Equipping Your School
List for a well equipped school room:
Dictionary for each child
(allows you to have them take a dictionary
with them whenever they are doing reading)
Thesaurus (there are children's verions
Rhyming Dictionary
Writing Handbook for each child (Write Source)
World Map
Continental Map
United States Map
World Atlas (for children)
Calculator (protractor, etc. if needed)
Pens (we like erasable)
Manipulatives for math (unless you have
older students)
Paper (lots of paper!)
Poster board
3X5 Index Cards (handy for lots of things...
bookmarks, flash cards, notes, etc.)
Handwriting Strips on the desk of any child
who is still learning handwriting. If you don't have a desk, attach
the strip to a yard stick... portable, too!)I am finding that a lot of people visit this page when doing a Google search for handwriting strips. I purchased mine at Rainbow Resource Center, but I've also seen them at my local teacher's bookstore for quite cheap. Another possibility is an office supply store, like Office Depot or Office Max.
Encyclopedia, either book form, or on CD
(We like World Book)
File Cabinet or Portable File Boxes and
file folders
Art Supplies (crayons, paints, paint brushes,
charcoal pencils, colored pencils (Prismacolor), art paper, etc.)
Indoor/Outdoor Thermometer
Timeline (you can make this out of posterboard,
cut in strips and dated)
Individual desks or a big table
A Timer (for timed practice sheets, or to
keep you on schedule)
Number chart (unless you have older students)
Multiplication chart
Magnifying Glass
I'll call this list "Not so necessary,
but nice!"
Chalkboard or white board
Computer(s) with Internet Connection and
GeoSafari (you can make your own cards to
go with any subject you are studying)
CD/Tape Player
Phone with answering machine (you can stop
for just a second to listen to message,
and then answer only if necessary)
The Christian Family Complete Household
Judy Clock (if your kids don't tell time