
I always needed some help any time I made a page and was always looking everywhere for the link I needed. My bookmarks are in a mess, there are entirely TOO many of them and I could never find the ONE bookmark I wanted! I hope you can find what you need here.


Virtual University - The site I recommend to learn all you want to know about HTML. You can take three different classes for $15.00, and believe me, you get your money's worth. They are great!

Hotwired: Webmonkey - A very good place to start learning HTML.

Boogie Jack - This man has just about anything you want to learn! A fantastic site with tutorials, graphics, sounds, etc. Also, you can subscribe to his great newsletters.

Joe Barta - Home Page Tutor - Another great site for learning anything you want to know. He has a lot of information about HTML, tables, frames, forms and the list goes on.

HTML Goodies

Bare Bones Guide to HTML

W3C - The World Wide Web Consortium - The official HTML guide.

Web Developers Library

Anne Hartman's World - Resources for beginners and advanced students.


After learning your HTML tags and how to put your page together, you will want some graphics for that page. Just remember, the more graphics you put on a page, the longer it will take for that page to load in a browser. If it takes too long, some people will travel on!


The Mining Company - I always start here when I need a specific graphic, and they usually have it.

Animation Factory - For all your animation needs!

Castleberry Arts. - Tess has some great backgrounds also. Free graphics if you use them on your personal non-profit web site.

Barry's Clip Art

The Graphic Station

Windy's Border Backgrounds - She has a lot of beautiful bordered backgrounds - another site I like to visit.

Wendy's Backgrounds - Another Wendy (different spelling) with great backgrounds.

Realm Graphics - I can't leave this one out! It was one of the first graphic web sites I went to when I started my site in 1998.

Just a note: These people work so hard to provide free graphics, tutorials, etc. PLEASE give them a link on your web page - that's all the pay they ask! Also, please DON'T link to the graphic on their site! Download the graphics to your computer and upload it to your web site. Thanks!


Personally I like music on my pages, but it's just your own preference. Don't forget to put in the tags for both the 'embed' and 'noembed' - read about them on Boogie Jack's site.


Don Carroll - Don has some of the best 'Middle-of-the-Road Styles' you've ever heard!

Redsal - (Sal Grippaldi) has a lot of different music sequenced by him. He's good!

Grandpa Schober - Grandpa has polka music! He is a 76 year old man who plays by ear - the accordian and keyboard.

Songs of Praise - Beautiful religious songs

Classical Midi Archives


<bgsound src="Unchain.mid" loop="false">

"Unchained Melody" just because I like it! It's from Sal Grippaldi's site.

Graphics on this page from Boogie Jack.


Copyright © 2000 - 2001 - 2003 Text only, Elzie Hayes. All rights reserved.