These are miscellaneous links that I find interesting and useful:
Translations - Alta Vista
Mailing lists hosted by RootsWeb (with search capability)
Maps - U.S. - using the U.S.G.S. Geographic Names Information System
Maps - U.S. - U.S. Gazetteer(Tiger Maps from the U.S. Census Bureau)
Maps - U.S. - TopoZone
Maps - U.S. - Find Address
Maps - World - Expedia Maps Place Finder (maps)
Maps - World - Microsoft Photo Image Stockpile
Mapquest (miles and best routes between two points)
European Town Search (ties into Mapquest)
Cindi's List
LDS Family History site
U S Genweb
Social Security Index
Ship Passenger Lists
Bureau of Land Management Patents
Rootsweb GEDCOM search
American Civil War Pictures
Calculation of the Ecclesiastical Calendar
about 15% of the WWI Civilian Draft Registration (b-1872/1900)
Calculate County for a town
State Vital Records CALIFORNIA - Statewide - DEATH INDEX (1940-1995) ILLINOIS - Statewide - Marriage Index, 1763-1900 KENTUCKY - Statewide - Marriage Index, 1973-2000 MISSOURI - St Francois County - MARRIAGES - Abstracts of some marriages TEXAS - Statewide - DEATH RECORDS (1964-1998)
German White Pages
Guide to Immigration and Ship Passenger Lists
Mid-Continent Public Library in Independence, Missouri
1904 Missouri Map
Missouri State Case Net (All County Probate records)
Home Page
(c) 1998, Jeff Carter