Thanks for dropping by...Come back and visit us anytime..

sue kimpton - 12/22/00 03:06:23

hi karen ...nice pics sue

Grayling Crites - 09/10/00 22:50:56
Where are you from?: Collingwood, On
Is this your first adoption?: no
Where are they from?: Newfoundland
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: no
What is your DTC?: no

Very good Web Page. I like your pictures. Say Hello to your mom & sister. God Bless! Grayling

Lisa - 08/02/00 20:29:15
Where are you from?: delaware
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: none
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: still in paper chase

Beautiful website. Your family is beautiful and very inspiring for me to look at knowing I'll have that soon!

James Maurais - 07/13/00 02:02:41
My URL:http://
Where are you from?: Montreal
Is this your first adoption?: no
How many children do you have?: 2 soon to be 3

I love you guys

Susan Dixon - 05/20/00 22:55:59
Where are you from?: Chicago
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
How many children do you have?: None yet
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Yes - APC
What is your DTC?: Still Waiting!

Thanks so much for sharing your story and great pictures - It helps a lot! Don't have my China Adoption site done yet. The URL above is my site for web design. I'm hoping to stay free-lance, so that I can stay home with my daughter. I have friends and relatives in Canada. Who knows? Maybe we'll meet some day! Warmest Wishes, Susan Dixon Single, 46 Chicago

hubby pooh - 05/14/00 01:08:21
Where are you from?: canada
Is this your first adoption?: no
Where are they from?: china
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: no
What is your DTC?: none

love your page ......... great looking hubby :) Love you guys

Kirsten - 04/20/00 03:46:01
Where are you from?: Seattle, Washington
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
How many children do you have?: None
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Yes
What is your DTC?: Waiting

Hi, Nice site. I am doing this alone, so it is encouraging to me to find others who have also done so. I am paperchasing, waiting on my I171H from immigration. Seems it will never get here. Your child are beautiful. I can't wait to be a mom. Congrat lations on your recent wedding.

Carole Lorup - 04/18/00 13:50:38
Where are you from?: Pennsylvania. U.S.A.
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: 1 bio daughter, 10 y.o.
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes- APC list
What is your DTC?: in progress


Kathy Golden - 04/17/00 18:49:11
Where are you from?: Ohio, USA
Is this your first adoption?: no
Where are they from?: DaNang, Vietnam
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes

Thanks for sharing! I loved it! Your daughters are beautiful and you are a beautiful bride! Congratulations and Best Wishes!!!

ingun - 04/11/00 16:55:33
My URL:http://www.
Where are you from?: norway
Where are they from?: one from china
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: no

Hello from Norway,I wanted contact with people adopt from Chenzhou children welfare inst.Hunan. Ingun Solli

Denise and Gino Godin - 04/04/00 00:21:25
Where are you from?: Nigadoo,N.B.
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes

Hi! finally fellow canadians! and also registered with "Enfants du Monde " ; Great! we reg.11 days ago. Never heard anything neg. about it, so far. I'm sure we will chat again... Your girls are beautiful. You are so lucky. Thanks for writting back and you site is superb. So much info and links for people at our stage, never knowing where to look. Thanks My name is Denise, by the way...I can't wait to get to the next stage, so exciting!

Laurie Wiederhold - 02/16/00 22:48:39
Where are you from?: Saginaw, Michigan
Is this your first adoption?: no
How many children do you have?: 2 including the referral
Where are they from?: Chengdu and Jiangxi-Ruijin Orphanage

Your daughters are beautiful. My daughter Liliana was born 3-26-97. Referral 9-1-97 and adopted 12-8-97. Currently I have a referral for my daughter Kaylena born 6-27-99, referral 1-24-00 and hope to travel soon. She is from Jiangxi province and the R ijin orphanage. What a joy Liliana has been! Congratulations to you! I know what a difference these children make in one's life!!

Laurie Wiederhold - 02/16/00 22:43:05
Where are you from?: Saginaw, Michigan
Is this your first adoption?: no
How many children do you have?: 2 including the referral


Laurie Wiederhold - 02/16/00 22:42:12
Where are you from?: Saginaw, Michigan
Is this your first adoption?: no
How many children do you have?: 1 and 1 to come


Lorrie Watson - 01/27/00 19:12:03
Where are you from?: Columbia, SC
Is this your first adoption?: No
How many children do you have?: One
Where are they from?: Chen Zhou
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: for #2-sometime in 2000

Karen and James, Congratulations. You all look beautiful and I wish you many wonderful years together!

Gloria, dh John - 01/20/00 04:13:04
Where are you from?: originally Chicago, now in Houston
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes, apc
What is your DTC?: soon...Feb?

Such cute little girls! You must be so proud.

Karen Brostek - 01/07/00 03:28:52
Where are you from?: Florida
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
How many children do you have?: !1 other
Where are they from?: My son was born in NC
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Yes
What is your DTC?: soon

Your girls are beautiful. Best of luck to you all and have a great wedding day

Susan Berrey - 12/28/99 19:13:41
Where are you from?: Idaho
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: none - yet
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: Jan 99 - I hope

Hello, I'm currently in the process of adopting from China. Lately, my favorite pasttime seems to be hanging out online reading adoption stories. I never get tired of looking at pictures of such beautiful children. Yours in particular caught my attention beca se, as a single person, I'm especially interested in the experiences of other single parents. I'm still looking for Mr. Right ... does James have any friends? Seriously, you have such a handsome family. Thank you for sharing your story. Susan

Lisa Christensen - 12/09/99 15:58:33
My URL:http://
Where are you from?: New Mexico
Is this your first adoption?: Yes!
How many children do you have?: 5 (1 adopted)
Where are they from?: Urumqi, Xinjiang Uighur AR, China
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: not currently
What is your DTC?: 6/99, DOT 9/99

Great website! Come and visit my new website! Lisa~ P.S. My website address was wrong in my last guestbook entry! Sorry!

Lisa Christensen - 12/09/99 15:55:48
Where are you from?: New Mexico
Is this your first adoption?: Yes!
How many children do you have?: 5 (1 adopted)
Where are they from?: Urumqi, Xinjiang Uighur AR, China
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: not currently
What is your DTC?: 6/99, DOT 9/99

Great website! Come and visit my new webpage! Lisa~

Lesley Silverman - 11/11/99 05:06:19
Where are you from?: Roswell, Ga.
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: 1, Husband has 2 boys
Where are they from?: Hefei, Ahhui Province
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: pac

Your girls are beautiful!!! I hope you have a wonderful wedding and I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures!!! Congratulations!!!

Kathie Gibson - 11/11/99 00:37:21
Where are you from?: Kalamazoo Michigan
Is this your first adoption?: I adopted Brigitte from Kompong Speu, Cambodia in June of 98 and Brooke, from Dianbai China in August of 99.
Where are they from?: Kalamazoo, Cambodia and China
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: Am resting and nesting with the kids for awhile!

Your pictures new and not so new are great! Love the Christmas music too! Many congratulations on your upcoming wedding! Brigitte wanted Kennedy to share the M&M's she was holding in the picture where she was wearing the gold dress!

Janice Adomavicius - 11/10/99 23:03:28
Where are you from?: North Carolina
Is this your first adoption?: No
Where are they from?: Canada & China
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: PAC

Beautiful children - you must be very proud and just love your website. Hope to meet you sometime when visiting where I was born - Montreal.

Kathy Kipfstuhl - 11/10/99 21:17:33
Where are you from?: So. Cal
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
How many children do you have?: 1 bio daughter(28)
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Both
What is your DTC?: 5/99

Great Page! Your daughters and niece are beautiful!

Karly Knox - 10/22/99 17:57:42
Where are you from?: Katy, Texas
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Where are they from?: Meizhou, Guangdong Province, PRC
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: 9/17/98 (DOR 5/20/99, FFD 7/14/99)

Madison and Kennedy are so beautiful! We love your website! Please come visit ours!

Sue Casseday - 09/09/99 03:48:46
Where are you from?: Akron, Ohio
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
How many children do you have?: 2 dogs, 2 cats, 1 bird
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Yes
What is your DTC?: 5/99

Your family is beautiful. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding.

Nancy - 08/21/99 07:37:04
Where are you from?: Washington State
Is this your first adoption?: yes


Marie Fleury - 08/20/99 18:29:52
Where are you from?: Sunrise Florida
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: APC
What is your DTC?: Hopefully 9/99

Your children and niece are beautiful, I wish you all the best with your new husband/daddy.

Richard Cawthorn - 08/20/99 11:17:38
Where are you from?: Ottawa
Is this your first adoption?: done two, traveled with Mark Tooker
Where are they from?: Changzhou & Changsha
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: no

Amazing website. What software did you use to put it together?

Carolin - 08/19/99 03:56:57
Where are you from?: California
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: n/a

Hi. Your daughters are beautiful. Your story has a happy ending for the princess (you). Congratulations on your future wedding. We are just starting the paperchase. We are so excited. I don't know how we will get through this process - the wait seem to be forever. Good luck to you and your family. Your website is fabulous!

Donna - 08/19/99 02:18:27
Where are you from?: Albany, NY
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: 1 stepson
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: 4/99

Your daughters are adorable! Thanks for sharing them. Cogratulations on meeting "Mr. Right" and have a wonderful wedding day. I think that is so touching that James is also getting your girls' rings. He sounds like he'll be a great Dad.

Hildy Kingma - 08/18/99 03:16:35
Where are you from?: Matteson, IL
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: one
Where are they from?: Yunmeng, Hubei
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: PAC

I enjoyed seeing your beautiful daughters. Congratulations on your wedding.

Paula - 08/18/99 01:24:32
Where are you from?: New Jersey
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Where are they from?: Hunan, China
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: PAC

I am new to the PAC list and found your webpage there today. Your pictures are beautiful!!! My husband, daughter, and I arrived home from China on Feb. 12, 1999. Thank you for letting me "visit" your family!

Cheryl - 08/18/99 01:24:30
Where are you from?: Stafford, Virginia
Is this your first adoption?: Yes!
How many children do you have?: None
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Yes
What is your DTC?: August 1999

Your story is so wonderful. I, too, am a single adult who is tired of trying to find the right man, so now I am just getting a beautiful little girl to complete my dreams. Good luck on your marriage!

Heidi K. Hart - 08/17/99 21:27:12
Where are you from?: Delaware
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: paperchasing

Your daughters and niece are beautiful. I think one the things that gets the rest of us new people through is seeing the end result in others. Thank you

Vicki Baskerville - 08/17/99 21:24:54
Where are you from?: St. Louis
Is this your first adoption?: No
Where are they from?: # bio and 2 from Taiwan
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: 4-30-99

Beautiful web page with two beautiful girls! Congratulations!

Jennifer Kelly - 08/17/99 20:56:57
Where are you from?: Lexington, Ky
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Yes
What is your DTC?: March 1999

Your girls are beautiful! Thanks for putting your story and pictures of the internet. It gives me hope!

Lois Rodgers - 08/17/99 19:00:55
Where are you from?: Arkansas
Is this your first adoption?: second
How many children do you have?: 1 plus 1 waiting
Where are they from?: BengBu City & Shi Yian
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: 12-29-98

I enjoyed reading your page and seeing photos or your daughters and niece. What a sweet family! We are waiting to confirm our travel plans and can't wait to pick up our second daughter.

Debbie Klawetter - 08/17/99 18:42:04
Where are you from?: Rowlett, TX
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: three
Where are they from?: 2 "homegrown" sons, 8 and 6; one daughter Maci from Yangzhou, b 11-7-96, a 7-21-97
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: PAC
What is your DTC?: (It was 6/21/96)

Karen, your website is wonderful! I am happy to "meet" you and your precious girls! Our Maci would probably love to meet another Yangzhou "sister." Let us know if you ever plan to be in the Dallas area. And congratulations on your engagement and upcom ng wedding. Blessings to you, Debbie Klawetter

Curtis & Diane Sims - 08/13/99 01:17:30
Where are you from?: Harrodsburg,Ky.

Cute Kids! We are friends of Tina and Junior Huffman.She sent us the pictures.They are beautiful!

Donald Ing - 07/23/99 23:52:19

Cute!!! Congratulations Karen, you are getting married!!! You look pretty happy together!!! Take care

Sharon Packard - 07/22/99 01:19:07
Where are you from?: Ontario,Canada
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: one 19 year old bio
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: homestudy being approved

Congratulations on your engagement!! I'm so happy for you. What a lovely family you make. You are now blessed three times.

Kim Breuer - 07/20/99 21:53:13
My URL:/Heartland/Estates/7740/
Where are you from?: Minot AFB, North Dakota, USA
Is this your first adoption?: no
Where are they from?: 3 bio, 2 from China (both girls), 1 son from Korea and 1 daughter from Korea
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: n/a

Karen--Congratulations on your upcoming marriage--loved the family photo!!! I also enjoyed seeing the updates on the girls...

Janice Miller - 07/20/99 20:30:51
Where are you from?: San Diego, CA
Is this your first adoption?: in process for 2nd!
Where are they from?: HangZhou, Zhejiang
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: both
What is your DTC?: 2/22/99 for #2

Hi Karen--you and I have corresponded a bit in the past. You are one of those who wrote to me when I was in the process of making a decision to adopt my 2nd daughter. Liana was 3 on May 15th, and the dossier for her sister was sent in Feb. so I hope to have her home by the time you are married! I am so happy for you and your wonderful family and wish you the best. Take care! Janice and Liana Miller in San Diego, CA, USA.

Karen - 05/27/99 14:58:39


Cindy Savage - 04/06/99 07:01:36
Where are you from?: California
Is this your first adoption?: I have 3 children, two are adopted, and I have worked as one of the directors of an adoption agency for 12 years
Where are they from?: bio, Korea, local adoption
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: no

I loved your page...very clever and lively!!!Great job.

Donna Alsip - 02/21/99 16:41:56
Where are you from?: Tennessee
Where are they from?: Texas
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: No

My husband and I have been married 4 years, and we so much wanted a son. I have 3 children and he has 1 but we can't have any together. Your little girls are beautiful!! Why do they have to charge so much money to adopt a child. It seems to me that if you have a family that wants to adopt a child and sincerely will love and care for him, that child should be placed in a home not sold for money. You are a very lucky lady and a beautiful lady I must say. Take care of those little girls and be sure to tell them about the Lord and how much He to loves t em both. God bless you and keep you and your family always.

Richard&Jamie Kimball - 02/15/99 14:33:03
Where are you from?: ontario
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Where are they from?: canada&1from china


Erica Grilli-Pascal - 02/10/99 14:13:49
Where are you from?: Montreal,Quebec

Hi Karen, I think you're a great person with a big heart to open your home and your life to them. They are two gorgeous and special little girls!

Mary Munoz - 01/27/99 06:22:43
Where are you from?: San Francisco, Calif.
Is this your first adoption?: already completed
Where are they from?: Chengdu, Sichuan
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: no

Enjoyed your pictures & story.

Daphne - 01/24/99 15:18:43
Where are you from?: Columbus, OH

Dear Karen: You have such precious kids. They are so adorable. Wish your family the very best. Daphne

Martha Greenhow - 01/21/99 19:19:17
Where are you from?: Toronto
Is this your first adoption?: No
Where are they from?: Ontario

Loved your site with the beautiful pictures of your kids.

bibi - 01/19/99 20:35:22
Where are you from?: Orléans, France
Is this your first adoption?: it will be!
How many children do you have?: none, but one cute Lhasa Apso!
Where are they from?: France
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: no
What is your DTC?: n/a

You're so lucky to have such beautiful daughters! What cute smiles!

Zico - 01/17/99 22:27:01
Where are you from?: Toronto

A wonderfull person had to of put this site together ;-)

Joanne Cyr - 01/17/99 17:45:46
Where are you from?: Val-Morin
Is this your first adoption?: going for #2
Where are they from?: bio and China
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: soon I hope

Hi Karen, Kennedy and Madison, I love the new look of your site and the girls are just adorable. The last pic of Kennedy is really gorgeous!!! I've bookmarked your site and your links so, that's a start at rebuilding my Chinese reference book! Thanks, Joanne

Chris Jacobson - 01/16/99 14:29:40
Where are you from?: Indianapolis, Indiana
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
How many children do you have?: None (YET!)
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: APC
What is your DTC?: 11/98 (yeah!)

I have visited your site from time to time. Kennedy and Madison are absolutely precious. What a joy to watch them grow. I love your posts to APC. Just wanted to say hi to the girls and keep up the good work..what more worthwhile venture in the world can t ere be--- none!

Karen Griffith - 01/07/99 01:13:31
Where are you from?: Columbus, Ohio
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
How many children do you have?: n/a
Where are they from?: Will be from China
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: No
What is your DTC?: n/a

Promised I would sign! So here I am!

Steven,Laurie & Leah May - 01/04/99 02:05:28
Where are you from?: North Bay, ON
How many children do you have?: One
Where are they from?: Suzhou
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: No

Great web page - both girls have changed so much! It has been a great experience - Enfants du Monde was wonderful,our daughter has brought us such great joy and happiness - she is well.

Calina - 01/02/99 10:24:17
Where are you from?: Jakarta
How many children do you have?: none

Your children is great and pretty :).. like mom ?

Ron Kading - 12/27/98 21:58:12
Where are you from?: Coleman, Tx
How many children do you have?: 1 adopted 2 step childern

Thanks for inviting me to your homepage. You have done a great job on it and have two BEAUTIFUL girls. Looks to me if you are blessed. Stop by our homepage sometime if you would loke to see some slide shows of birds and listen to some jukebox music.

Star from heaven - 12/26/98 03:47:57
Where are you from?: Amsterdam
Is this your first adoption?: nb


Pam & Paul Zaslasky - 12/12/98 02:34:31
Where are you from?: Plymouth, MN
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
How many children do you have?: One - real soon!!!!!
Where are they from?: Chengdu
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Yes
What is your DTC?: 4/2/98

We travel 1/1/99 to get Hannah Keah Zaslasky AKA Hu Ziyan. Wonderful web site!! Thanks!

Lisa Trivette - 11/29/98 18:55:51
Where are you from?: Winston-Salem, NCC
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Where are they from?: n/a
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: no


Hanni Lee - 11/28/98 20:41:07
Where are you from?: Cambridge,MA USA
Is this your first adoption?: second
How many children do you have?: one bio, one adopted
Where are they from?: US and China
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: PAC
What is your DTC?: second DTC: 9/98

Your children are very beautiful! What a wonderful website. Thanks!

shirlee morehouse - 11/28/98 03:39:33
Where are you from?: Castle Rock, WA, USA
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Where are they from?: 3 bio, 1 Nanning, Guangxi
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: pac

Beautiful children. I hope some way you will be able to recieve the info on #85. I had asked our agency about these children and he said he you could find out where she is they could find her and also there are lists available with older children that s e may be on, but of course that's a long short without even knowing which province she is in. Good luck, I hope you can find her. I don't think these agencies should be able to keep these childrens info a ":secret" Shirlee

Kelly Robertazzi - 11/27/98 05:12:42
Where are you from?: New Jersey
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Where are they from?: Jiande, near Hangzhou
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: APC/PAC
What is your DTC?: it was 12/96

It was great seeing the girls. They are both so beautiful. I had written to you before we got "the Call" in Sept of 1997 after we had visited Montreal. We love your city and once Aubri gets all of her readoption paperwork and passport done we will visit a ain. Maybe we can have lunch at Joe's near St Catherine & Peel. We are all so fortunate.

Debbie Campbell - 11/22/98 16:28:35
Where are you from?: Orlando, FL
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes/APC
What is your DTC?: 11/17/98

Your little angels are absolutely adorable. As I sat her looking at them tears came to my eyes as I thought of my little Ashlei who is waiting for me in China!

Karen Ewing - 11/22/98 15:53:04
Where are you from?: Collinsville IL
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: one
Where are they from?: Nanning, China
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes

Lily QingRu was born 3/10/93, adopted 1/11/95. I am in the paperchase stage for #2. Your daughters are absolutely beautiful.

Paige Wheeler - 11/22/98 12:21:50
Where are you from?: Inola, OK
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Where are they from?: Shaoyang, Hunan
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: PAC
What is your DTC?: 9-26-96

You are blessed! Hugs, Paige

Gail & Ian Glencross - 11/22/98 09:29:50
Where are you from?: Surrey, England
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
How many children do you have?: None
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: APC
What is your DTC?: Fingers crossed for Dec '98

We thought your photos were lovely - what stunning daughters you have! We hope we are as lucky.

Carrie - 11/22/98 04:30:59
Where are you from?: Aurora, CO
Is this your first adoption?: nope, I've done two
How many children do you have?: two
Where are they from?: Hangzhou, PRC and Ha Noi, Vietnam
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: PAC

Loved your site, Karen. My uncle (married to my mother's sister) was born and raised in Yangzhou, and we have a family in our preschool with a Madison and a Kennedy, but not nearly so cute as yours! We are truly blessed!

Kathie Gibson - 11/21/98 15:45:18
Where are you from?: Kalamazoo, Michigan
Is this your first adoption?: Second in progress-got my INS approval yesterday, 11-20!
How many children do you have?: 3 bios, 1 adopted from Cambodia
Where are they from?: Heaven!
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Yes
What is your DTC?: Hoping for Dec 98, I've been good Santa!

Thanks so much for sharing your pictures. Your girls are so beautiful! I have been reading your story for some time.

Tina Sturgill - 11/21/98 08:26:46
Where are you from?: Castle Rock, WA USA
Is this your first adoption?: second
How many children do you have?: five altogether
Where are they from?: Changzhou, Jinagsu and Wuchaun, Guangdong
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: both

Hi Karen, Cute girls!!! we have two dolls and are talking withthe agency director now about a third. We are interested inan older child this time, we will see!

Carla - 11/21/98 03:09:57
Where are you from?: Illinois

Emily was adopted from Hefei, Anhui in July of 1996. She was 10 months old when we met and she is a headstrong but loveable 3 year old now. She is truly the joy of my life. She looks just like your Kennedy.

Shelly - 11/20/98 16:14:04
Where are you from?: Virginia
Is this your first adoption?: No, second
How many children do you have?: 2 and waiting for #3
Where are they from?: 1-my uterus-1 from China
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: Sept 7, 1998

Your girls are so beautiful karen!! Hmmm maybe its getting close to the time for them to have another sibling? :) Shelly

Jenn - 11/20/98 13:41:35
Where are you from?: Burlington VT
Is this your first adoption?: no
Where are they from?: all from US
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: 10/98

Your kids are gorgeous! Hope to meet them some day.

Jeff - 11/20/98 13:13:40
Where are you from?: NYC
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
Where are they from?: Maoming, NYC
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: PAC
What is your DTC?: 09/97, family day 5/6/97

Kennedy looks like an older version of Kelsey, except that Kelsey's eyes are a bit larger! Amazing! I had EM'd you a photo of Kelsey from the summer, but she has changed a lot since then! Nice Photos of your two honeys!

Austin Moran - 11/20/98 10:34:03
Where are you from?: Glens Falls, NY, USA
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: none from this marriage
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: 10/98

It was wonderful seeing your beautiful little girls. We occassionally visit Montreal, perhaps we could meet sometime. All the best to the three of you! AUSTIN

GerrieAnn Rusk - 11/20/98 04:05:27
Where are you from?: Berrien Springs, MI
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: hoping for Dec98

Your family is so precious. You have darling girls. Congratulations!

Jeannine Cox - 11/20/98 03:48:50
Where are you from?: Southern California
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: 11/30/98

Your site is absolutely wonderful! Your children are adorable and obviously so dearly loved. The music you chose really says it all and made me dream of the happy day when we get to take our daughter to Disneyland. I hadn't thought of that until today. Thank you.

Ann - 11/20/98 03:21:06
Where are you from?: Ca
Is this your first adoption?: wife's ist/ DH's 2nd
How many children do you have?: zero but waiting
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: 3/98

Your daughters are two real beuaties. I love their names. If we are fortunate our 2nd daughter's name will be Kennedy Rose. Our first daughter will be named Madison. We are still waiting for our referral. My DH first daughter arrived from Korea 30 yrs. go. Congraulations!! Ann FROM CENTRAL CA.

Ellen Huemmer and Ken Harnett - 11/20/98 02:54:26
Where are you from?: Freehold in upstate New York
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: 8/20/98


Laura Cullen - 11/20/98 00:25:33
Where are you from?: Evansville, IN. - USA
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: APC
What is your DTC?: target Dec. '98

Your daughters are beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Janet Dixon - 11/19/98 23:12:16
Where are you from?: Fairbanks AK
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: 5 bio
Where are they from?: bio
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: almost done

Hello, We're just waiting on our home study report and then will get that to INS. After we receive our I171H we'll get everything certified and authenticated. Hoping for a DTC by the end of the year or January. Enjoyed your did a great job....I eed to take a class or something to learn how to put one together of our family.

Elizabeth Linos - 11/19/98 23:10:09
Where are you from?: Scottsdale, AZ
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: waiting
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: no
What is your DTC?: referral any day now!

Your web page is absolutely adorable. As a single waiting mom seeing pictures helps ease the wait. I had to put my DTC 10/97 on a 6 month hold over the summer so now I am anxiuosly awaiting my referral. So... you know how I am worrying.... what will sh be like? What province will she be from? How old is she? etc. Thanks for sharing your *lovely girls* with me! ~Elizabeth

Jamie Thomas - 11/19/98 22:50:46
Where are you from?: Ransom Canyon, Texas
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Where are they from?: USA
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: APC
What is your DTC?: July 10, 1998

The web page is GREAT!!! Thank you for sharing your angels with us. It really helps with the wait and realizing it really happens. God bless you all. John & Jamie Thomas

Mary Nell Ryan - 11/19/98 21:47:57
Where are you from?: WI
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Where are they from?: China
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes

I loved your site -- I still have tears in my eyes from seeing your beautiful daughters. As a single mom, too, I'm interested in hearing about your decision process to adopt a second child. My best to you!

jeannie - 11/16/98 23:43:59
Where are you from?: TN
How many children do you have?: Annabel and Chompu on the way!
Where are they from?: China and Thailand

Karen, just came to look at the pics of your adorable daughters. They are priceless. Aren't we so very blessed? Talk to ya soon!

Pierre Harvey - 11/09/98 04:36:34
Where are you from?: Montreal, Quebec
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Where are they from?: Yangzhou, Jiangsu
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: no
What is your DTC?: 24/10/97

We enjoyed your site very much, specially the pictures with the little music. We are in the process of adopting a second one.

Anne Glaser - 11/07/98 04:33:38
Where are you from?: evanston, il
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: 4/10/98

cute pictures

Bonnie Loza - 10/19/98 15:37:36
Where are you from?: Newton, N.J.
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: six
Where are they from?: 5 bios. 1-Hunan Prov.
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes

I love your site. It is wonderful to feel your enthusiasm and love for your girls. We are all so blessed to have our girls. We hope to return to China for another adoption. We are hoping they change the laws and allow more than one child per trip. We would love to bring home two daughters next time. Enjoy your little ones and thanks for sharing your family with us. Bonnie

Tammie - 10/19/98 14:03:08
Where are you from?: Montreal

I have not adopted any children, but i'm very happy for you and your little family. I wish the best of luck !!! And i admire you for your courage and generosity. Your kids are beautiful !

Michele Cler - 10/10/98 03:37:08
Where are you from?: Delafield, WI
Is this your first adoption?: Two girls from China
Where are they from?: Jian (Jiangxi)&Yangzhou
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: former apc'er now pac


10/02/98 11:11:25
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Julie Graham - 09/25/98 16:12:46
Where are you from?: Salem, Oregon
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Where are they from?: Yangzhou, Jiangsu
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: PAC
What is your DTC?: 1/30/97

Your daughter Kennedy and my daughter Sarah look very similar, you can tell they are from the same town! Both your girls are adorable, congratulations!

Kathy Garvelink - 09/25/98 11:00:56
Where are you from?: Auburn Hills, MI
Is this your first adoption?: yes

What a wonderful site!!!! Thanks. I am leaving for China 10/24/98!! Very excited. I have a friend who is adopting also and her daughter is from the Jangsu Province. That is what drew me to your site. I am printing your site to give to her. Please e mail me if you have any information about the province that would be useful to her. Her same is Marsha. Thanks! Kathy

Elaine Williams - 09/20/98 17:06:43
Where are you from?: Indianapolis, IN
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
How many children do you have?: None yet
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: APC
What is your DTC?: 6/98

What beautiful girls!!!!

Richie& Fiona Evans - 09/17/98 22:10:41
Where are you from?: Ireland
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
How many children do you have?: We now have 3
Where are they from?: 2 Ireland 1 China
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: APC
What is your DTC?: 29th June 1998

Your daughters are magnificent.You might be right our daughters are very alike. Maybe Tia is Tibetan.

Joanne Wangen - 09/17/98 06:55:43
Where are you from?: WuHu Portland, Oregon
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Where are they from?: WuHu City, Anhui prov. China
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: Jan.17 '97 / adopted Jan. 14 '98

What little cutie pies!!! What a happy little family you must be! I am a single Mommy of Sophie Laifeng dob12/3/96 and I would love to someday give her a little sister. I love your web page, I'd love to create one but I'm not quite sure where to start. a y suggestions? - Mommy of another cutie pie.

Joanne Wangen - 09/17/98 06:53:39
Where are you from?: WuHu City, Anhui prov. China
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Where are they from?: WuHu City, Anhui prov. China
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: Jan.17 '97 / adopted Jan. 14 '98

What little cutie pies!!! What a happy little family you must be! I am a single Mommy of Sophie Laifeng dob12/3/96 and I would love to someday give her a little sister. I love your web page, I'd love to create one but I'm not quite sure where to start. a y suggestions? - Mommy of another cutie pie.

Ann Dahl - 09/17/98 01:15:16
Where are you from?: Anchorage, Alaska
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: APC/SAP
What is your DTC?: March 1998

Beautiful Children, you are so lucky!!! Thank-you for sharing those beautiful faces.

Stephanie & Gary Smith - 09/16/98 21:23:39
Where are you from?: Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
How many children do you have?: One Biological Son
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Yes
What is your DTC?: Pending

Hi! We loved your web page. It is very original and it shows how much love and enthusiasm you put into it. We have just begun our journey in the adoption process (China) - have a long way to goooo. We would welcome any suggestions or thoughts. Thanks! St phanie & Gary

Donna Anderson - 09/16/98 20:29:46
Where are you from?: Laurel, MD
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: this will be the first
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: 11-12-97

She is absolutely gorgeous--you must be very proud of her!!

Sahron Lee Puttmann - 09/16/98 16:45:31
Where are you from?: Rice Lake, Wisconsin
Is this your first adoption?: 2nd
Where are they from?: Guatemala and China
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: PAC
What is your DTC?: Both of my children are here.

I'm enjoying all of the creative ways adoptive parents have found to communicate. Thanks for your additions to the PAC list.

petra bastian - 09/15/98 09:28:29
Where are you from?: Netherlands
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Where are they from?: bio
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: no

Hello, you have very nice girls! with kind regards, petra bastian

Michael Dai - 09/15/98 01:09:21
Where are you from?: Taipei,Taiwan
How many children do you have?: One five years daughter

Dear sweet Karen, You are so beautiful within your heart as equal as your outlooked~I am very impressived!My best wishes to you & you two little angel. Michael

donna putiri - 09/10/98 17:55:33
Where are you from?: new jersey
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: none
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: no
What is your DTC?: hopefully november

your family is beautiful

Georgeanne - 09/06/98 01:50:00
Where are you from?: New Jersey
Is this your first adoption?: will be
How many children do you have?: none
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: no
What is your DTC?: will be Sept. 98

Adorable homepage! Good luck with your beautiful daughters; you are truly blessed!

Michele Destra - 09/05/98 02:26:57
Where are you from?: New Jersey USA
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
How many children do you have?: None - yet
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Yes - APC
What is your DTC?: 3/98

I just love your site. Your Madison and Kennedy are so so beautiful. It really is a small world; isn't it? Blessings on your family.

KAT - 09/01/98 05:52:08
Where are you from?: Canada

Congratulations on your two adoptions. They are beautiful children. Sincerely, Kat

Lesley Silverman - 08/30/98 20:19:11
Where are you from?: ft. lauderdale, fl.
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Where are they from?: hefei, china
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: pac

I sent you a picture of my beautiful daughter emilee. I hope it has a good spot on your wall!! Your girls are alo beautiful. I wish you a life time of happiness. Lesley

Rita Arment - 08/27/98 05:10:08
Where are you from?: Ft. Worth,TX
Is this your first adoption?: no
Where are they from?: China and Vietnam
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: PAC

Karen, Your daudhters are beautiful. I have a 3.5 year old from TaiZhou, went to Nanjing, Jiangsu Province and a 22 month old from Can Thou Vietnam. I am also single and have been home 1 year this Friday with my baby. Single parenthood with 2 is harde than I thought it would be, but, as you said in your web page, it's so wonderful to see My Annie hug and kiss her baby sister Megan. They truly do love each other. I enjoy your posts to PAC. i'm usually just a lurker. Best of luck to you and your two onderful daughters. Rita Arment

Gina Allen - 08/26/98 19:42:55
Where are you from?: North Carolina
Is this your first adoption?: Yes-going to China!
How many children do you have?: 1-stepson
Where are they from?: American
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: will be Sept. 98

Great and adorable homepage! I tip my hat off to you single moms! One of my friends is in the process of getting her 2nd from China..and she is single also. I think it is wonderful! Good luck...check out my homepage and sign my guestbook when you can. It is REALLY under some MAJOR I apologize for the slowness and the ugliness of it.. Take care!

Jane Johnson - 08/26/98 13:26:01
Where are you from?: Indiana
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
How many children do you have?: 0 (2 foster children)
Where are they from?: Indiana
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Yes
What is your DTC?: 11/10/97

We leave for China on Sept. 9th and return on the 19th!!! We're excited, but I'm nervous at the same time, I hate to fly and we have a total of 8 flights! Yikes!! Your girls are just beautiful!!!! Bet your having a great time with them!

ann weatherford - 08/26/98 05:31:31
Where are you from?: lompoc ca
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: 2 - step children
Where are they from?: korea adopted/ bio
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: 3/98

i am pretty sure i have responded to you recently because we are naming our daughter Madison lynn and if we are luck enough to have a second daughter we will name her kennedy rose. i was shocked to realized someone had stolen my babies names HA! HA! ple se keep in touch although i imagine with two little onesds it is very difficult and then if you work outside the homes i am sure your time is very limited. your babies are beautiful. they look happy and healthy. congraulations. pete and ann from lompoc ca

Kikilia - 08/24/98 18:35:07
Where are you from?: Texas, USA
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
How many children do you have?: None
Where are they from?: N/A

Very cute page. Your girls are adorable!

Rachel - 08/23/98 21:21:28
Where are you from?: Jerusalem, Israel
Is this your first adoption?: have 2 adorable girls from Vietnam
How many children do you have?: + 2 older kids
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: pac and apv

its a great page - one which brings a big smile with it. It's great to know the girls enjoy each other - it's a small wonder their mom does - they are adorable!

Michelle Buffon - 08/23/98 04:36:07
Where are you from?: Bentonville, Arkansas
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
Where are they from?: Wenzhou, Zhejiang
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: PAC

Karen, Your daughters are absolutely precious. How wonderful that you are a family.

- 08/19/98 09:22:29

adorable children

Debbie Armstrong - 08/16/98 22:31:40
Where are you from?: Perth, Ontario
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Where are they from?: Nantong, Jiangsu
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: PAC

Hi Karen, We are glad to meet the girls - hope the trip went well. We moved in early June and were "offline" for a couple of months so missed your return Debbie Rick & Olivia (b. July 23/95) ps: if ever in the Ottawa to Perth area let us know!!

Barbara & Larry DeVille - 08/16/98 18:58:35
Where are you from?: Lighthouse Pt., FL
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Where are they from?: Taizhou, Jiangsu , China
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: PAC only now

adopted Jenna Lin 11 months 2/17/97. Your girls are just beautiful. Now that the CCIA is changing SN you have just made me want to go back again for the second one. Sounds like they enjoy having each others company!

Jim and Shari Butts - 08/16/98 16:40:07
Where are you from?: Piqua, Ohio
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
How many children do you have?: Jim has 2 grown sons
Where are they from?: One lives in Korea and the other one is here
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Yes
What is your DTC?: Not soon enought

We are getting towards the end of the paperwork stage!!!

Debbie - 08/16/98 15:58:59
Where are you from?: Austin, TX
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: none yet!
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: still working on it

You're daughters are beautiful and make even more anxious to bring home my own daughter!

penni swartzwelder - 08/14/98 19:28:37
Where are you from?: washington state
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Where are they from?: gaoming, prc
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: no
What is your DTC?: i'm dumb -what is dtc?


michele destra - 08/10/98 14:26:02
Where are you from?: Philadelphia/Southern New Jersey
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: none
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: apc
What is your DTC?: 3/98

Your children are absolutely out of this world. What angels they are!

Diane & Mike - 08/10/98 14:23:33
Where are you from?: Chicago, IL
Is this your first adoption?: no - second
How many children do you have?: 1 daughter - Haley Lin
Where are they from?: Jiangxi
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Yes
What is your DTC?: 1/19/98


Christine & Mark Bondonese - 08/10/98 01:35:05
Where are you from?: Bethlehem, PA - USA
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: YES
What is your DTC?: 2/98

We really enjoyed your webpage and feel very inspired by the story of your beautiful family! We can't wait to get our referral!

Reed & Sharon Leonard - 08/10/98 00:51:22
Where are you from?: Lake Mills, Wisconsin
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: 3 sons: 25, 19 and 16
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: APC
What is your DTC?: May 22, 1998

Your daughters are so cute! We are anxiously waiting to be matched with our own cutey!

Kim Giuliano - 08/04/98 03:34:16
Where are you from?: Dublin, CA
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: none, yet!

Your daughters are beautiful! I can't wait to have my own little angel!

Kim Giuliano - 08/04/98 03:33:58
Where are you from?: Dublin, CA
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: none, yet!

Your daughters are beautiful! I can't wait to have my own little angel!

Paige and Lily Wheeler - 07/29/98 11:44:14
Where are you from?: Inola, OK, USA
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Where are they from?: Shaoyang, Hunan, China
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: PAC
What is your DTC?: 9-26-96

Your page is great! So are these girls from China. Thanks for sharing. Paige and Lily

Kathy & Noreen - 07/25/98 02:18:10
Where are you from?: Hatfield, PA
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: 1 each
Where are they from?: Jiangxi
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: APC
What is your DTC?: ? 11/96, 2/97, 10/97

What little darlings. You are truly blessed as I'm sure you know. Can't wait to bring our little sweethearts home as well. May God bless you and your special family. Noreen & Kathy (sisiters)

Chris Jacobson - 07/22/98 17:52:26
Where are you from?: Indiana
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
How many children do you have?: None (yet!)
Where are they from?: --
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Yes-both
What is your DTC?: None yet

You're daughters are beautiful. I visit them regularly in order to keep myself motivated on my quest for my daughter. thanks!

Gord - 07/21/98 23:13:23
Where are you from?: Winnipeg

Beautiful children! :-)

Luanne - 07/16/98 02:54:52
Where are you from?: Atlanta area
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: 2 boys-9 and 6
Where are they from?: mommy and daddy
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: APC
What is your DTC?: possibly 9/98?

I printed your daughters' pictures for my adoption collage. You are so blessed!

luanne - 07/16/98 02:47:40


Laura & Jim - 07/13/98 22:53:03
Where are you from?: Chambly, Quebec
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: none
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: no

We are scheduled to leave for Hefei, Anhui, China, in August 1998 to bring home Han Bai Feng - Katie Lee. We can't wait for her to brighten our lives and for her to meet her future friends Madison and Kennedy.

Elsa Raab - 07/12/98 20:24:36
Where are you from?: Illinois
Is this your first adoption?: Marisa from China was my first adoption
Where are they from?: China and U.S.
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Yes

I adopted Marisa from Hefei, Anhui Province, China in Sep 1995. Her birthday is Mar 1995. Since that time I have become a foster parent and will soon adopt Steven (age 8) who has been living with us for a year. This week Jul 1998, Katara (10 years old) will be joining our family!!

Mary Jane and Chris Wetmore - 07/11/98 13:31:56
My Email:lucky
Where are you from?: Virginia, presently residing in DC (military)
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
Where are they from?: Amy, 12, is "homemade," Sarah, 18 mos. is from Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: PAC list
What is your DTC?: Dec 96/ Adopted Sarah Feb 4, 1998

Your web site is great! I enjoyed seeing your 2 little beauties! Aren't we so lucky to have been able to adopt from China?! What a blessing our Sarah has been to our family!

Santina Busa - 07/10/98 21:07:45
Where are you from?: Longueuil, Que Canada
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: none- will be leaving for China within the next month, hopefully.
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: No, but I would like to be
What is your DTC?: What is DTC?

Does anybody have any info on Jianxi province. I would like to have more info. This is where my daughter is from . Her name is Cao Li and she is 14 months old. Any info would be greatful. Thank you very much. Your web site is great.

Kim Miller - 07/10/98 17:21:05
Where are you from?: Millersburg, PA
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
Where are they from?: Hefei, Anhui, China
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Yes
What is your DTC?: 8/7/95

I'm not quite sure what DTC so I guessed at date to china (it's actually our adoption date). Can't agree with you more -- what angels we have -- life without them must have been dull. Just love the pictures

Debbie Troutman - 07/10/98 13:25:22
Where are you from?: Telford, PA
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
Where are they from?: China
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Yes
What is your DTC?: December 16, 1998

Congratulations -- they are both beautiful!! Debbie

Linda Messier - 07/09/98 18:36:38
Where are you from?: Woburn, MA
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Where are they from?: Huazhou, Guangdong
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: PAC

Karen, Your daughters are abolutely beautiful. I hope someday to add another daughter to my family. Please send updates on how the girls are doing to PAC.

Victoria Michael - 07/09/98 11:45:48
Where are you from?: Montgomery, AL
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: None, yet!
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: APC
What is your DTC?: Soon!!!

Hi! What adorable little dolls!! Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos!!

Nancy & Anthony Ferro - 07/09/98 02:45:54
Where are you from?: Stamford, CT
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: 1 soon
Where are they from?: Chengdu
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: APC
What is your DTC?: 10/97

Karen, You certainly are blessed. What lovely children. We received our travel plans and leave 8/2 from JFK to Hong Kong arriving Chengdu 8/4. Possibly will met our daughter that day. Can't wait

Chris, Gail and Molly - 07/09/98 02:20:24
Where are you from?: charlotte, nc
How many children do you have?: one
Where are they from?: PRC
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes!

Cute kids! You must be having "double the fun!"

claudia - 07/09/98 02:16:03
Where are you from?: New Jersey
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: three-2 bio boys
Where are they from?: Emily is from GaoMing
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: both
What is your DTC?: adopted 12/2/97

Karen, they are beautiful, congrats to all of you, have a wonderful summer

Nancy Knight - 07/09/98 01:11:32
Where are you from?: Florida (Tampa area)
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: none
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: APC
What is your DTC?: Praying for this month!

I find all of these websites so interesting. It is so encouraging to see the final outcome of this process. All of this paperwork gets overwhelming sometimes and it is sites like this that keeps the adrenaline pumping!!!!

Nancy Wright - 07/09/98 00:28:34
Where are you from?: Downstairs
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
How many children do you have?: 2 rotties
Where are they from?: Germany
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: it's coming.......

You are my sis and they are my nieces - so I think whatever I might say - maybe a little biased. They are adorable - and lucky me, I can see them whenever I want! Tsi Tsi and $

Kathleen Kornblum - 07/09/98 00:04:39
Where are you from?: Melbourne, FL
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
How many children do you have?: none
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: APC
What is your DTC?: March 17, 1998

What beautiful children!!!

Bonnie - 07/08/98 20:20:54
Where are you from?: Indiana
Is this your first adoption?: I'm a grandmother to be

Just a note to thank you for the wonderful page you have provided. I love the music and indeed it is a small world -- but oh so great. My son and daughter-in-law are adopting and they sent me your web site.

Kim Evans - 07/08/98 17:30:18
Where are you from?: Salt Lake City
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
How many children do you have?: Just this one
Where are they from?: Bengbu, Anhui,China
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Yes
What is your DTC?: March 1997

You have two very beautiful daughters! I am also single and was united with my beautiful daughter, Katie HuaiXiang Evans, on Feb 19th, 1998 in Hefei,Anhui,China. She was born on Jan 20th, 1997. I'm also contemplating a 2nd adoption but my life is very ull right now working and caring for Katie! Thanks for the inspiration. Kim

Jan Plumb - 07/08/98 15:21:06
Where are you from?: Springfield, MA
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: 1 right now
Where are they from?: Nenfeng/Jiangxi
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes PAC

Your girls are beautiful. My Casey Lu is 28 months and a delight. I am also thinking about going for number 2. Kennedy and Madison look so very happy. I can just imagine how happy you are. Enjoy!!

Barbara Kaskinen - 07/08/98 07:48:36
Where are you from?: Florida
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: none yet

I need info, but I'm far away from you - I am thinking China, and I, too, want 2! Homestudy is done, $$ ready, I would go in 5 minutes! Please write! Thanks! The girls are beautiful and I LOVE their names!

Morley & Susan Swanson - 07/08/98 06:36:56
Where are you from?: Fairy Glen, Saskatchewan
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
How many children do you have?: One
Where are they from?: Virginia Beach, Virginia
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Yes, both
What is your DTC?: November, 1997

Hi Karen, Kennedy and Madison look like they are totally in love with their mom! She must be one special lady and very lucky, too! We love the BIG SMILES!!!!! Take care! Morley & Susan

Frances - 07/08/98 02:12:28
Where are you from?: Vacaville, CA
Is this your first adoption?: No
How many children do you have?: now two
Where are they from?: Changsha, Chengdu
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: APC
What is your DTC?: Sept/97

Your daughters are adorable. I loved the catchy tune. It made me laugh out loud. Thanks.

Joanne Cyr - 07/08/98 00:38:54
Where are you from?: Val-Morin (Quebec)
Is this your first adoption?: yes (nov.94)
Where are they from?: Quebec & China
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: ---

Hi Karen, You are truly blessed with two such beautiful daughters. They are just gorgeous!!! Enjoy every moment! You deserve it. Joanne

Sue Brooks - 07/07/98 23:51:29
Where are you from?: Bremerton, WA. USA
Is this your first adoption?: no
Where are they from?: India
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: no

I saw your address at the single adopt list. I have emailed with you before and I just had to see the new addition and the update. Both of the girls are just beautiful. What a nice family!

chris jacobson - 07/07/98 23:29:07
Where are you from?: Indiana
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Yes-both
What is your DTC?: Who knows?

Your daughters are beautiful. I don't know if I will be able to make it thru this process..Seems like I started out so well but now I am in a stall so it is helpful to see them in order to encourage myself. Patience is a virtue!!

melody roberts - 07/07/98 23:16:05
Where are you from?: salisbury, nc
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: none
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: apc
What is your DTC?: 6-8-98

congratulations!! they are both beautiful!!!

melody roberts - 07/07/98 23:14:09
Where are you from?: salisbury, nc


Barbara Thoma - 07/07/98 21:19:12
Where are you from?: UK
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: none yet
Where are they from?: China
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: APC & PAC
What is your DTC?: May 98

What wonderful girls! And what a good website. Congratulations, twice over. Big hugs and kisses to M&K!!!

Linda Mazar - 07/07/98 21:09:39
Where are you from?: MN
Is this your first adoption?: no
Where are they from?: MN
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: APC
What is your DTC?: August I hope

beautiful kids!!! You are certainly blessed with 2 angels! I hope we get ours before too long!

Pam Monsen - 07/07/98 18:34:33
Where are you from?: McHenry,IL
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Where are they from?: bio and Chengdu
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: 3/28/97

Beautiful girls, what a blessing you will all be to each other.

Pam Monsen - 07/07/98 18:31:52
Where are you from?: McHenry,IL
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Where are they from?: bio and Chengdu
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: 3/28/97

Beautiful girls, what a blessing you will all be to each other.

Line Barral - 07/07/98 17:43:11
Where are you from?: Vermont, USA
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
Where are they from?: Yangzhou, Jiangsu
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Yes
What is your DTC?: June 97

You have 2 beautiful (and happy!) daughters and Mei Lin and I hope we can meet the 3 of you one day.

Austin Moran - 07/07/98 17:21:22
Where are you from?: Glens Falls, NY
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
How many children do you have?: none
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: going to INS next week

Your babies are lovely! You are indeed very fortunate. All the best to you! Live well and smile often, AUSTIN

Roger Dimick - 07/07/98 16:57:51
Where are you from?: The Lone Star State!!!!
Is this your first adoption?: Only one.....
Where are they from?: She's with me...
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Nope
What is your DTC?: What is this???

Hi Karen.... your baby is beautiful! Where's YOUR pic???? Roger D.

Michelina Perrotta - 07/06/98 17:51:45
My Email:michelina_perrotta@ABICON.COM
Where are you from?: Montreal, Quebec
Is this your first adoption?: No
How many children do you have?: 1 and waiting for second call
Where are they from?: Kayla - Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China

Hi Karen! You've done a great job with your website! Look forward to seeing Madison's pictures. Kennedy is adorable!! Kayla's picture is under "Photos", 'Enfants nees dans la province Jiangsu'. See you soon!!

Michelina Perrotta - 07/06/98 17:49:50
My Email:michelina_perrotta@ABICON.COM
Where are you from?: Montreal, Quebec
Is this your first adoption?: No
How many children do you have?: 1 and waiting for second call
Where are they from?: Kayla - Yangzou, Jiangsu

Hi Karen! You've done a great job with your website! Look forward to seeing Madison's pictures. Kennedy is adorable!! Kayla's picture is under "Photos", 'Enfants nees dans la province Jiangsu'. See you soon!!

Claude Morin - 06/23/98 01:58:07
Where are you from?: Baie-Comeau, Québec
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: one
Where are they from?: jiangyin, jiangsu, china
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: no

Hello, I'm sending you my felicitations for your two great littles girls! For us the decision for the second one is more difficult to make.

me - todd - 06/20/98 03:05:31
My Email:you have it
Where are you from?: you already know
Is this your first adoption?: yep
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: no
What is your DTC?: ??

nice page karen, but it's missing something... pictures of mom! it's been great getting to know each other

Morley & Susan Swanson - 06/16/98 02:02:55
Where are you from?: Fairy Glen, Saskatchewan
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
Where are they from?: Jamie is from Virginia
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Yes, both
What is your DTC?: November, 1997

Hi Karen, I just love your website! It's beautiful and so heartwarming! I can't wait for it to be updated with your Madison!

Steve - 06/11/98 12:24:27
Where are you from?: Australia

Great web page !!!! Well Done !

Anthony - 06/06/98 15:57:44
Where are you from?: Greece
Is this your first adoption?: i am not sure
How many children do you have?: none
Where are they from?: nowhere
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: no
What is your DTC?: none

I admire you, for this decision and forget about what people say and think.:)

Deb Kane - 05/14/98 04:16:59
Where are you from?: MN
Where are they from?: 2boys Bio/1girl Chengdu
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: PAC

Enjoy Chengdu! Check out the new water park. Hi To Mr. Zheng the orphanage van driver and 1st foster family of our Julia. Get a photo of him with his wife and son if you can. Thanks Deb

Bob McMahon - 05/12/98 02:17:35
Where are you from?: Columbia Maryland US
Is this your first adoption?: yes (done 8/20/97)
How many children do you have?: 1, Elizabeth Man Jie
Where are they from?: Yangzhou, Jiangsu
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes

Loved the chance to visit and see your girl from Yangzhou. I've seen your postings on APC/PAC while you waited for Madison. Bob McMahon father to Elizabeth Man Jie McMahon adopted 8.20.97, born 10.22.95, Yangzhou, Jiangsu

Gord - 05/02/98 23:47:11
Where are you from?: Winnipeg

Beautiful kids! You're a lucky girl.

Ola Janaker - 04/07/98 18:09:41
Where are you from?: Sweden

Hi there Kennedy! You don´t know me, but I think you have a wonderful mother. She should be very happy seeing you every day. Take care, Kennedy and say hi to your mother... / O.J

Kim Breuer - 03/08/98 18:07:19
Where are you from?: Minot AFB, North Dakota
Is this your first adoption?: 3rd
How many children do you have?: 5, almost 6
Where are they from?: 3-bio born in TX & LA; Emilee, from Nanchang, Jiangxi, China; Kerrie, from Seoul, South Korea and waiting to travel for Jenna Lee-AiMeng who is in foster care with Mothers Love Orphanage in Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous R gion
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: 10/4/96

Love your homepage!!! Hopefully you'll be hearing about Madison any day now! KIM

Julia Jacobs - 03/06/98 00:41:17
Where are you from?: Birmingham, Alabama
Is this your first adoption?: yes
How many children do you have?: just waiting for #1
Where are they from?: the wonderful PRC!
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: APC, but joining the PAC soon
What is your DTC?: 8/12/97

I love looking at new pictures of Kennedy, and can't wait to see her with new little sis Madison. When you get a moment, I would love to see a pic of the picture wall that you have put up in your daughters room. It sounds really neat! Take Care!

Debbie Storm - 02/16/98 02:40:45
Where are you from?: Wichita,Kansas
Is this your first adoption?: No - third
Where are they from?: Yangzhou, Jiangsu & Shaoyang, Hunan
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: PAC
What is your DTC?: Started Docs for #3!

Hi Karen, I just love your photos. Kennedy is really a cutie! Can't wait to hear all about Madison soon.

Valerie Shefik - 02/08/98 19:42:28
Where are you from?: Evergreen, CO
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
Where are they from?: 2 Bio, 1 Marshall Islands
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Yes ... APC
What is your DTC?: N/A ... we switched!

I loved the photographs ... she's adorable! From the family of your "only boy". Valerie

Elizabeth Gillespie - 02/05/98 04:33:58
Where are you from?: Vermont (currently in Iowa)
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
How many children do you have?: None yet!
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Yes
What is your DTC?: August 1997

Beautiful photographs of your beautiful daughter!

Morley & Susan Swanson - 02/01/98 12:56:09
Where are you from?: Fairy Glen, Saskatchewan
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
How many children do you have?: One daughter, Jamie
Where are they from?: United States...Virginia Beach, Virginia
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Yes
What is your DTC?: November 27, 1997

Hi Karen and Kennedy! We just loved the new photos! Keep them coming!

Karleen Gribble - 02/01/98 12:29:48
Where are you from?: Australia
Is this your first adoption?: yes
Where are they from?: home grown
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: ?????

Hi Karen, Checked out your photos of Kennedy. She is just lovely and looks very huggable. How about some pictures of yourself. I am always curious to see what people look like

Marlene Koslowsky - 01/31/98 04:01:15
Where are you from?: Good Question!
Is this your first adoption?: Yes
Where are they from?: Another good question
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: July 23, 1996

We are from the U S but live in Nairobi, Kenya. Our son was born in Nairobi but is a U S citizen. Our daughter was born in China, lives in Nairobi, but is a U S citizen. Thus, Where are you from is not a question we can answer quickly! Your photos are great and you've done a very nice job on your website, Karen!

Charlotte Morgan - 01/30/98 16:29:45
Where are you from?: Seattle, WA
Is this your first adoption?: yes!
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes
What is your DTC?: Feb '98

Thanks for sharing your story and your joy!

Karen Anderson - 01/30/98 16:24:53
My Email:keith&
Where are you from?: SaltLakeCity
Is this your first adoption?: Starting second
Where are they from?: 3bio 1Yangzhou
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: yes-pac
What is your DTC?: second hopefully 6/98


Linda White - 01/30/98 04:37:26
Where are you from?: Dallas
Is this your first adoption?: YES
Where are they from?: NA
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Yes - APC
What is your DTC?: 5/27/97

I was so glad to see you had a place to go visit Kennedy! Wow what a cutie pie!!! How did you make the decision to go for number 2? Do you think it will be a huge adjustment? I would lkie to think I will return to China for number 2... I'll be watching to see how it goes for you... Take Care... Linda White

Linda Chasteen - 01/30/98 04:24:09

Hi Karen, I love the new pictures of Kennedy. She's so cute, and looks so well cared for and loved! May God bless all our daughters. Linda with Lydia from Yangzhou in Ohio

Karen Wright - 01/30/98 02:37:27
Where are you from?: Montreal, Quebec
Is this your first adoption?: No
Where are they from?: Yangzhou, Jiangsu
Are you on the APC/PAC list?: Yes
What is your DTC?: April 1997 SN

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