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are amazed at many people that we meet who do not have goals for their lives.
For many, the daily operation of life is existence. Many have never set
down with a pen an dpiece of paper and asked God to give them direction
on how to live their lives. Every person needs some goals. Without a plan
to evaluate our lives against, how do we know if we have succeeded? J.
C. Penny said: "Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I'll show a man who
will make history; show me a man without a goal and I'll show you a stock
clerk." A goal is a tool in which make a plan to reach a particular completion
of a task. The Christian must first strive to live his life in such a way
that it will lead to acquiring the prize of eternal life and mature faith
in Jesus Christ.
In order to achieve the goal of a deeper relationshipwith Jesus Christ, we must sure that we take a moment to evaluate our spiritual condition. If we do not know where we are, it is difficult know whether we are making head way in our walk with God. We must be willing to recognizethat we are lacking, in order that we can get back on track. Paul said that he did not want to arrive at the destinationof the end of his life only to be turned aside by the Lord. He believed that his daily example was extremely important
for his life.
It is also important to make sure that our goals are worthy.
Paul said that he was striving for a cown that would last forever. How often do we set goals that are inferior to our capabilities
and reliance upon the Lord. The success of this world is so small when compared to the eternal crown of righteousness.
There is no higher goal for the believer than to have said at the end of his life that "I have lived my life totally for the Lord."
What are your goals for life? Are you in line with the Bible teaching?
"I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called
me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
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modified : Wednesday,April 8,1998