Isaac Sampson was born in 1762. At least, when he applied for a Revolutionary War pension in 1818 he said he was 56 years old. He was the son of Ezekiel Sampson and Luranah. Isaac was too young to be listed as their child, on the Warwick, Orange County N.Y. Baptist Church Record of 1766, as Baptists didn't believe in infant baptism, and Isaac was not yet fourteen years, their age of accountability. If that is the first date that Isaac's parents were in NY, it is possible that Isaac was born in New Jersey, although family tradition indicates New York as his birthplace.
Pioneering a new settlement required felling trees, building cabins and roads; planting and harvesting crops, as well as hunting and fishing, to supplement the food supply. One can imagine that young Isaac helped as soon as he was old enough to safely handle an axe, a hammer, shovel, hoe, gun or fishing rod. All his doings one can only conjecture until he reached the age fifteen when he enlisted in the Revolutionary War.
Isaac's son, Isaac Jr., reported his parents as Isaac Sampson and Miriam Calkins, and the name of his maternal grandfather as John Calkins. The will of Moses Northrup, Beekmansberry, Dutchess County NY, probated July 1. 1747 listed his wife and children. One daughter was Abigail Caulkings. From The Calkins History by Mrs. Turney Sharpe, We learned that the Calkins, at that time, were living in what is now Hancock, Delaware County NY.
Isaac and wife were living in Middlesex, Ulster County, NY in 1790. By 1800 they were living in Chenango, Tioga County NY. In 1810 this family was living in Seneca, Ontario NY, according to the combined census records they had ten children. By 1810 Abigail, the oldest member had married, or died. George Washington, Luranah, Ezekiel, Polly, Sally, Isaac Jr., John C., Roxanna and Miriam were living.
In 1815, under the heading "Improve the Golden Opportunity", in Fire Lands Pioneer (FLP) New Series Vol. 3 p.62, Almon Ruggles and Nathaniel Ledyard advertised land for sale in New London, Huron County, Ohio. Fifty acres to be given to each of the first 20 applicants, after that, $1.00 per acre, payable in five years. The land, water and climate were excellent. Mills were to be erected by the proprietors. Isaac, his married son, Ezekiel, and other family members and their friends.
They probably put their worldly belongings on flat boats on Lake Erie and used the lake as their highway. When they arrived in New London they found a frontier town with many old trees, snakes aplenty, and howling. Prowling, dangerous wolves. Indians and French Canadian trappers were in goodly numbers. They saw some pretty hard times as they settled in. A few cabins and roads were already built. The main construction of houses and roads was yet to come, according FLP Vol. 6, excerpts from page 35-36. The Sampsons arrived in time to do their share of the building.
On June 2, 1818 Isaac appeared before Judge Jabez Wright in Huron County, Ohio, and applied for a Revolutionary War Pension and made declaration that he was 56 years old and in need and had served in the war. Isaac Sampson signed with an X, the judge signed his name with a flourish of the pen.On Nov. 1, 1820 Isaac Sampson appeared before the judge of Common Pleas again and declared his age to be 60, that he served his country 6 years and 2 months, that he was at the taking of Burgoyne.
(The next paragraph is the same that list his assets from his pension petition, CWT) NOTE "Isaac, for a few years, lived in the second section of New London' In 1822 he and his family settled on the south half of lot 3 section 4. He erected the sixth log cabin, made quite an improvement, clearing some fifteen acres, and sold it to A. Dayton Hendryx." (FLP Vol. 10 p22) Isaac was depicted as a good Christian man, serving as a deacon in the Baptist Church. Deacon Isaac Sampson officiated at the first adult funeral, that of Mrs. Francis Keyes. (FLP Vol. 4 p55) "Isaac was a stone cutter by trade. He made grindstones and millstone out of sandstone. He was also a brick mason. One of the monuments of his labor was the burning of the bricks and the building of the house of Deacon Henry Sackett in Ruggles Township. (FLP Vol. 10 p22)
Isaac was also a trapper. This compelling incident in his life has handed down to his second great grandson, Elmer Colby, who recorded that he and his father, Abraham Thomas Colby, were on Emery Mountain in eastern Utah. On top of the divide they could look over the clouds. It was breathtakingly beautiful. The hillsides were covered with pine trees, and the country was teeming with deer. They decided to move there camp. Because the descent was very steep they had several great difficulties. They reached the head of Indian Canyon that day and camped among the pines. The scenery, game and name of the canyon reminded his father of a story he'd heard his grandpa, Isaac Sampson Jr. tell of an experience of his father, Isaac Sampson Sr.
Elmer wrote: "So that night Pa told about trapping on Lake Huron. His great grandfather was a trapper. He had good season and his pelt storage space was really packed with furs to be sold as the season was over."He tried to be on good terms with his Indian neighbors, so when one of them motioned to him, he rowed his boat over to the shore. The Indian wanted to cross the narrow inlet, so Great Granddad let him into the boat. When they got halfway across, the Indian grunted and pointed to a duck in the water. "We see who best shot, you shoot 'em duck, then I shoot 'em duck.' Great Grandpa raised his rife, he glanced at the Indian's gun pointed directly at his head. Always an active man Great Grandpa knocked the gun away from his head and made the Indian lay it down in the bottom of the boat. He then landed the boat and they got out. The Great Grandpa kicked the Indian with all of his might, and sent him into the woods. Great Grandpa visited more traps and then returned to camp. When he went to put his fresh furs away he found his fine collection had been tampered with. A knife had slashed every fur, making them valueless. Of course the Indian stayed good and well away from Great Grandpa after that" (Elaine Colby, daughter of Elmer Colby, grandson of Margaret Sampson Colby, daughter of Isaac Sampson Jr. has the copy of this incident.)
Isaac and Miriam reared their children in, and around, New London, Huron County, Ohio. Most of these children married there, then some migrated farther west. Ezekiel moved to Fulton County, Illinois. He took his parents with him. Isaac received his last pension payment in 1838 at that place. It is not known if his wife preceded him in death, or outlived him. Isaac's burial place has never been found. Ohio claims him as one of their Revolutionary War soldiers buried in Ohio.
Clear before the Honorable Judge of the Court of Common Pleas at Norwalk within and for the County of Huron State of Ohio in the term of October eighteen hundred and twenty Isaac Sampson appeared in open court and made his oath, declarate in and schedule in the words and form following to wit State of Ohio Huron County "on this 1st day of November 1820 Personally appeared in open court being a Court of Record by the laws of the State of Ohio and known as the Court of Common Pleas Isaac Sampson aged sixty years resided in said county who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath declare that he served in the Revolutionary War as follows-that he listed in the New York line of Continental establishment in Capt. James Stuart's Company Col. Du Bois and afterwards Col. Cort'ot's regiment Gen. Clinton Brigade. Served six years and two months was at the taking of Burgoyne and that he did make declaration and petition to be'on the pension list roll on the 2nd day of June1818 and that he did receive a pension certificate number 14502 and I do solemnly swear that a was a resident citizen of the United States on the 18th day of March 1818 and that I have not ' day of March 1818 and that I have not ' --sale or in any manner----my property or any part thereof with intent to diminish it or to bring myself within the provisions of an Act of Congress entitled An Act o Provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States in the Revolutionary War ' on the 18 day of March service of the United States in the Revolutionary War ' on the 18 day of March 1818 and that I have not nor have I any income other that that which I contained in the schedule hereunto amended and by me subscribed 1 pair plough irons $2.50 on hoe .25 one axe $1.25 six hogs $12.00 one calf $2.50 on sickle 0.75 1 kettle 3.00 1 bake oven $1.50 3 chairs $1.50 1 small pot .50 1 tea kettle $1.00 and that his family consists of a wife aged 50 years one son aged seventeen years and one girl aged fifteen years - by profession a farmer unable to attend to the above form infirmities of old age.
Isaac Sampson Sworn and Subscribed in open court before me this day and year first above written. Signed: Jas Williams CCP
page 2 I, James Williams, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the County of Huron and State of Ohio do hereby certify that the foregoing testament the schedule --- are truly copies from the records of the said court and I further certify that it is the opinion of the Court that the total amount accounted in is the property subscribed in the aforesaid schedules is twenty dollars and twenty five cents In Testimony whereas I have --- --- --- --and the office the seal of the --- Court this 1st day of November 1820. Signed: Jas Williams CCP
(This is transcribed from a handbook with torn or eroded left side) Illinois 14502 Ohio Isaac Sampson Huron Co. in the state of Ohio ----was a private in the regiment commanded by Colonel Dubois of the New York ----for the term of 5 years scribed on the roll of Ohio at the rate of 8 Dollars per month. To commence on the 2 of June 1818. Certificate of Pension issued the 6 of Sep. 1819 and sent to Jabez Wright associate judge Court of Common Pleas Huron County, Ohio Arrears to 4th of Sep. 1819 14 mos. 3/30 $112.80 Semi-anl, all'ce ending 4 March 1820 1819 14 mos. 3/30 $112.80 Semi-anl, all'ce ending 4 March 1820 $ 48.00 $160.00
Revolutionary claim Act 18th March, 1818 see left ------Mar 31, '36 Trans. Aug. 24th, '36 Trans see left ------Mar 31, '36 Trans. Aug. 24th, '36 Trans (Pitts)Sept.6,'36 see left ------Mar 31, '36 Trans. Aug. 24th, '36 Trans CONT Transferred to Illinois from Pittsbg fr 4 Sept '35 to Sept 15, 36. Transferred to Illinois from Pittsbg fr 4 Sept '35 to Sept 15, 36. SLGC FAMC
At the time of the first Federal Census there was no Delaware County. At that time all land north of the west branch of the Delaware River, now in the County of Delaware was included in the Town of Harpersfield in Montgomery County. This township also included some land now in Chenango and Broom Counties. All land now in Delaware County south of said river was included in the townships of Woodstock and Middletown. Portions of these townships extended into what are now Ulster, Green, and Sullivan Counties. (see sketch on Delaware County NY USGenWeb page). Column #1 gives the enumerator's number in each township. Column #2 lists the head of the household. Column #3, Free White males of 16 years and upward including the head of the household. Column #4, Free White males under 16 years of age. Column #5, Free White females including heads of families. Column #6, All other free persons. Column #7, Slaves The present location is not dependable, but as near as thus far it has been able from other records to establish.
S Middletown 30 Sampson, Henry 1 1 2 Hancock 31 Sampson, Isaac 1 1 2 Hancock 32 Sampson, Israel 2 2 1 Hancock
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