OJ has his own page now! Click HERE to go!
Sheba's new art gallery is OPEN for business!!
Hi, my name is Zonk. I'm what you call a gray domestic shorthair cat. I was born on August 14, 1992 in Sachse, Texas. My human friends, Jan and Doug Bolling, have a friend named Kathy who's kitty Lady is my mommy. One day, they came over and played with me and my brothers and sisters and picked me to come live with them! They also took my sister Sheba home which was cool with me...she's fun to cuddle with. Jan and Doug have two boys who were really happy to see us. When we got to their house, we were surprised to see other animal friends living there! Stormy was a big old friendly Black Lab. I was a little scared at first...I mean she was SO much bigger than us, but she was nice to us. One guy I wasn't too sure about was Puff. Puff was a big fluffy cream-colored OLD cat. He didn't like me and Sheba much. But we played with him anyhow. Here are some pictures of us when we were little.
Excuse us!! We are trying
to sleep!
Well, she WAS a girl!!
My Changing Family
Puff and Stormy--(a dog but she was still cool)--were
pretty old when we joined the family. You can read my humans tributes to
her departed friends here. Sheba
and I miss them too...
A few months after we all moved to Maryland; Bradly
brought home a tiny kitten he had found hiding in a sewer pipe. He was
mostly white with orange spots, so they (the humans) called him O.J. Sheba
and I had great fun terrorizing him until he grew and grew and kept growing
until he is now so huge he can push us around! O.J. is two years old and
weighs 18 pounds! If you haven't been to OJ's new page's your
My New Hobby!!
My Favorite Pastimes
I enjoy sleeping all day and hunting all night. ( I bring my humans presents...I can't understand why they make ugly faces and say eeewww!) I like when Jan (my favorite human) opens up a can of tuna and gives me a special treat! Unfortunately I have to share it with my sister and little brother...and he hogs EVERYTHING! All in all, though, life is pretty darn good! I have a nice yard with lots of birdies and moles to chase, and a warm cozy bed to snuggle up in and take my morning nap. Here are some more pictures of Sheba and I just being cats!
Click to go to my Club Membership page!
My Friends on the Web
is my first web kitty friend.
Tasmin's Litter Box-- Stop by and see Tasmin and her family.
Bolling Family Web Page-- My humans have their own site too...guess I better plug it!
Odd...Toddly Enough-- Jan, (my favorite human), likes some rock star guy named Todd Rundgren.
Bullfrog Symphony Orchestra -- My Meowmie and Daddy's band!
I like to get mail. E-mail me at:
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