For the Christian Woman
These are my very favorite sites for Christian women. I hope you will enjoy them too! Take off your shoes, grab a cup of tea (don't forget the chocolate) and take some time to look through these links... I think you'll be glad that you did!
Laine has such a sweet spirit about her letters and the tips she shares with women through her weekly letters. The archives are available on her site or you can join the e-mail list and receive her letters right in your inbox.
Laine's Letters
Do you receive Laine's Letters, and would like to discuss them with other women who receive them, too? Would you like support in your walk with Christ from other Christian Women? Join Discuss_Laine's Letters, a yahoo email group.
This program is a great support to the mothers of young children, and it's an international organization so there may be one near you!
Mothers of Preschoolers
Recipe-A-Day Sign up for the e-mail group or just view the archives.
Saving Dinner The home for Menu-Mailer. The subscription service that delivers a menu, shopping list and recipes to your email inbox every week.
Miserly Moms This e-mail loop has emerged from the book Miserly Moms. Joni McCoy (the author of the book) was on the e-mail loop at the time that I was in it. It is a great place to get money saving ideas.
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