To our children Kennedy,Madison & Carter..you are an inspiration and a true gift in our lives!

This is our story of how we became a family. I always loved children and knew for many years that my life would not be complete without children being a part of it.Unfortunately, I was not lucky enough to have found Mr. Right(he was Mr. Maurais and I found him in 1999) so in October 1995, I signed with a wonderful agency in Montreal (Enfants Du Monde or Children of the World) and 6 months later I was blessed with an angel from Yangzhou, Jiangsu in The People's Republic of China. Although she was not born of my body, she was born inside of my heart.
I received that wonderful phone call on February 13, 1996..the day before Valentine's Day..that my 2 1/2 month old daughter was waiting for me. On April 28, 1996, I left for China and anxiously waited until the day we would be united. May 3rd will always be a very special day as that is the day we became a family. I spent a week in her home town of Yangzhou, Jiangsu and it was a wonderful opportunity to see where she had been born and raised for almost 6 months. We then flew to Beijing, and then headed home to our wonderful family and many friends that were waiting for our return. Kennedy is now 3 years old and is the light of my life. She has adjusted incredibly and is such a delight. The decision for a second child was easier than I thought once I had Kennedy home. I knew the finances would be tight for a few years but the wonderful times we will experience together is just priceless. Our file went to China in April 1997. Well the call finally came on Friday, March 13th, 1998 that my daughter had finally been matched to Kennedy and I...here name is Liu, Dongfang..which translates to "Winter Blossom"..she was born on October 15th, 1997 in Chengdu, Sichuan. As someone said to me .."God has smiled on me twice"..I am so lucky and blessed to have my 2 angels. I left to meet my Madison on May 16th, 1998 and finally held her in my arms on May 18th, 1998. She is a wonderful, happy, smiling, chubby little girl. Big eyes, long eyelashes and a gummy smile that can melt your heart. Kennedy and Madison are getting along incredibly...I am so happy each time I see Kennedy hug and kiss her. I know we will all do just fine...!!
"The greatest gift and honor is having you for a daughter".....Fa Zhou to Fa Mulan, Disney's Mulan
KENNEDY UPDATE: Kennedy is 5 years old (November 16th) and is from Yangzhou, Jiangsu...Kennedy is doing wonderfully as a big sister. Each day I look at her and she is getting so grown up. I guess a Mom and Dad never really want their children to grow up. She helps us all the time and is always there to play with her little sister Madison.Kennedy is in swimmming and becoming a little fish. She got rave reviews from her teacher and we are so proud. She starts kindergarten in September..I can't believe it...It feels like I held her for the first time yesterday!
MADISON UPDATE: Madison is 3 years old now (Ocotber 15th), 33 pounds and is 34 inches tall. She is from Chengdu, Sichuan...Madison is doing great, she graduated from her daycare classroom to the 3 year old class with honors. She is talking so well and is a joy in our lives. Madison is our little Chengdu Chickadoo as Auntie Anne calls her. She is our spitfire and brings so much laughter and love into our home and hearts.
HOPE UPDATE: Hope is 3 years old (August 8th) and she has changed so much in the year she has been home. Time flies and she is so in love with her Mom and Dad. Hope is such a charachter and there is truth in saying you can see yourself in your kids cause Hope is 100% my sisters. She talks and moves just like Nancy, sometimes it is such a riot.She will have a new sister as well as my sister and brother in law are heading back to China to bring home another angel..can you believe we will have 5 babies that come from China...what a wonderful life we are blessed with.
KAREN & JAMES UPDATE: Well our file went to China on October 25th, 2000 and the wait this time around is just as tough. You would think having 2 kids at home would keep your mind busy...well they do but not a day goes by without me thinking of Carter and where he is.We have everything now for him the only thing missing is him. I know with patience and time he will be home in our arms. James is loving his job in Computer Sales at Insight...Me I am busy busy as always..We are settled in our new home and love St. Lazare...
August 2000: Started the paperwork to bring Carter home
DTC: October 25th, 2000
Requested: Baby boy, age range 12-18 months. (Chengdu or Yangzhou if possible)
Agency: Enfants du Monde or Children of the World in Montreal, Quebec.
We talk about Carter as if he is home already. We can't wait to hold him in our arms and finally bring him home. His sisters are impatiently waiting. We think of you often baby..Love Mommy, Daddy, Kennedy & Soon to be Big sister Madison. XOXOXOXOXO
OUR FAMILY PICTURE (Introducing The Wright- Maurais Family)
Taken: July 1999

Some great links to check out:
Children of the World-For Canadians looking to adopt from China, Brazil or India
My Home Town-A wonderful site..very informative
Map of China
Celebrate the Child-Videos/Books/Dolls etc
The China Morning News
Great adoption & Travel Tips
Chinaroma-China Travel Guide
Rainbowkids-Online publications updated monthly
Every Child-Toys & Books Online
Links to FREE Stuff..we all like Free Stuff
Online Chinese Tools..really interesting
Adoptions in Jiangxi-Orphanage info
Tourbook of China
Mark Tooker's Chengdu, Sichuan page (a must see for families with children from Chengdu)
Ron & Maro's journey to Maile (from Chengdu, Sichuan)
Personal China Adoption Stories-Hundreds of wonderful stories about adopting from China.

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Last Updated: August 23, 1999