Our Trip to Texas!!!!!!
We left on Thursday, July 15th and returned July19th!!!
John did well on the flight to and from, much to my surprise!!!!!!
Here we met the Barnes Family!!!!!!
front: l.to r. Alana, John-John, Lacy
middle: Jenn, Lynnie
back: Clay, Haley and Melissa
and here are all the "little women" and John-John in all his glory, surrounded by all them women!!!!!!
John and Haley really enjoyed themselves in the little pool!!!!
They had so much fun that they dove right in without taken one stitch of clothing off!!!!!
Of course, John had to share the pool with one woman at a time!!!!!
Here he is with Lacy!!!!!
Here's Melissa with her "little women"!!!!!
Here's our sweet little Haley!!!!!
She is about 2 weeks older then John-John
We had a fun weekend and John sure enjoyed himself!!!!!!!
He's never been around that many "kiddies"at one time!!!!!!
It was hard to say goodbye, but Haley gave me something that I'll never forget and that was a GREAT BIG GOODBYE KISS!!!!!!!
There are more pics and I will get them up ASAP!!!!!!!!
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