Living Room
The heart of the home

Of course, this is where we do most of our "living"!
Hopefully this is where you have chosen to come
first, because this is the place I tell everyone
that my home is a:

Family-Friendly Site

People feel much better after learning that.

I recently learned that there is a project
started to help bring our MIA/POW's home.
It is called the Yellow Ribbon Campaign.
To learn more click here:

Then I found out about Gunny,
and he let me help with his project!
Click here:

to learn about my hero!

There are lots of great causes out there, but few do I feel as strongly about as these:
Domestic Violence


A survivor of domestic violence myself, I firmly believe the need is great for understanding men and women in the church. I see it happening too often inside Christian homes, and the church is failing to make these men accountable. I will be posting my story here soon. If I can help one woman, one child or even one pastor or deacon, then it will have been worth it.

Lastly I want to place this banner on my page,
please, take a few minutes and look at these faces.

Even if you don't see anyone you know, if you want to do more, you can visit the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children website. Read some of the success stories, learn more detailed information on a specific child, search for a specific child or get educational resources.

I just found a really great inspirational book!
It's called Chicken Soup for the Soul.
The great thing, is that you can get part of
the book emailed to you everyday! Neat, huh?
Just click this button and sign yourself up!

I think we are done here. Hope you are
enjoying your visit. Where to next?

{The Kitchen}{The Schoolroom}{The Garden}{The Dining Room}
{The Library}{The Front Parlor}{The Backdoor (floorplan)}

Have stepped into this room since December 29th, 1997.

This background created by me (© 1997),
please do not use without my permission.