JAMES W. BLANKS, was born to John and Aley Ivey Blanks on April 12, 1847, Robeson County, NC. SARAH C. BELL was born to Wiley and Martha Connor Bell on January 18, 1883 in Robeson County, NC
April 21, 1862, He was mustered into state service at Wilmington and assigned to the 51st Regiment N.C. Company F. On May 16, 1864, he was wounded in the shoulder at Drewry's Bluff, Virginia. Hospitalizied at Richmond.
Obit. for Rev. J.W. Blanks as it appeared in the ROBESONIAN Feb. 8, 1912.
Leading Minister of the Burnt Swamp Indian Association Passes.
"Rev. J. W. Blanks died at his home in Saddle Tree township Saturday at 7 p.m. His death was not unexpected, though it brought sorrow to the hearts of his relatives and friends. Rev. Blanks had been affected with heart trouble for several years, though his case was not thought to be serious until about one month ago, when he was taken seriously ill and suffered greatly until Saturday night about 7 o'clock, when the Great Spirit claimed its own. Rev. Blanks was conscious until the last several days before his death. He requested that Rev. A.T. Taylor and Rev. J.J. Bell preach his funeral and furthermore he selected the text that he wanted preached, namely, "I have fought a good fight, I have kept the faith," 2 Timothy 4:7.
The funeral was conducted Monday from the Magnolia Baptist Church by Revs. A.T. Taylor and J.J. Bell and interment was made at the family burying ground near Ten Mile bridge. Mr. Blanks was a Baptist Minister and was mostly the founder and builder of the Burnt Swamp Indian Association. He had been the leading minister in this association for 25 years and organized all the leading churches. It brings sorrow to our hearts to part with this good brother, but God knows best. While it is our loss it is heaven's gain. Rev. Blanks had been in the ministerial work for 30 years, during which hundreds have received baptism at his hands. He was a veteran and fought bravely in the late war. He was a good man and was loved by all who knew him. The writer had the good fortune of hearing him preach about 6 weeks ago. Though very broken in health, he spoke stirringly, with the same solemn voice of gone-by days, but oh, today that voice is still.
He has gone through death-to life.
Deceased is survived by his wife, 3 sons-Messrs. J.J. Blanks of Atlanta, Ga., Willie and Hector- and two daughters-Mrs. Warren Revels and Miss Loula Blanks.
Rev. S.A. Hammond
James W. was a Baptist Minister and helped organize THE BURNT SWAMP BAPTIST ASSOCIATION