Welcome to my Guestbook! Here is what other people have had to say.

bm_iso_69 - 10/22/00 21:08:45
My Email:bm_iso_69
How did you get here?: by airplane

You've done a fantasic job on this site!! And, by the way, thanks for being the first in my Club!

Paul Gugisberg - 10/09/00 16:09:34
My URL:http://www2.gvsu.edu/~gugisbep
My Email:film_video@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: you sent me the page adress

I think the page is great. There is only one thing the page is missing, not to say page isen't already very good. I think you shoud put more pictures of yourself on the page. Sincerly, Paul AKA wings20

john sumner - 10/02/00 23:11:53
My Email:josumer@yahoo.com
How did you get here?: surfing

Your homepage is great even though you are a cornhuskers fan:-)

steve boulter - 05/08/00 20:20:19
My Email:baileyaugust@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: by invitation

you are too neat LOL

De - 05/01/00 21:30:24
My Email:wantsomecandy@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: broom stalled at the front door....got a phone??

so my favorite partner in crime has a page and didn't tell me......bad girl.I still luv ya*licks*

KEN WILLIAMS - 04/23/00 06:51:19
My URL:http://-----------
My Email:sandman340647@yahoo.com
How did you get here?: VIA ICQ


Stormy - 03/15/00 03:55:26
My Email:sljessen69@yahoo.com
How did you get here?: You told me!!

Looks good! You are going to have to show me how to do all of that html stuff sometime. I want to do a page for myself one of these day too. Well take care and keep me up to date on everything.

Ron - 03/02/00 13:40:45
My Email:star21143@aol.com

Beth - You have done an outstanding job on this site. And you certainly have a beautiful family. Don't work too hard, and take care. Ron

Troy England Pcwizard - 02/07/00 02:43:35
My Email:Pcwizard@micron.net
How did you get here?: from you silly

nice page beth pcwizard was here troy

Steven (Doc stax) - 01/15/00 17:09:53
My Email:dusty_stax@yahoo.com
How did you get here?: you told me...silly

very nice site.. nice family.. and you are cute

John Holmes Wannabe - 01/14/00 15:13:15
My Email:brad21@mindspring.com
How did you get here?: using a computer, how did u think? duh LOL


CrashTstDmmy1 - 12/28/99 01:33:07
How did you get here?: ICQ Buddy

Luv, you have a great site here. I started mine about a month or so ago but haven't had the time to really tighten it up. I hope it reaches to the level that yours have. Your a wonderful woman and I've enjoyed our chats a great deal. Stay special. "I ll seek you" unless "you seek me" first...Cuddles,Kisses,Nibbles and Bites

Calvin Brumfield - 12/15/99 22:25:13
My Email:calbroom@yahoo.com
How did you get here?: I was referred.

Beth, Nice job. How do you find time to do this. Calvin

Jeremy ZMAN - 11/28/99 23:14:47
My URL:http://www.realmofredheads.com
My Email:zstud@email.com
How did you get here?: Told to. *S*

Nice site, keep it updated!

Tommie1967 - 10/06/99 17:50:33
My Email:tommie1967@email.com
How did you get here?: chat with you

very nice

bloui - 09/21/99 16:55:00

good luck

zztodd - 09/09/99 02:50:31
My URL:http://home.swbell.net/tbvann
My Email:tbvann@swbell.net
How did you get here?: have no idea

so your name is beth?

George - 09/09/99 00:23:03
My URL:http://www.g-t-d.com
My Email:george@g-t-d.com
How did you get here?: You envited me

Great page!!!! I'm glad to have met you. Best of luck with it.

Mark Bouche a.k.a. Marcus - 09/06/99 04:47:00
My Email:EastSideJam@Juno.com
How did you get here?: Going to your page. Thanks Hon *kiss*

Elizabeth: You have done a great and wonderful job rebuilding your page. You are truely a wonderful person and one that I have been happy to have met. I hope that our friendship will never disappear as we share with each other who we are. I will always remember your warm tender heart, your cheerful smiles, and your willingness to go and help out in anyway. May we continue to grow together and may we co tinue always to be there when needed. I will always cherious you Beth. You have a great and wonderful family. Your best and dearest friend, Marcus

mom - 08/08/99 18:07:42
How did you get here?: have it bookmarked

Great improvement

Glenn - 08/03/99 19:49:01
My Email:gpowell@lagunaplayhouse.com
How did you get here?: miracle

What fun pages. I love the latest update. Your buddy Glenn hehehe

Sean - 07/30/99 23:34:06
My URL:/Athens/Forum/1887/index.html
My Email:leidstorm@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: Luv's my coolest email buddy... I had to come.

I know the feeling... I revamped my site and lost the guestbook... still you have more people on your counter with your site, than I do on mine...LOL....

Dviper/TrustNoOne/Lars - 07/15/99 01:12:54
My Email:dines@mail.tele.dk
How did you get here?: met you

Havent got any yet.....lol

Gary Graver - 07/13/99 19:34:59
My Email:gwg1@earthlikn.net
How did you get here?: the web - silly...


Ann - 06/20/99 11:30:56
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/on/drawing/
How did you get here?: viewing another guestbook

You've done a wonderful job in putting together your website. I've enjoyed the time that I've spent here visiting you and browsing through your pages. Very well done, keep up the good work, and thank you for sharing with us all. Warmest regards, Ann. (aka sunrise_40)

draven - 06/18/99 07:55:39
My Email:draven@infi.net
How did you get here?: Beth nagged me :)


aggman - 05/15/99 19:32:25
My URL:www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Castle/6822
My Email:think you have it already
How did you get here?: info from ICQ

nice page Beth (luv), think we have talked numerous times in geos, sometimes i go in as Highenergy. Aggman and KitKat

Rita - 04/28/99 15:04:41

I have know beth for about six years and we've shared a great friendship. If I was ever in need of help beth was always there for me like a true friend!!!!!

Philip....Adam - 04/13/99 13:08:12
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/adamsandevesworld/index.html
My Email:adam_tm@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: flew in....

Beth so cool your homepage is.I like ur backgrounds and the music is fabulous. Keep on a rockin.Keep up ur charm and kindness. Hugs, philip...adam

enigma© - 04/12/99 00:02:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/3358/enigma.htm
My Email:shoowee@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: You rushed me in here!

hey girl (and family ... lol)Can't believe I have known you for this long and only get to see this site now .. sheesh! What are you hiding from me huh? Anyway ... think you are just too damn cool hon ... always get a real kick outta chatting to you (eve when you laugh at my accent ... lol) Take care ... Olive ya! e©

Bryan Whiting - 04/02/99 03:03:39
My URL:http://www.pcisys.net/~bwhiting
My Email:bwhiting@pcisys.net
How did you get here?: Beth MADE me! LOL!

"No Comment"

Philip -- Adam - 03/24/99 18:22:52
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/adamsandevesworld/index.html
My Email:adam_tm@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: flew here.......brrrrrrrrrmmmmmm

Beth,such a nice Homepage with such great meaning's.I love your kids corner. Cool that is.Your site is cool to.Let the good times roll. Hugz, philip......adam

Mr. Ben Faxon Consulting - 03/07/99 04:32:11
My Email:benfaxon@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: tripped and fell into the computer and this ewb site came up.

Excellent web site. The people who have done this is certainly a caring lot. Congratulations on a job well done.

casy - 02/25/99 16:59:36
My URL:http://geocities.com/southbeach/mansion/6029
My Email:kevin67@angelfire.com
How did you get here?: you posted your page during chat

Hello...I am new to geocities and am saying hello to as many people I can...take care and God bless

in2 - 02/25/99 15:56:52
My URL:http://www.inkspinners.com/index2.html
My Email:in2oblivion@mindspring.com
How did you get here?: you led the way toots! lol

great page.. never knew your name was beth!! :)

Kevin - 02/21/99 07:28:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Forest/3169/fireman.html
My Email:tiny@ria.net
How did you get here?: very carefully

what a page!!!

murat - 02/15/99 21:27:07
How did you get here?: from chat

You have a very lovely family and two cute son. tHANK YOU FOR YOUR EFFORT TO PREPARE ÝT.

Ruth - 02/02/99 18:40:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Garden/5177/
My Email:jaraadam@rocketmail.com

I like your page. I live in a big family. I am the oldest of 5 kids I am 15 and they are 12 , 10 , 7 and 4

Che - 01/21/99 05:29:29
My Email:cheisnuts@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: Swam across the Pacific Ocean...?

Hey my first Luv, nice page you have here. Love your pics babe. And thanks for teaching me how to cyber....lol See you!

Honorable Ben-San - 01/06/99 12:44:35
My Email:I use Pmail. I write in snow.
How did you get here?: I got lost and wandered in.

sweetie, you need to throw more pictures on the page. We want to see you. Show us

Indiana Man - 12/31/98 16:10:52
My URL:http://www.oaktree.net/vanwild/photo.html
My Email:vanwild@oaktree.net
How did you get here?: geocities chat ..

Nice web site Beth. Keep up the good work .. 8c)

Joanie - 12/25/98 06:08:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Island/9963
My Email:YOU KNOW IT *grins*
How did you get here?: hit a key and it brought me right here *smiles*

Hey there....Guess who???? Don't throw roses just give me MONEY *laughs* I have really enjoyed meeting you and you are one of my best Chat Buds !!!!! Your Webpage was GREAT!!!!!!!

jETbOATjOHNNY - 12/24/98 01:15:57
My URL:http://www.pcmagic.net/jbj
My Email:jetboatjohnny@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: Swam like a fish

Great Pages, even us big kids like the games!

Kristine© - 12/22/98 23:13:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Sandbar/8580/

Hey Luv, nice to meet ya girl :) Nice page you have!!

Medic - 12/22/98 01:53:52
How did you get here?: You..... (ICQ)

Cute kisses....... I think your page is very well done....... I'm STILL working on mine, and it's been a year.... LOL

SCREWDRIVER - 12/19/98 05:34:44
How did you get here?: Through ICQ

Great start on the pages, keep working on it, I will visit often. ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))) SCREWDRIVER

Hacker Jack - 12/18/98 18:21:10
My Email:hackerjack@mailcity.com
How did you get here?: I drove here

no comment

kathy cassibo - 12/18/98 18:20:30
My Email:kcassibo@npiec.on.ca


Dimitris - 12/11/98 23:27:44
My URL:http://none.that.youcare.about.com
My Email:youKnowIt@Kiss
How did you get here?: By accident

Did nt see the whole page yet but......its nice for yr mind capability...ROTF

swervey - 12/09/98 18:26:01
My Email:swervey@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: u told me


Me - 12/09/98 16:31:55
My Email:ihchandr@syr.edu
How did you get here?: you pushed me. LOL

Hey sweetie, Thanks a lot. Well I'm honoured. You saved all that stuff I sent you. Well it's a great site. I havent finished exploring it all but I'm getting there. Well it's grrrrrreat hon. Kiss

ditsy - 12/06/98 17:14:48
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ia/belindaspage
My Email:ditsy66@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: geo posting

hey luv. great page. I enjoy chatting with you in geo, see you there.

griff - 12/04/98 11:43:07
My URL:http://uknowwhere
How did you get here?: was dragged in by the hair, kicking and screaming

please come back later. i'm working on this guestbook entry.

Dover Westminster - 12/02/98 13:37:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dimension/1625
My Email:doverwestminster@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: from ICQ

Ooo, I like this! so, how's life treating you Beth? I hope you are haveing fun since we never get to talk on ICQ anymore it seems like. Take care!

Leaping Leo - 11/29/98 03:39:39
My Email:lwells@netspeed.com.au
How did you get here?: with my computer silly lol

Nice pages Beth... Cant seem to find the link to www.kinky.assgrab.girl.com But will keep looking LOL take care Love Leaping Leo LOLLOL

VIPER - 11/28/98 13:20:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Docks/9541
My Email:venom129@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: you sent me.. talk bout senile...lol

nice page luv.. will come back, when am not so wired, and look round a bit more.. ah.. was wondering, you got one of those pics like the old fart up there, only a lady?? surprise for vix..hehehe night..

Dawn (tater tot) Erwin - 11/24/98 01:22:19
My Email:jderwin@mail.cswnet.com
How did you get here?: Drive north straight 600 miles then turn left

Will the updates are cute and Jeff told me to write the stuff in how did you get there.

Suzanne - 11/22/98 17:34:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Bluffs/2875
My Email:Suzanne_108@Hotmail.com
How did you get here?: got lost .. hehehe

Keep up the good work!

§heera© - 11/21/98 01:41:30
My URL:http://geocities.com/SouthBeach/Inlet/9070/index.html
How did you get here?: My page...LMFAO

Luv...OMG!! *hangs head in shame* I forgot to sign when I came in a while ago...darnit all...hahahaha...hey girl, looks good and Im WAY jealous....you got this thing down better than I do....*honkhonk*

hatecapletters - 11/18/98 21:08:06
My URL:http://www.hatecapletters.com
My Email:me@hatecapletters.com
How did you get here?: unconcious foreces dragged me here ;-)

hey hey hey, what an improvement !!! u really have been busy . i'm impressed !!!! keep it up, and don't forget :: if u need any help , i'm just ICQ away lol

greg98 (Jeff) - 11/18/98 11:55:02

nice pictures luv great kids games you are doing wonderful job on homepage

dave riach - 11/14/98 00:30:36
My Email:dave@griach.freeserve.co.uk
How did you get here?: you sent me

It`s coming along quite nicely

CAPPI© - 11/13/98 17:05:55
My Email:willo1@cableinet.co.uk
How did you get here?: oh my god "there's no place like home,there's no place like home"

Hello georgous how are you just thought i do as i was told hehehe*kiss*

otr - 11/12/98 11:52:38
My Email:ha ha
How did you get here?: i just had to come..

he he nice page mate catch ya later eh !

Warm_bed - 11/11/98 16:23:28
My Email:slepert1@unl.edu
How did you get here?: hopped right in.

Hey Luv! Nice page you have there. I've enjoyed our chats, especially on football saturdays. *L* Good luck and take care. *hugs*

Ðrãgon - 11/11/98 03:07:53
My Email:dragonlover@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: I guess.... I just sleep walked here

Anyway now that my dreams supposedly got me here, I better record in the log for posterity sake. You got a pretty webpage out there.... *rubbing my eyes*... Am I seeing things in my sleep or is it for real... Anyway, as a beginner it's a pretty neat page... Maybe I should change career and pass over my programming stuff to you.... hehehe Congrats!!! Well done!!!

Benjamin - 11/08/98 16:58:36
My Email:Glocks101@hotmail.com

You are great Luv ...... your friend in France

Mom - 11/07/98 19:16:02
My Email:jareutz@megavision.com
How did you get here?: Do you have to ask

Love you

Klaus Retz - 11/07/98 01:35:27
My Email:klaus_xx@gmx.net
How did you get here?: Chatted with Beth

Currently having a real nice chat with Beth, she´s the first lady from Nebraska I´ve met on the net. Many greetings from Germany (south-west germany -Baden-Wurttemberg, City: Niedernhall 70 miles from Stuttgart) to Nebraska ! Klaus

Gumby© - 10/14/98 17:04:07
How did you get here?: took a left at the lamppost and....

I don't know, I kinda like the background. It reminds me of the 60's......

10/02/98 11:11:02
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

otr - 09/16/98 11:12:07
My Email:sumwhereouthere
How did you get here?: midnight surfin

nice page - but bsweet does have a point......

Texastigger - 09/11/98 00:06:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/8721
My Email:texastigger@fcmail.com
How did you get here?: i'm lost.....help me get out dammit

Beth, it's been over a year....you gonna get this page done before i die or what? rotf lmao....

hatecapletters - 08/08/98 16:27:48
My URL:http://www.hatecapletters.com
My Email:me@hatecapletters.com
How did you get here?: took a wrong turn somewhere , i think lmao

if i had known ur husband has a gunsmith license, i would have been a lot nicer to u in the past , honest , cross my heart and hope to ....well fall down the chair and hurt my knee REALLY bad.

bsweet - 07/27/98 02:29:02
My Email:bsweetr@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: threatened

Hey Girl.....this is looking good!!! when you get done with yours, you can start on mine...i will be nicer to you than i was to hate...LOL...my only suggestion........PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE change that background color.....i prefer my coffee to jar me awake in the morning....HA. other than that...it is perfect...i am proud of you...bsweet m.

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