Loving Hands

© by Sandra Warfield
Used With Permission
The baby was so lovely, her skin so soft and new.
Her mother took great care to keep it that way, too.
But then she grew and played and learned about life.
She would get hurt and show off her bandaids with pride.

There were so many things she was learning to do,
Typing, piano, writing love notes, shooting a hoop or two.
Still her hands were soft and pretty for
She cared for them each day with lotions,
creams and formulas to keep wrinkles and dryness away.

Wedding Hands

The ring looked so pretty on her finger the day she said "I do,"
Now in her love she was learning to care for someone new.
Then came the babies, the diapers and dishes.
No more time for dreaming girlhood wishes.

Working Hands

Her hands, once soft and lovely,
Now became cracked, rough, even ugly.
The years sped by and still she worked
Caring for others until sometimes it hurt.

Then, at last, her work on earth was done
And her Father said, "Come live with me, my little one."
As He stood before her, she hesitated, her hands
behind her back.
She didn’t want Him to see them, they were so rough,
and worn, and cracked.
But then He said, "Hard work and service are nothing to be ashamed of"
And showing the nailprints in His palms He said -
"We earned these hands with love."

This poem and wonderful devotionals came from
The Barnabas Chronicles.
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Midi "'til Tomorrow" is used with permission and is ©copyright 2000 Bruce DeBoer.

©Copyright June, 2001 - 2003 by Elzie Hayes. All rights reserved.