These are my parents, Jim and Mickie. They managed to raise eight children and taught us all the meaning of faith and love.

Steve and I were married in 1971,
divorced in 1995, and remarried in 1997. What can I say? The divorce just
didn't work out.



This is Amy. She is a stage management candidate at U.M.K.C. She loves theatre, music, and people. Keep an eye out for this girl, she's going places.

This year,Amy is a production assistant at the Aosolo Theatre in Sarasota Fla. Come summer, she will once again be the stage manager for the University of Southern Illinois at Carbondale.


This is Melanie. She has taken charge of her life and is finding out for her self what she can become.

Melanie is the mother of our second granddaughter, Shelby Ann.

  This is our newest addition to the family.

Shelby Ann was born April 28, 1998. This is her 6 week picture. Just three weeks after this picture was taken, Shelby was in the hospital with viral meningitis, but she's all better now.

  This is Devon. She is a remarkable young woman who has shown an inner strength I wish I had found in myself many years ago.
  And, of course, our little Jessa. She was the first grandchild,and has brightened our lives considerably. She is three years old now, and she thinks she's 20.


  Jessa, with her great-great grandma, Mom-mom.

Sadly, Mom-mom passed away in March, 1998, but she is fondly remembered by a great many people.

  Jo and Joe, my mother's parents.
Very special people, they planted seeds of love that still grow today.


Copyright 1998


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