(Fire (L) & Marvel (R))

Ch Aashtoria's Firestar


Fire was a beautiful bitch who was the foundation of everything in my kennel. If you look into the 3rd, 4th or 5th generations of several US kennels, you will find that she is there. She developed a 'look' for Aashtoria that continues to this day. She finished with several very nice wins of her own. A few at Specialties in the US and Canada. Her main contribution was as a friend and brood bitch. Her kids, grandkids, and great grandkids have done some big winning of their own. She had 2 litters for Aashtoria; our Gunfighter and Arabian Horse litters


Am/Can Ch Aashtoria's Captain Marvel

Marvel was a wonderful dog who finished easily by winning multiple BOB from the classes over Specials and a Group 3. He was undefeated in Canada as a class dog who finished in 3 shows in 2 days. One bygoing WD/BOW/BOS over 7 top male specials at a specialty in Canada. He also won BOS over the number 1 Borzoi and 6 other Specials at a Specialty in the US. He was a Multiple Group placing dog that made it into the top 10.


Marvel & Fire's Pedigree

Sire   BISS Am/Can Ch Clarrah's Amazing Spiderman Sire   Am/Can Ch Chulista Sunrise Sunset Sire   Paladin of Chulista
Dam   Am/Can Ch Natalie of Chulista CDX
Dam   Ranchitos Rambling Rose Sire   BISS Am/Can Ch Ch Ranchitos PJ
Dam   Ranchitos Wendy the Waif
Dam   Aashtoria's Sundaze Mystique Sire   Ch Windrift Kindred Spirit Sire   Sirhan Wilolea Tervoshka
Dam   Ch Sirhan Pushkina II
Dam   Am/Can Ch Spritzkof's Night Dazzle Sire   Ch Windrift Kindred Spirit
Dam   Ch Spritzkoff's Domino of Casino

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