M1A1TANKERFROMOHIO - 05/27/99 04:56:19 My Email:TCWELL@HOTMAIL.COM Favorite food: JUICY CLAM! Favorite teddy bear: BABY POOH Favorite movie: THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY | Comments: What's up girl? I tried to get in touch with you tonight (26 may 99) but you were not there. just thought i would say hi. e-mail me! send me a "good" pic, if you know what i mean. i'll try again tommorow night. see ya. Kris |
Robert Taylor - 05/16/99 02:54:43 My URL:http://start.at/a.hot.spot My Email:code3firewalker@hotmail.com Favorite food: Sirlon Favorite teddy bear: Cute Girl Favorite movie: Valcono | Comments: I like that pics. good page. and Lets party. |
mstrgnr_97 - 05/05/99 16:20:27 My Email:jim_9900 Favorite food: italian Favorite teddy bear: none Favorite movie: days of thunder | Comments: very nice pic |
Bill - 04/20/99 04:52:00 My Email:bsy4ever@yahoo.com Favorite food: fish Favorite teddy bear: simba Favorite movie: titanic | Comments: hey lynn just wanted to let you know i haven't forgotten about your picture when you get a chance send me a few closeups of your face from different angles take care sweetie love bill |
bestharry - 04/14/99 14:54:37 My Email:bestharry@yahoo.com Favorite food: pizza Favorite teddy bear: i am Favorite movie: titantic | Comments: |
michael r vickery - 04/04/99 04:12:25 | Comments: i really miss u |
sexyguy_greeneyes - 03/31/99 05:05:58 My Email:sexyguy_greeneyes@yahoo.com Favorite food: french fried Favorite teddy bear: you Favorite movie: SCREAM 1 AND 2 | Comments: I think you are very sexy and do not let anybody else tell you different. Maybe someday i can see your beatiful body in person till then i be wishing i could be with you. Bye for now. KISS, Lucas Price |
azeriel_0000 - 03/30/99 02:37:45 My Email:azeriel_0000@yahoo.com Favorite food: u know Favorite teddy bear: u'r Favorite movie: anything with u in it | Comments: u know i do love to play:) |
Michael Lydy - 03/26/99 17:07:45 My Email:LightningLydy@hotmail.com Favorite food: beer Favorite teddy bear: mine Favorite movie: titanic | Comments: hey you. bet you will check this sometime. Love goes to you and the family. love mike |
Loddie Kaye - 03/13/99 23:15:45 My Email:leslieandwayne@setec.net Favorite food: pizza Favorite teddy bear: pooh Favorite movie: titanic | Comments: I Loved this page !!!!!!!!Winnie The Pooh RULES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Loddie Kaye - 03/13/99 23:13:11 | Comments: |
Harald S. - 02/26/99 02:36:45 My URL:http://members.styria.com/h_schifferl My Email:h_schifferl@styria.co.at Favorite movie: Star Trek | Comments: nice pagel...like it...:) |
Trina Troutman - 02/20/99 02:52:50 My Email:TRUEPOOH@webtv.net Favorite food: Anything mexican Favorite teddy bear: Winnie the Pooh Favorite movie: Jurassic Park | Comments: I really like your webpage. I myself am a huge winnie the pooh fan. I wear alot of pooh apparal too. People think I'm to old to be so crazy over a cartoon character, but I can't help it. He's just so cute and huggable. I'm glad to see I'm not the onl true pooh fan. |
- 02/09/99 19:56:01 | Comments: |
Stephanie Wilkinson - 02/06/99 00:09:17 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi2/swilkinson My Email:wilkied@nb.sympatico.ca Favorite food: pizza Favorite teddy bear: pooh bear | Comments: i really enjoyed your page especially the winnie the pooh pages I tried to click on where you got your background but I could not get it I am making a homepage for my daughter and she loves pooh could you please tell me where you got the pooh border thank you |
vantai high - 01/30/99 20:46:43 Favorite food: chinese Favorite teddy bear: winnie the pooh Favorite movie: adventures of winnie the pooh | Comments: i love winnie the pooh and i have a collection of winnie the poo stuff |
- 01/19/99 17:08:55 | Comments: This is without a doubt the gay-est web page I have ever seen in my life. You are indeed on crack. |
hbennett - 01/19/99 04:52:37 My Email:habthree@hotmail.com Favorite food: junk Favorite teddy bear: my dog Favorite movie: princess bride | Comments: e-mail me some time |
Justin jermolowicz - 01/12/99 06:49:49 My Email:JustinJ20@collegeclub.com Favorite food: pizza Favorite teddy bear: pooh Favorite movie: my girl | Comments: You are very talented keep writing. One day you will find mr right |
Bill - 01/07/99 18:46:31 My Email:bsy4ever@yahoo.com Favorite food: fresh fish Favorite teddy bear: don't have one Ha Ha Favorite movie: Titanic | Comments: Hi Lynn So glad i didn't piss you off. you do sound sweet and i would really like to get to know you better as a friend. oh and by the way you are absolutely beautiful inside and out.love Bill |
Scott Gerow - 01/03/99 23:17:50 My URL:/Pentagon/Bunker/5893/index.html My Email:MIspook@usa.net Favorite food: Tamales Favorite teddy bear: of coarse POOH BEAR Favorite movie: Saving Private Ryan | Comments: Your page is really cool. I really liked the music on the poems!!!!! :) |
Michael - 01/03/99 19:42:19 My Email:Vols12_98@yahoo.com Favorite food: Steak Favorite teddy bear: Pooh Favorite movie: Forest Gump | Comments: I checked out your site without getting locked up. |
Stacy - 01/03/99 06:03:50 My Email:Jibklo9@juno Favorite food: kimchee Favorite teddy bear: my boy toys Favorite movie: Bong Yu De | Comments: This place is sooo cool! ![]() |
kykid - 12/28/98 02:09:23 My Email:kloikykid@aol.com Favorite food: all Favorite teddy bear: none Favorite movie: none | Comments: nice page looking good |
Sean Bratcher - 12/23/98 13:08:48 My Email:kyfanno1@yahoo.com Favorite food: Spaghetti Favorite teddy bear: the one I will give to you Favorite movie: Happy Gilmore | Comments: Hey Tracy, just thought I would visit you and sign your guestbook.....talk to you later. SEAN |
kevin unsell - 12/13/98 03:12:26 My Email:jeremiahrose0@yahoo.com Favorite food: pizza Favorite teddy bear: pooh Favorite movie: all of the action ones | Comments: |
Crystal - 11/30/98 05:06:09 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~BlueGrl82/index.html My Email:BlueGrl82@aol.com | Comments: Hello, how are you?, I'm sooooo sleepy, I dunno what I'm doing..well I got school tomorrow...Didn't have it for a WHOLE week!!! I do not do well wit authority..and it should be My Magickly Place or something wit the K in Magick! Crystal-
![]() |
Solon Magno - 11/21/98 18:34:43 My URL:/BourbonStreet/4482 My Email:solon@fnn.net Favorite food: Barbecue | Comments:
Shawn - 11/12/98 04:51:02 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/9197 My Email:nightowl@centuryinter.net Favorite food: Lasgna Favorite teddy bear: Pooh Favorite movie: Sneakers | Comments: Your background was neat. How did you do that? |
Jerry Brown - 10/14/98 02:26:59 | Comments: |
Pat Cox - 10/05/98 01:56:00 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/Opry/7758 My Email:bigfella01@ozemail.com.au Favorite food: Anything I cook myself :o)) Favorite teddy bear: Too old for one Favorite movie: Day of a Thousand Heroes | Comments: A very nice page. From the look of it you are very young, but keep up the good work. By the way I may be an Australian but ..... GO THE PACKERS!!!!!!! |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Harley - 08/14/98 07:12:44 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ne/SK52 My Email:dirtracin@hotmail.com Favorite food: Steak and baked potato Favorite teddy bear: Cuddly ones!! Favorite movie: A Few Good Men | Comments: Great page! I am so glad we were given the chance to meet! Fate?? ;) You are a beautiful person! Hugs and kisses til next time! Remember, the Vikes are much better than the Pack!!! |
Trish - 04/17/98 00:51:12 My Email:hedgie@warwick.net Favorite food: Pizza Favorite teddy bear: Pooh Favorite movie: Titanic | Comments: I love greenbay The rock!!!!!!!!! |
~Unique~ - 03/20/98 07:16:12 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/3470 My Email:always_unique@unforgettable.com Favorite food: salads Favorite teddy bear: *l* mineż? Favorite movie: Hackers | Comments: Your mom stopped by my place and told me to come by..so here I am. Glad I did, you have a very nice site...and love Pooh to! as always! ![]() |
Jannine - 03/18/98 23:10:36 Favorite food: Pizza Favorite teddy bear: my hubby Favorite movie: Dances with Wolves | Comments: Traci, You and Corey make a cute couple, I really enjoyed your picture. Have fun this weekend with your other half. |
Thunderrose1 - 03/16/98 03:27:05 My URL:/Yosemite/Trails/4356/ My Email:twells@ne.infi.net Favorite food: burritos Favorite teddy bear: Winnie the Pooh Favorite movie: G.I. Jane | Comments: Great page you have going here! Surfed in on Guest Book Surfer! Will stop by later to see what's new! Keep up the good work! Come by and see me sometime!
DRAGON94 - 02/17/98 05:06:42 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/2243/ My Email:dragon94@hotmail.com Favorite food: cookies Favorite teddy bear: my sleepy bear Favorite movie: wrestling (sting) | Comments: Thank You for sign my page book. You have good page too. |
mary kiper - 02/15/98 22:01:07 My Email:mkiper@seidata.com Favorite food: hamburgers Favorite teddy bear: any Favorite movie: rebel without a cause | Comments: hey shortstuff this is your aunt mary. tell your mother to call me sometime. How's school going fine i hope see you later love aunt mary and uncle junior |
kykid - 01/29/98 04:33:25 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Trails/9451/ My Email:kykid@ne.infi.net Favorite food: sea food Favorite teddy bear: pooh Favorite movie: All true stories | Comments: Hey girl great job on this page I realy Love it. |
lilly kosikas - 12/28/97 02:45:40 Favorite food: pizza Favorite teddy bear: winnie the pooh Favorite movie: it's a wonderful life | Comments: hey short stuff! looked at your page today and i liked it, especially the pooh page! |
carol - 10/27/97 02:23:11 My Email:gpach@ne.infi.net Favorite food: chinese Favorite teddy bear: boyds Favorite movie: pretty woman | Comments: hey traci nice page. first time i've seen it. |
Bill Ploof - 10/26/97 01:04:05 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/2256 My Email:ploofs@msn.com | Comments: Pretty good page. I have just started setting one up. I am new at this and it will take some time. |
Gayle - 10/24/97 13:51:19 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/2280 My Email:stan@ime.net Favorite food: toss up between steamed clams and lobster Favorite movie: On Golden Pond | Comments: Hi! I was just checking out the sites of my geocities neighbors....love your e-mail gif! |
Ice Cristal - 10/19/97 21:40:55 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/8124/ My Email:Gretelp@hotmail.com Favorite food: Sweet's Favorite teddy bear: Bear Favorite movie: Faul Play | Comments: Hi there Traci !! Just wanted to stop on in to say hallo, great page !!!! love it ,keep it up!!! I think it will be a real good one when you are done. I will be comeing back for visits to say hallo and see what you are up to , so take care your pal Gretel,BYE, BYE now. |
kykid - 10/12/97 07:19:16 My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/k/y/k/kykid36.html My Email:kykid@ne.infi.net Favorite food: sea food Favorite teddy bear: grizzly Favorite movie: any true stories | Comments: I like it so far can't wait to see what you do to it next. |