God Bless Our Soldiers and America!

Real Soldiers

Watching my little boys play soldiers
All dressed up in old Army clothes,
Their heads held high defending their backyard
This is pride I am sure you know.

I realized I was holding my breath
Just watching my boys have fun.
My thoughts had drifted to the real soldiers,
The ones who eat and sleep with a gun

A mother wants to protect her child.
It’s our duty to keep them safe.
When our country came under attack
All of you stepped up to the plate.

Pledge of Allegiance

You took a stand for freedom,
You serve and protect our land,
And without even a second thought
You defend my children with your own two hands.

Each and everyone of you
To my heart I hold dear.
Because of you, our brave soldiers,
My children don’t have to live in fear.

I may never get to shake your hand,
I unfortunately don’t know your name,
But I pray for you and your families;
You are all heroes just the same

Teach the Children

You yourself are someone’s child
No matter your age or rank.
So sincerely from a mother’s heart
Each of you I would like to thank!

Thank you, Jennifer Dunfee

Copyright © 2003 by Jennifer Dunfee

Eagle Bar

I would like to add my own, "Thank you!" to all soldiers everywhere who are fighting to keep our nation free! God Bless and keep you all safe is my prayer.

This poem was written by my daughter-in-law Angela's best friend, Jennifer, who very kindly gave me permission to put it on this page. Thank you so much, Jennifer!

Eagle Bar

"America" (American Patriotic Medley) sequenced by Don Carroll.

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