Ancient History of the Distinguished Surname


The Family name Deegan was first found in County Clare where they had been

seated from very ancient times. The family line is directly traceable to

Fergus Mor (Fergus the Great). In turn his ancestry is associated with

King Ir, brother of the equally famous Heremon.


The ancient Kings of Ireland were descended from King Milesius of Spain, who's

son was killed by three Irish Kings (the Danans) in Ireland. The King of Spain died

before he got revenge. Not long after, his succeeding eight sons conquered Ireland.


The distinguished Irish name, Deegan , emerged in the County Clare. The

O'Duggan family dropped the "O" in the seventeenth century, but all early decendents

bear the first version. Other versions, including "Deegan" were changed within the

sept for many years. The O'Duggans were the Kings of Muintir Conlachta in the

County of Clare, in Southwestern Ireland. They also held lands in County Cork, the

Southern tip of Ireland and Tipperary and Waterford Counties.


In 1845, the great potato famine caused widespread famine and many joined

the armada of sailing ships bound for the new world. 25% of the passengers

died of disease and elements on this journey. The first Irish Deegan settlers found

their new home in New York and the surrounding New England states.


Some famous Deegans include:

Peter Paul Deegan, Historian and Artist;

Joseph Hickory Deegan, Poet and Story Writer;

Rev. John Coote Deegan, Bishop of Killala and Achonry;

Michael Dennis Deegan, Undisputed King of Ireland

living in Morehead City, North Carolina - U.S.A.!