You are here because you want to learn how to make a webpage. You want to learn the basics of html. You need to learn those basics, in order to survive the internet! I do not claim to know all there is to know about html. As a matter of fact, I am sure I know very little. However, I would love to share what I do know because when I first came to the internet in Oct. of '97, I hadn't a clue as to how to make a webpage. If you are are "clueless," then this just might be your place to be!

This is a very basic page. If you check the source of this document, (in Netscape click: "View, Document Source"... in Internet Explorer click: "View, Source") you will see these tags: (a tag is a code word with these symbols on either side of it: < >) In an html document, these tagged words do not have any spaces between the symbols and the letters.

* < HTML > & < /HTML >
< HEAD > & < /HEAD >
< TITLE > & < /TITLE >
< BODY > & < /BODY >
< A HREF="" > & < /A >

< CENTER > & < /CENTER >
< P >
< BR >

* (Your page must have (if nothing else) this code word set.)

Notice that the tagged word < P > causes a space between lines, and < BR > just starts a new line. Notice also that the < CENTER > and < /CENTER > caused this page to have my list centered. You should always be sure when using a "tag set", that you use both the beginning AND ending tags.

Now, click on each part of the list above, to learn what each "tag set" does.

Those are the basics, are you ready to learn how to put fonts, images and music on a web page?

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