Mid -West Berry Fest '98

11 Mom's from California, to Massachusetts, Canada, Michigan and Illinois all got together from August 28th - August 31 in Chicago, Illinois


back row from left to right

Kristen and Jo, Tami and Kyle, Yvonne and Joel, Kerri and Sarah, Beth and Zeke with Ariel in front, Mary and Christopher

front row from left to right

Wendy and Jordan, Karen and Aidan, Marion and Emily, Lynn and John, (John is holding Cari, Luke & Sarah)

(not pictured, Anne and Sam)

The Boys

The "Zekester"



Joel & Dad


Okay, so Sarah got lucky!!!!!

Here she is with "the boys!!!"

Kyle and John

and now for

The Girl's!!!!


Emily and Mom

This is me (Lynnie) with the "infamous" Ariel!!

What a sweetie!!!

This is Kyle's Mom Tami!! (Sorry Tami!!)

She "was" having a good day!!!

This is Francis!!

The kids just loved her!!!


This is the beautiful Chicago Sky-line!!



While you're here, check out John's page and please sign our guestbook!!!

There's a couple of more Chicago pics included!!!

Thanks!!!! :))


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