This is a very basic page. If you check the source of this document, (in Netscape click: "View, Document Source"... in Internet Explorer click: "View, Source") you will see these tags: (a tag is a code word with these symbols on either side of it: < >) In an html document, these tagged words do not have any spaces between the symbols and the letters.
< CENTER > & < /CENTER >
< P >
< BR >
* (Your page must have (if nothing else) this code word set.)
Notice that the tagged word < P > causes a space between lines, and < BR > just starts a new line. Notice also that the < CENTER > and < /CENTER > caused this page to have my list centered. You should always be sure when using a "tag set", that you use both the beginning AND ending tags.
Now, click on each part of the list above, to learn what each "tag set" does.