Welkom to the Hukurila Homepage

A website dedicated to Hukurila. A village on the Moluccan island of Ambon.


Klik de vlag voor de Nederlandse versie.

Welcome to the new and - hopefully - improved Hukurila Homepage. The frames are gone now, which makes that there are no more pop-up windows. With the fact that GeoCities is hosting these pages, comes the GeoGuide Banner. Feel free to take a url-tour or rank this site. Comments are always welcome. Just 'touch' the email button on the menu bar. For now only the English version has the new look and feel. I am working on the 'Nederlandse Versie'.

I am trying hard to give all the information available. I can use your help, though. Anything you know or have on the village and the families that have their roots in Hukurila is useful for this site. Please feel free to send an e-mail: (hukurila@tupan.demon.nl).

Now take a look around on the site and have fun!

Hukurila Homepage is a member of theMaluku Web Circle.

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updated: 12 march 1999

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