Check out information at the bottom of the page on an e-mail loop for women who are
reading or have read the book.
I watched 700 Club when Stormie Omartian came on as a guest. She began telling about how she had felt about her husband at one time and what God had taught her. She was describing some of the same feelings toward him that I had toward my husband. She talked about the book she had written THE POWER OF A PRAYING WIFE and I knew I had to get it. I called one of the local Christian book stores and they reserved a copy for me.That afternoon after my son's botany/canoe class I started out toward the bookstore. I looked at my son who had gotten very wet with clumps of mud in his hair sitting on towels in the car. I couldn't take him in the store looking like that, so I decided I would drive by and stop only if there was a parking space right in front of the door where I could see the car while I was in store paying for the book (I felt an urgency to get this book). The checkout counter was in front and that is where the book was being held for me. Well, there was a parking space in front of the door and I was in and out of there in a couple of minutes.
I began reading the book the next morning during my devotion time. As I was reading the first chapter, His Wife, I began to weep as I realized there were some areas of my life that the Lord and I needed to work on. My weeping seemed to come from somewhere so deep within me that I could hardly breathe. Afterward, I likened it to having heart surgery without any anesthesia (except it wasn't physically painful).
Later I felt that I should write out some of these prayers personalized for my dh, but he is Muslim and I didn't want him to think that Christians just memorize certain prayers like they do. So, it was several weeks before the Lord showed me that this was what I should actually do as dh doesn't have any idea how Christians pray and talk to God (and he sure doesn't believe God answers back either) and this would be an example for him. I copied the prayer for His Health, as my dh has high cholesterol, and placed it on the refrigerator. I also copied His Work and placed it in his planner so he would see it when he opened the next day at work. I was unsure of what his reaction would be, but I was pleasantly surprised when he read them and thanked me for them.
I have since recommended this book to many friends. Everyone that has bought it and read it has had only the highest praise for it.
It's shown me how important praying for him is...and that God is ultimately responsible for him, not me.
My husband was going through a *phase* where he disconnected from me, from being involved in the parenting process, and going to church. He was gloomy, moody and we were fighting a lot because I was silently throwing daggers his way on Sunday mornings. I began praying through PPW, especially the first prayer, fixing his wife. About 6 weeks later he joined the church I was going to, started a Bible study on parenting with me and offered to watch the kids so I could go out for a few hours! God is faithful! I am learning that prayer fixes things that nagging, fighting, begging, or crying cannot. There is always a need that can be addressed by the book especially since I am not fixed yet!
The Lord has helped me to control my tongue until I have a moment to use it in a constructive way... in prayer to Him! This has been such an overwhelming blessing especially since enemy has been working overtime now that I am reading this book. This was my first clue that reading and applying the wisdom found in this book is the last thing that the enemy wants to see happen in my life. I can see that this has the potential of helping me to move closer toward the goal of becoming a more Godly wife and mother. I am so thankful that the Lord has allowed me to recognize the enemy's attempts to "put a stick in my spokes", and (so far) they have been about as bothersome as a swarm of gnats!
(It has) given me a stronger connection with my husband even when I'm not physically with him/near him. I feel like I can really be an influence now where I felt somewhat helpless in certain areas before. It's extremely encouraging knowing that that influence won't be my own but the Lord's. It is so exciting and freeing to know that God is in charge of our marriage and our family and our future.
What a convicting book! At times, it has been difficult to read. I would put it down and pray about what I had just read that was troublesome to me. The Lord has shown me that I have great power in my prayers for my
husband, David. I am a new Christian and because I didn't know all the "right words" I didn't feel as if my prayers were as effective as those who had been Christians for a long time. I have learned to listen to the Holy Spirit. He tells me when my husband needs prayer even before my husband does.
It has helped me to focus on love rather than anger and to try to understand my husband better.
The Power of a Praying Wife E-mail Loop"Thank-you for forming this praying wives group. In this age of internet access to literally all aspects of mankind, I was intimidated by the thought of bringing this "tool for evil" into our home...but I trusted GOD and my husband, and simply prayed for spiritual guidance. 'PrayingWife' has shown me one of the ways GOD uses email and the internet! He uses all things for HIS good, and I'm grateful to join you in prayer for our husbands, and children. Thank-you to everyone on this loop too! I find myself looking forward to reading your prayer requests and notes of encouragement to each other."
"Imagine what could happen in our country if everyone prayed like we are for our husbands."
"Thank you for being here, for being committed to your marriages and for being role models and support for
me. I wish I could give you all big hugs, and get some too. You are truly my sisters in Christ and I thank you for ministering to me.""I just want to say how thankful I am to be part of this group, too. I feel I could talk to any of you and trust you. I am privileged to pray for you and to be prayed for by you."
I'm sorry to report that The Power of a Praying Wife e-mail list is now closed.
Thank you to Victorian Elegance for creating these beautiful graphics.