LOST...Please help

Your mission, should you choose to accept it...

Help if you can...
I have hit a dead end in my genealogy research. My great-grandfather
was supposedly from Dudley, England. I have found a wonderful new
friend there, and Charlie is helping me to get as much information as
possible from Dudley, but so far it hasn't been much.

I am using this page to ask for your help...

Have you ever seen a photo of this man?
He is Joseph Mullett, born March 12, 1882.

His wife was Emily Louise Taylor of New Foundland.
More information about her, can be found here.

He left England in 1900 at the age of 18 yrs., and was disowned.
He kept in touch with a sister, who's name is unknown, and later
with a niece named Violet Parker, her photo is below.

Quite possibly this is his mother, Sarah Wood(h)all Mullett.

We don't know for sure, but there is a resemblance.

Below is another photo of Violet...My guess is that
she was born about the same time he left England,
but again, no one knows for sure. If she is no longer
living, her children and grandchildren should be.

right click here (and choose "open in new window")
to see an image of all four photos.

Thanks GeoCities for helping me find my anscestors!