. at least, to AUSTRALIA!!!  We are currently living in Perth while Steve is on sabbatical doing research on the elusive clam shrimp!  Steve is working at the University of Western Australia (Fig. 1), and we have thus moved into an apartment in Scarborough Beach (Figs. 2-5).  Life could be worse: we are getting tan (OK, sun burnt) in the lovely WA sun while our buddies back home are freezing in one of the worst winters in recent memory! 

Fig. 1 – Main entrance to UWA campus.

Fig. 2 – Our relative position in the Perth environs.


Fig. 3 - View from our balcony (not bad, eh?)

Fig. 4 – Claudia reading the morning paper on our balcony.

Fig. 5 – Living room of apartment (we need to keep Sophie on the porch at all times to make sure she doesn’t spill anything on the leather couches!)

Fig. 6 – Bath time in the Jacuzzi tub for the girlies.

The trip out was a bit of an endurance test, with a total travel time of 35 hours, of which 27 were in the air!  The travel route was Cleveland-Chicago-Amsterdam-Singapore (Fig. 7)-Perth.  Needless to say, we were all VERY tuckered out by the time we hit Perth, and it took is a couple of days before things started to seem “normal” again!  Even though the trip was rough, we all agreed that Singapore Airlines ROCKS, and was the coolest airlines we have EVER flown on!  Sarah was especially keen on the on-demand movies at each seat!

Fig. 7 – Singapore airport orchid garden.

Next page for more of our trip!

Last updated: 3-11-03

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