Co Bred with Sheri Morant

The Gemstones:

Ch Aashtoria's Justyl Diamond

Diamond is large in stature, with bone, substance and movement. He is unmistakably masculine. He is a Group Winner, Group Placer and Multiple BOB winner from the classes over Specials. He finished with 2-4 point majors. He is co-owned with Rex & Star Allen, and is at stud, with plans by Aashtoria to be used in the future.

Ch Aashtoria Justyl Cicely

Cicely is a gorgeous bitch with wonderful side gait. She has multiple BOB from the classes over Specials to finish. She was mostly owner handled by a wonderful, novice lady named Betsy Denning. Cicely was her training dog and I couldn't be more happy that Betsy learned to show with a bitch who had the temperament and patience, that made them a team. Betsy has given Cicely a wonderful home, and they have grown together.  Cicely gave us a beautiful litter of 6 out of Ch. Foxcroft Entwood Aquila.

Ch Aashtoria Justyl Sapphire

Sassy has the ultimate in floating side gait. She is clean on the down and back with a show attitude that says 'I am the Best.' She has multiple BOB from the classes and  finished her by going WB/BOW over a nice class of males for her final major. She carries that movement and look of Aashtoria from her Grandmother Fire.   We look to possibly breed her again next year, as the Gem litter was beyond our expectations in quality, and therefore are in the process of searching for another quality stud.


Sire   Ch Aashtoria's Wyatt Earp Sire   BISS Am/Can CH Clarrah's Amazing Spiderman Sire   Am/Can Ch Chulista Sunrise Sunset
Dam   Ranchitos Rambling Rose
Dam   Ch Aashtoria's Firestar Sire   BISS Am/Can Ch Clarrah's Amazing Spiderman
Dam   Aashtoria's Sundaze Mystique
Dam   Justyl's Unchained Melody JC Sire   Ch Justyl's Bold'N Spicy Sire   Justyl's Birchwood Stardust
Dam   Mytarka's Adridor Yavanna
Dam   Ch Mytarka Astron Sire   Ch Majenkir Isba De Samarkand
Dam   Mytarka's Adridor Yavanna

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