N.E. Berry Fest!!!!!

The New England Berry Fest was held on Saturday, September 19, 1998 at the home of Greg, Cindy and Alicia Boland!!!!

In Attendance were:

Greg, Cindy and Alicia

Mike, Angela, *Grandma* and Nicholas

Lynn and John

Sara, Susie and Alexander

Mark, Sara and Hannah

Mel, Paul and Reese


Lynnie & John, Sara, Susie & Alexander, Mel & Reese, Cindy & Alicia, Angela & Nicholas, Sara & Hannah


Them bones, them bones, them *chicken* bones!!!!

John just loved the *hot* wings!!!!


Daddy, can I have my cup please??????

Mike and Nicholas


*Grandma* (Nicholas's) and Susie


Give me something flat and I'll turn it into a changing table!!!!!

Nicholas, Angela and Grandma


From left to right, sort of!!

Alicia (with the red jumper on), Hannah (in the back),

John (on his hands and knees), Reese (just made it into the pic) and

Susie (back to us with denim dress)


Clockwise from left to right

Mark (Hannah's Dad), Sara (Hannah's Mom) Hannah (in the flesh) and Alicia!!!


Mommy, could you fill my plate up please???



Susie and Alexander!! Can you guess who's who??? hehe

I know, that one's an easy one!!!!!!


Okay, so I'm camera shy!!!!



And this is the adorable, clean, pretty, quiet, Hannah!!!!!

You ain't seen nothin' yet!!!!!!


This actually was a pretty cake!! It read, NE Berry Fest 98!!!


Here We Go!!!!!

Dig In!!!!!

Reese isn't happy about this! Alex is all over Susie (bkgrnd) John is loving it and just look at the quiet one, Hannah!! (That's her face down!!) I think that's Nicholas with his back to us?? Can you believe this baby??? This is the adorable, dirty, sticky, sugary, quiet, Hannah!!!!! That's John turning *purple* in the back!!!

John, Hannah and Alexander??

Just look at that *sweet* baby!!!!!

One only a Mom or Dad could love!!!!!

Hannah, Nicholas, John (with the purple face!!) and Alexander!!!

And the proud parents of the "Colorful Baby Award"goes to Sara and Mark!!!!!

Hannah, Mel, John, Alexander and Reese, who finally decided it was time he made Mom and Dad "proud"!!!!!

Reese, finally doing some damage to not only the cake, but himself!!! YUM! YUM!


And this was the final result!!!! Thank God for a hose and a GREAT sense of humor!!!!!


A great time was had by all, especially the babies!!!!

We hope to do this again next year,

only we're going to need a




While you're here, check out John's page and please sign our guestbook!!!

Thanks!!!! :))


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