"Don's Page"


Hi, my name is Merle Don, but I like to be called 'Don'.




I like to watch WWF and WCW wrestling, and my favorite wrestler is

'DDP-Diamond Dallas Page'.


'Diamond Dallas Page'



I like to watch Donald Duck and the Goof Troop which Goofy is my favorite.

Our favorite football team is (my brothers and I), 'The Green Bay Packers'.


Oh yeah, my brother forgot to say that we have foster parents who are our legal guardians. They are Goofy and Popeye. Our real mom and dad are unknown to us at this moment, but we do have this picture of them. It was taken on January 7th, 1990 on my 2nd birthday. The picture is not too good but it is all that we have of our parents.


'Our real mom and dad '



As of March of 1990 we started living with our new foster parents, whom became our legal guardians until we are the legal age of 18. They are Goofy and Popeye. This is what we looked like when we first started living with our now mom and dad...




...and now, look what we look like here. Below is a picture of us with our mom and dad.



We sure have grown up a lot, huh?



This is me close up



And, last but certainly not least, this is our foster big brother Ronnie Lee who goes by "White Wolf", standing with Robert and I .


Robert, Ronnie Lee and Don


  Ronnie Lee is a big help to Mom and Dad, as that when we don't do our chores he makes sure we do them, and as you can see he is big so we listen. He works at Round Table Pizza and at times he gets us some free pizza. That is neat of him to do for us, huh? We like hom an awful lot, he plays army with us sometimes and once in a while he takes us places. For our birthdays or Christmas we can't wait to get our presents from him as they are really big! So, if you get the chance to visit his page please do so. See you all later, please come back again soon as we will be updating this again in the near future.

Ronnie Lee's page...