Sheba's Art Gallery

I'm Sheba. I am THE cat with taste and culture who resides in the Bolling household. My brothers...HA!...they are mere MEN, devoid of culture and refinement. Let me take you on a journey through my personal art collection, containing many of the finest examples of kitty art works. I know you will enjoy this public domain art. Please feel free to download at will. Every cultured kitty must have art on his/her wall!

        Aren't these three little kittens adorable!

                        This guy is quite the sophisticate...

                           Can your cats do this???

                                   These two little cuties are enjoying the crisp salt air.

                            This is my boyfriend....I WISH!!!

         Here little tabby is reading a good novel.

         ALL kitties love bags!

         The cat in the hat!

         This guy must sing like OJ!!!

         Swing your partners!!

         I like this painting of country cats.


                              Don't cha just love her eyes!!

                                     Now here's a handsome specimen!

                 This is very exotic looking...

                                    Mommy and her babies...

         OJ loves milk too!


         This one kinda looks like OJ when he was a kid.

         Cats and birds...playing together???

                                    This is a beautiful cat!

        Here's our country kitties again...on a picnic!

        This painting reminds me of dearly departed Puff.

        Black cats ARE the PRETTIEST!!

                         We are Siamese if you please...!

                                    Singing for his doubt!

                                Kitty pairs skaters Golovovich and Okhsana.


                            A kitty still life.

        This tuxedo is really relaxed!

                        Mom! Can we come in?

I hope you enjoyed your moment of culture. I think you'd agree that my collection is a fine one...and nary a DOG in sight!!


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Music: "Rikki Don't Lose That Number" by Steely Dan