
This family tree of the Carters has its known beginnings with James Carter around 1700 in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. The family moved to Virginia at an early day and since then have spread all over the United States. My limb of the tree went to South Carolina and then, following the Louisiana Purchase, branched into Missouri.


1- James Carter (b-1770/5)--------------Marie Eberle (mariet._eberle at
  2- James Carter (b-@1710)-------------Jon Egge
  2- Benjamin Carter (b-abt 1709)
    3- John Carter
      4- Joel Carter--------------------Janet Bright (jdpb at
      4- Benjamin Carter
        5- John B Carter (b-1790)
           6- William H Carter----------Howard Sappington
           6- Benjamin F Carter---------Tricia Eley (eley4 at
        5- William Carter (b-1792/3)
          6- James Carter (b-1823)------Jeff Carter----------------Database
          6- Ann Carter (b-1837)--------Larry Taylor
          s- Lucian Farris--------------Ruby Simonson McNeill
  2- Richard Carter (b-abt 1712/13)-----Lowell Berenguer (Ltbskater at

Related Families: WEBB --------------Ken Raymer -----Web Page

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(c) 1998, Jeff Carter