Early 2004

At the beginning of 2004, we celebrated Easter (Fig. 1) and both of the girlies' birthdays (Figs. 2-4).  Sarah turned 6 and Sophie turned 3.  We had a family birthday party for Sophie and a larger "Australian themed" party for Sarah.  She had about 15 friends over, and we played "snake in the grass (with crocodiles and deadly spiders too!), pin the tail on the kangaroo, and crocodile pi๑ata.  Fun was had by all!

Fig. 1 – The girls after their big candy-finding extravaganza.

Fig. 2 – Ben Rosenthal and the girls coloring kangaroos at Sarah's 6th birthday party (note the official Australian Bush hats)


Fig. 3 - Sarah licking the birthday candle from her birthday cake (Sophie felt it was a "clothes optional" affair!)

Fig. 4 – Sophie and Sarah about to dig into Sophie's 3rd birthday "Tigger cake"

Sarah lost her first tooth (Fig. 5) and had a visit from the tooth fairy.  Not long after the first, the second lower tooth came out also.  No others have been lost yet, but one of the top front ones is now loose, so we may be seeing the tooth fairy again soon!

Fig. 5 – Sarah loses her first tooth!

In May we got a new screened porch (Fig. 6) with a side deck attached.  We spend LOTS of time out there and are really happy with the new addition.

Fig. 6 – Sophie making faces in front of the new 3-season screened porch.

We had a great Spring and early summer.  Temperatures were mild and the girls had a great time in the backyard (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7 – The girlies doing one of their most favorite backyard activities - swinging!

We celebrated our friend's, Toby Rosenthal, birthday party with the annual "pu nani nani" party (Figs. 8-9).  Fun was had by all, and in some cases, maybe a little TOO much fun (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8 - Toby showing off his "assets" to the group during his birthday party (pu nani nani party)

Fig. 9 - The "pu nani nani" babes

Last updated: 12-26-04

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