Michael " Deputy" Deegan
Faoi mhionn saoirse a chur in áirde
(Sworn to hold freedom dear)

This web page is about me, my family, friends and a few great sites to visit. My name is Michael Deegan, born of Irish Catholic descent, in Miami, Florida U.S.A. I'm the 5th born of 8 kids (see below). Check out the Deegan Castle also. I have worked for the United States Navy, as a Gunner's Mate Missiles 3rd class "GMM3" on the U.S.S. Chicago CG11 from 1977 to 1978, and then the U.S.S. Robert A. Owens DD827 from 1978 to 1980. I'm a retired Deputy Sheriff from Miami-Dade County, in Florida. I was a supervisor (Corporal) and worked there since 1980. I retired on July 01, 2000. We now reside in Carteret County, North Carolina.

Most of my family is Law Enforcement, and I'm very proud of my parents for bringing us up in a strict and safe environment. My hobbies are making web pages and running a stat program for the local high school. My whole family loves the Miami-Dolphins, and I have an office/bedroom at my house full of Dolphin collectibles. We are faithful to the Miami Dolphins and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. These are the people I would love to meet someday, call it my bucket list - Governor Sarah Palin, Phil Collins, Sean Hannity, Bill Gates, Dan Marino, Rush Limbaugh, President Mary McAleese, and Rhona Mitra.

Michael & Catherine
November 6, 2000


Click for Morehead City, North Carolina Forecast


I am the last of the Deegan Clan to be married. Catherine and I got married on
November 16, 1997. You've heard the saying "Save the Best for Last". Well that's me!


My wife Catherine had my 1st born (boy) Michael Rian
November 24, 1999. I'm a proud Daddy'O!!

My 1st Girl, born May 21, 2003
"Karen Agnes Deegan"


How Did Catherine & Mike Meet? NASA TV
Our Wedding Day Miami Dolphins Football
Listen to Ireland Radio Live University Of Miami - Football
Ancient Order of Hibernians Miami Heat Basketball
Irish Literature, Mythology, Folklore, Drama My NFL & Sports Collection
Ireland's National Anthem Sites that I have made
Popular Catholic Prayers University of Phoenix - Online Campus
Best Tasting Beef Jerky   I.C.U. Investigations

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

Retired July 01, 2000



= Patrick Deegan
= Theresa & Gerardo de Caso
= John & Iris Deegan
= Paul Deegan
= Michael & Catherine Deegan
= Colleen & Bill Sheridan
= Joseph & LizAnne Deegan
= Jeanne & Edward Sentz

I love Catherine more and more, with every breath I take.
I'm yours Catherine

Links To Favorite Pages

These links are for everyone's interest. It goes from Law Enforcement to e-mail address finders on the Internet. I hope you let the other sites know where you found them. Take care, come back, and write me an e-mail sometime.

International Police Association Region #43, Miami, Florida USA, I am a member.
The Police Officer's Internet Directory Comprehensive Law Enforcement web site in the world.

Federal Bureau Of Investigation FBI homepage.
Youth Crime Watch of America A must look Web Site for parents and their children.
Find an E-Mail Address Find e-mail addresses by different search methods. By Name, High School, College, etc..
Zip Codes + 4 digits Update your address book with the correct address and 4 digits extension, for faster moving of Snail Mail. Will give you City, County, State & full Zip code. Very useful.
Hog's Breath Cyber Saloon A favorite watering hole for me and Catherine. We go to the one located in Key West, Florida. Music, Food, and lots of spirits.
Center Court Historic Inn & Cottages, Key West, FL A very nice bed and breakfast Inn, that is one block from the main strip of Key West, Florida - Duval Street. Walking distance to Jimmy Buffett's, Hog's Breath and Sloppy Joe's.

Thirsty? Know your Mixed Drinks A reference guide to make all your mixed drinks.

E-Mail Deputy