ELCOME TO MY MILITARY PAGE !!!Please take a few moments of your Day to think and remember those that have fought for us and the Families of those that lost love ones fighting for us.
Both of my Great grandfathers served in
Born in Robeson County and was by occupation a farmer prior to enlisting in Robeson County at age 18, March 10, 1862.
April 21, 1862. Mustered into state service at Wilmington and assigned to the 51st Regiment N.C. Company F.
Was wounded in the shoulder at Drewry's Bluff, Virginia. Returned to active duty on June 23. Present and accounted for through December, 1864. Survived the war.
Don't have much information about Hinson Revels. His wife drew pension from his service in this Company
The company, known as the "Ashpole True Boys," was raised in Robeson County and enlisted at Lumberton on March 10, 1862. It was mustered into state service at Wilmington on April 21, 1862, and assigned to the 51ST Regiment N.C. Troops as Company F. After joining the regiment the company functioned as a part of the regiment, and its history for the remainder of the war is reported as a part of the regimental history.
Alfred B. Walter Andrew C. Fulmore Jacob W. Hartman
William Stokes Norment Gilbert P. Higley
D.J. Alfin Jessie E. Baker Noah Barber Frederick Bass Archibald Baxley Henry J. Baxley Henry L.
Baxley Miles S. Baxley Peter D. Baxley William H. Baxley James W. Blanks James W. Blount
Jackson Boon William Boon Jesse A. Brewer John C. Brewer Richard Brewer William Brewer
Alexander B. Brigman Wellington Brigman Charles B. Bullock Henry J. Bullock Jesse Bullock William
Butler Elijah Byrd Joshua Byrd Samuel Clements Leroy R. Daniels Robert Dees George Douglas
James E. Douglass Davidson Evans Michael Evans Daniel A. Faulk James C. Faulk Faulkner Floyd
Memory J. Floyd Thomas Ford Andrew J. Goodson Charles P. Goodson Stephen Grantham James
Grimsley D.J. Hair Hugh Hair Robert Hair Dougald Hammonds Charles T. Harrington John E.
Hartman Bennet J. Hayes Levi C. Hayes Hiram G. Hazlewood Jepsey Henderson Oliver Herring
Benjamin Hodge Mathew Hodge Thomas Huggins William P. Humphrey Wright Israel Hugh J. Jolly
Alvi Jones Jesse B. Jones George W. Joyner Meredith Joyner Stephen Lock James A. Locuss
Franklin M. McDonald Neill B. McLean Daniel B. McLellan William B. McLellan George Mincey
Kenneth T. Morgan Abraham Morris James M. Morris Robert Morris John R. Musslewhite Rhodes
Musslewhite Wiley M. Musslewhite W.A. Norman Willis P. Odum William Oxendine David Page
John J. Page William M. Palmer William H. Parham Anson B. Pernell James B. Pittman Bryant Pridgeon
Calvin Ratley Joseph Ratley Eli Revels Henry Revels Hinson Revels Jonathan Revels William S.
Rodgers George A. Sparkman William P. Sparkman Aikin Spivey Henry Spivey John Q. Spivey
Lewis J. Spivey Samuel Spivey D.J. Sugard David D. Taylor Stephen Taylor Floyd Townsend
Nicholas Tyner William Tyner Lucas Walters Samuel D. Watson
>"Ashpole True Boys" Company F - 51st Regiment
A cousin lost his life at sea in WWII.
Edwin Canady
MoMM1 13-Aug-1944FLIER (SS-250)Sunk Balabac Strait near Mantangule .Wall of Remembrance--------"Lest They Be Forgotten ... "
Shipmates on Eternal Patrol in USS FLIER (SS-250):
A.J. Abrahamson, MoMm2 / Victor J. Anderson, TM2 / Herbert A. Baehr, ENS / George J. Banchero, MoMM2 / Clyde Banks, CK3 / Paul F. Barron, RM2 / William H. Bivens, S1 / Thomas L. Bohn, EM3 / Ervin A. Borlick, MoMM1 / William J. Brooks, MoMMC / Elton S. Brubaker, F1 /
Edwin Canady, MoMM1 /John E. Casey, LT / Christian J. Christensen, S1 / Charles W. Clawson, S1 / Roland J. Cosgrove, TM2 / Charles L. Courtright, S1 / William F. Cowhey, EM1 / John W. Cowie, EM3 / Robert A. Cushman, MoMM2 / Waite H. Daggy, MoMM3 / Peter A. Daros, MoMM1 / Thomas A. Donovan, TM2 / Walter E. Dorriscott, YN2 / Earle W. Dressell, QM2 / James E. Elder, YN2 / Harry G. Ericson, EM3 / Frank W. Falowski, EM3 / Fred E. Fender, MoMM1 / Bernard V. Fite, RM3 / Walter D. Freeman, S1 / Peter A. Gaideczka, PhM1 / Joseph J. Galinac, GM3 / Clyde A. Gerber, TM1 / Melvin G. Getchell, BK3 / Joseph W. Grimshaw, MoMM2 / Kenneth L. Gwinn, TMC / Gale W. Hardy, BM2 / Eugene W. Heller, S1 / Harry S. Holtyn, MoMM2 / Edgar W. Hudson, MoMMC / Sol Kantor, TM3 / Oliver W. Kisamore, MoMM3 / Walter J. Klock, RMC / Paul Knapp, LT / Joseph W. Kucinski, EM1 / George R. Laderbush, TM2 / Richard A. Lambert, TM3 / James Leroy, MoMM1 / Boyd O. Lindeman, TM1 / Gerald F. Madeo, F2 / P.S. Mayer, ENS / Edward H. McCoy, S1 / Vernon C. McLane, MoMM3 / Herbert a. Miner, ENS / Vernon L. Moench, S1 / Victor J. Murawski, F1 / Harvey L. Myers, EM1 / Joseph G. Nicholson, TM3 / David H. Nordhof, RM2 / Charles W. Parker, EM1 / Chester Payne, S2 / George W. Phillips, Jr., MoMM3 / Mason Poole, EMC / Charles D. Pope, GMC / Kit J. Pourciau, S1 / W.L. Reynolds, LTjg / Michael N. Ricciardelli, MoMM1 / Robert C. Rose, SM1 / Donald N. See, F1 / Alvin L. Skow, SC3 / James E. Snyder, MoMMC / Jerrold C. Taylor, EM1 / John C. Turner, SM1 /Paul A. Vest, MoMM2 / James F. Vogt, RT2 / Lucius P. Wall, TM1 / James E. Westmoreland, SC1 ....Sailors, Rest Your Oars!
A cousin who survived Pearl Harbor
T/SGT. Wm. P. Revels
Cousin Revels has told me many stories about the bombing of Pearl Harbor. He said, "I ask the Lord to take care of me and he did just that and I will serve him until I die". A Retired Master Sgt. The Robesonian page 5 Feb 14, 1958 T/SGT. WILLIAM P. REVELS has retired from the U.S. Air Force after 22 years of ser- vice and plans to open a photo- graphic studio near St. Pauls shortly. He is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Revels of Lumberton, Route 3. He enlisted in 1933 and except for a brief period between enlistments before1940 has serv- ed continuously. After his 1940 enlistment he was assigned to the Coast Artillery in Honolulu and was there when Pearl Harbor was attacked and re- mained until 1945 when he went to Okinawa. Re - enlisting (in the Air Force) he went to Pope Field and became Photo Lab chief. Since 1954 he has been at Shaw AFB and Foster AFB. Sergeant Revels holds numerous medals and a review was held in his honor on his retirement.
Retired Master Sgt. William P. Revels died in a traffic accident Dec. 16, 2002.
My Brother
Airman 1ST Class Willie Glen Blanks
Private Burnice Blanks
My Brother-in-Laws
Airman Herman Eugene Barnhill - 10/04/1937 - 01/06/1990 and Private Ronald J. Barnhill who served in Vietnam