Welcome to my guestbook. I'm glad you stopped by! Please take a moment to tell me what you think!

Faith - 12/17/00 19:12:21
My URL:http://www.wosib.faithweb.com
My Email:wosib@usa.net

Greetings! You are cordially invited to join Women Of Strength & Inner Beauty! We are an online organization for women of all kinds, to come together, to live, laugh and learn. I think you and your lovely site would be a wonderful addition! We'd love for you to join us! If you're not interested in our membership, be sure to check out our awards program, free graphic sets and much more! (http://www.wosib.faithweb.com)

Melissa - 11/26/00 00:12:36
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/benhlhs
My Email:stimpyo1@juno.com
From: Minnesota, USA
Hobbies: scrapbooking

I'm sorry for the loss of Keaton. I've lost a son, Benjamin, to HLHS and a son, Matthew, to SIDS. Someday, we will be reunited with our children. This is the only thing that keeps me going somedays. God bless, Melissa

Sue - 11/22/00 00:12:11
My Email:Suem3680@home.com
From: New Jersey
Hobbies: Stitching & Reading


kathy Kees - 11/07/00 21:45:02
My Email:cnk4evr@yahoo.com

My husband and I are expecting our first baby and have just learned at 25 weeks of pregnancy that our baby has the exact same condition Keaton had. If God decides to take our little one, we know he/she will have plenty of playmates in heaven, including K aton. God bless you and your family.

AKYRA JACKSON - 10/19/00 19:20:39


Burton - 10/05/00 17:56:57
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/az2/burton/
My Email:burtonc@altavista.net
From: Phoenix, AZ
Hobbies: Going to Church, Flying Airplanes, Sailboats and Ham Radio

Nice site ... just wanted to say hello from Phx, AZ ... God Bless Your Family! Burton

Elena Aguilar - 09/28/00 06:26:48
My Email:tojoon@swbell.net
From: dallas


Mary Ann - 08/08/00 06:02:44
My Email:magi@dellnet.com
Hobbies: Paints,-x-stich, I have my own studio called BackRoom Designs, in which I delve into all types of arts/crafts, and one of a kind designs.


gina - 07/29/00 05:33:01
My Email:ntrscout@aol.com
From: FL
Hobbies: being a mommy

I clicked on your link because you signed a guest book of a trisomy baby mothers page saying you had a simalar story I am looking for information and others who have had to cope with a trisomy 13 baby, I Lost my baby boy Nicholas to Trisomy 13 after only precious days. If you have any info or share in my sadness please contact me. Thank you. Gina COR 5:8

Shanta Brownridge - 07/01/00 09:22:42
My URL:http://members.home.net/craigbrownridge
My Email:shantabrownridge@hotmail.com

i just recently lost my daughter to HLHS. i would be very interested in talking with you and knowing some of the feelings you had... shanta

Eva-Lena Sjöberg - 06/20/00 23:55:57
My URL:http://home.swipnet.se/hjartat
My Email:Lama@mbox304.swipnet.se
From: Linköping.sweden
Hobbies: mi babys

thinking about your lost for a littel boy. love from mi. from Eva-Lena michaela.s mom 971129-980430 she vos heartsik

Melissa - 06/17/00 23:54:29
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/benhlhs
My Email:stimpy02@juno.com
From: Minnesota

I'm sorry about Keaton. My precious son, Ben, was born with HLHS. He had a rough first year, but had been doing so wonderful. He was suppose to have his fontan this fall, but fell ill and died suddenly on 4/26/00 due to a blood clot. We also lost our irst son, Matthew, to SIDS. I miss them both so much, but must believe we will see them again, someday.

Folgers - 06/09/00 05:05:26
My Email:ford@lasal.net

Hey, very very nice....i bookmarked it...one day i will show yo mine....thanks for letting me view it...

Angel Marsha - 06/06/00 18:49:22
My URL:http://welcome.to/DivineAngels
My Email:divineangels@yahoo.com


You are cordially invited to join The Divine Angels in our Grand Opening. The Divine Angels is a new internet group devoted to women. A safe place where members can join together to discuss their problems, stories, and lives. A place to have laughs, meet new friends and make lasting memories. We have several wonderful committees for members to become involved in. And are looking for several staff members to become Committee Leaders. We do hope you will consider joining our group or our webring. Love and Laughs...The Divine Angels

julie - 05/09/00 01:51:32
My Email:register@netins.net
Hobbies: cross stitching

Hi Karen, I was here tonight!

Amee Gates - 04/17/00 02:54:06
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/co3/joshuasfight
My Email:thesparkygatesfam@netzero.net
From: Colorado

Our son also went home to be with Jesus due to HLHS. He was with us for 25 days, Nov. 4 - Nov.29 1999. We have wonderful treasures in heaven!

Lindy - 03/30/00 22:24:06
My URL:http://geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/2790
My Email:lindym@nycap.rr.com
Hobbies: roller blading, crocheting, reading the Word

Nice looking site... God bless...

hafelin - 03/15/00 21:44:18
My Email:ysatis@cybercable.fr
From: paris

une petite pensée de paris pour votre petit ange. avec toute mon affection

dave - 03/13/00 01:24:09
My URL:http://www.paidwhilesurfing.net
My Email:baez154@themail.com
From: ny

nice site, i like it a lot check out my site, you can be paid to surf the web

Jo Perrin - 03/09/00 13:40:47
My Email:www.Jo_J_Perrin@Yahoo.co.uk

I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Shannon on 3/2/200. She died on delivery and was diagnosed just 5 days before her birth with HLHS. I am still learning about this defect and would love any information that you could mail me

Becky - 02/17/00 16:05:23
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sc2/beckysplace
My Email:steele4@infoave.net
From: Lancaster, SC
Hobbies: Cross stitching, making lightbulb xmas ornaments & birdwatching

I enjoyed your site. I too like Paula Vaughan. I will be back to visit. Visit my site when you get the chance :)

Billie McAlpin Pavlovsky - 02/14/00 13:31:46
My Email:bcpok@aol.com
From: Oklahoma City
Hobbies: reading, computers

Karen - I am an old classmate of yours from Pearl. You will probably have to get your old yearbook out to remember me. I was surfing the net trying to find info on Pearl and possibly news on a 30 yr reunion when I came across your name and thought I woul say hello. I tried to e-mail you but somehow it didn't take so I will try again. Glad to hear things are going well for you. Love your web page. I would love to hear from you sometime. Have a great day and God Bless. Billie

Solomon - 01/25/00 23:15:50
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/on2/GodsSport
My Email:tiny1macro@juno.com
From: Indiana
Hobbies: Computing

I realy Like your Site

Donna - 01/22/00 00:25:03
My URL:http://bizzeeb.tripod.com/index.html
My Email:bizzeeb@aol.com
From: NY
Hobbies: crafts

What a nice site. Please visit us when you have time. Thanks!

White Horse - 12/19/99 17:40:50
My URL:http://white-horse.net/
My Email:WhiteHorse@white-horse.net
From: On a Quest, Currently in California


Howdy! What a GREAT web-site! I would like to invite you to enter my web-site competition; The White Horse Peace Trail. A FUN way to promote your web-site. Interested? Accepting sign-ups now for January 2000 Contests. Click On The Graphic. WhiteHorse@white-horse.net

theresa - 12/15/99 14:18:44
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/on2/theresabennett
My Email:mstheresabennett@hotmail.com
From: usa

great pages!

Jessica - 11/23/99 23:22:05
My Email:jrodri4978@aol.com
From: new york
Hobbies: reading,going to school

my daughter tiffany was born on dec.9 1996 with HLHS. She had the norwood procedure done also and she died 3 days later.tiffany past away the day after christmas.so i guess she wanted to be with us on christmas before she passed and we love her forever fo that. I was only 19 and she was my first baby but now i have another little girl who I also love very much.i will never forget my baby tiffany who was only 17 days when she passed. the only thing that makes me feel better is knowing that she will never b sick or hurt again.thank you!

Marie (Ree) - 11/08/99 01:02:43
My Email:marieb@netins.net
From: Victor Iowa
Hobbies: sewing, camping, working with girls in Girl Scouts

This is really Great, Karen!! Keep up the great work you are doing for Jesus!! I hope to meet you soon!! Love ya as Jesus does! Marie

Hans Erich Myors - 10/27/99 00:36:25
My URL:/pprayers
My Email:pprayers@yahoo.com
From: Americus, Georgia

Baruch Hashem. Shalom from a fellow believer in Y'shua at Geocities and a fellow member of the Christian Home Pages at Geocities Webring.

Becky Dupree - 10/09/99 17:49:01
My URL:http://mo-net.com
My Email:gaybeck@mo-net.com
From: Missouri
Hobbies: xstitch,buttons,jigsaw puzzles

If you hear of any used Paula Vaughan books for sale, I would like to purchase some.

Mindy Dawn - 10/08/99 21:37:20
From: Oklahoma


Donna - 10/07/99 07:04:05
My Email:ranamuck@gateway.net
From: Washington
Hobbies: Cross Stitching, Decorative Painting, Gardening, Cooking


e1nanny - 10/07/99 02:46:57
My Email:e1nanny@hotmail.com
Hobbies: Christian Chatting

Very nice pages---too long to read in one night.Lol-but will get around to it.Nice entrance too.I am Kapitts friend. e1nanny

Kateira - 09/04/99 05:23:19
My URL:http://sites.netscape.net/kateira/hope
My Email:Kateira@hotmail.com
From: Kentucky
Hobbies: gardening,crosstitch,geneaology, bikeriding, poetry

Hi! Karen :) Thought I'd sign your guestbook. you have a lovely site:)

colleen tochkin - 08/26/99 01:27:19
My Email:51291732@3web.net
From: Canada
Hobbies: crosstitch-paintingI

I do a lot of different crafts, including soap, candle, and papermaking. But my favorite are crosstitching and country tole painting. I'm also having just as much fun looking up all my favorites over the internet. I've enjoyed browsing thru yours....Thanks from Colleen, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Brenda Earl - 08/16/99 14:57:18
My URL:http://rideau.net
My Email:bgearl@rideau.net
Hobbies: Swimming raising funds for familys with children with congenial heart defect who are waiting heart transplants

It was very nice to read your story. I lost my Son Samual Allan Foster Earl June 18,1994. after 2 years 2 months and 16 days of living with complexed conjenital heart defects. I was a jouney with which I took with god and my family and friends,We have sta ted a charity Cow's for Cardiac kids to help other familys cope with the expence and support. we are small but we are mighty. an knowing Sam's memory lives on

Marie - 08/06/99 18:27:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/4084
My Email:mawre@netmcr.com
From: North Carolina
Hobbies: cross stitch

Karen, I enjoyed my visit to your page and learning about you. My son-in-law was born in Iowa. You have great cross stitch links--would love to see some of your project.

Please come to Visit

Patti - 08/05/99 22:12:28
My URL:/Heartland/Bluffs/2441
My Email:Sherlock2@cwix.com
From: Appleton, WI
Hobbies: Cross Stitch, Antiques, computers

Hi, what a great site you have! I also like Shepherd's Bush and Pat Rodgers. She is actually from Appleton which is kind of neat. I enjoyed your page very much. I put a link to your page on my links page!

Debbie Shrum - 07/18/99 04:37:33
My Email:Debb123@hotmail.com
From: Tennessee
Hobbies: writting poetry,photography, my computer, fishing, and I love spending time with my family and most of all I love the Lord

I like your homepage...Karen....God Bless you and yours always!

Lynne - 06/19/99 11:33:19
My URL:http://www.ladyredrose.com/SGM.html
My Email:publicity@ladyredrose.com
From: friend


The founders of Sisters of the Golden Moon, LTD. wish to formally launch our group with an invitation to visit our site at: http://www.ladyredrose.com/SGM.html. We invite you to visit our Universe and become acquainted with our exclusive group!

Sisters of the Golden Moon, LTD is fashioned in a celestial theme consisting of Our Universe which encompasses all members. We believe every female is a star in her own right and we have chosen the title Star for all members. Stars form constellations and we have formed four constellations for your review.

Please accept this letter as a formal invitation to view our site and consider supporting Sisters of the Golden Moon, LTD. with your exclusive membership. We promise to proclaim you a star sister and have a program in place which we feel will enhance your online realm. We have assorted activities for you to align with in the form of Constellations.

Please give us your comments on Sisters of the Golden Moon, LTD ... we're interested in your first impression and we are open for suggestions!


Lipstick, MysticalRose, LadyRedRo§e
Founders, Sisters of the Golden Moon, LTD.

David L. Shultz - 05/24/99 03:35:01
My Email:dlshultz@csrlink.net

My sympathies

Jonny - 05/23/99 17:07:46
My Email:gudfinn@post.olivant.fo
From: Faroe Islands
Hobbies: Sewing and knitting (and chatting)

Hi Karen, I love you homepage, I hope I one day can make my own homepage. I like to chat with you and our christian chat friends. Here is some word in faroes. Hav tað gott í dag. = Have a nice day. Love Jonny

Gracie Chaffin - 05/10/99 18:12:28
My Email:graciec@brevard.net

This is a beautiful commemeration to your grandson...I know he is with Jesus and God need another little angel in heaven...

Lou - 05/06/99 20:25:14
My URL:http://www.zoomnet.net/~blgpts
My Email:blgpts@zoomnet.net
From: Ohio
Hobbies: reading. surfing the web

Hi, enjoyed your page and wanted to stop in and wish you a great day... God bless.

Elisabeth - 05/02/99 13:43:58
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ga/ElisabethHomePage
My Email:ElisabethK@aol.com
From: Columbus, GA
Hobbies: reading,computers,traveling,driving my 99 Ford Explorer XLT,piano

Karen--You have a wonderful page! Keep up the good work and your faith. ~~Elisabeth~~

Barbara Holliday - 04/26/99 03:02:34
My Email:bigdgmom1@aol.com
From: Bell Gardens, California
Hobbies: Reading (especially Gods word) the computer and cross stitch

Thank you for sharing you life and your faith with those who might not know you or the Lord. I am a Christian and I enjoy many of the things you enjoy. I love to get to know people and this is the best way for me. God Bless you and give you much joy and peace Bye for now Barbara.

Mary Davis - 04/12/99 15:57:23
My Email:reaves@zebra.net
From: Alabama
Hobbies: Crafts, do my Personalized Children's Books at Craft Shows

I really did enjoy your website, and I have it bookmarked. Maybe you can shed some light on why this disease happens. I would have never known about this if it hadn't happened to my grandson, too!! It is a mystery to me. I is nice to know that I migh have some one to talk to about this, because no one I knows about this disease, except my sister-n-law, that is a nurse in Florida. Awaiting to hear from you. Mary

Rick - 04/10/99 00:43:50
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ga/rdm1
My Email:rdmcqueen@mindspring.com
From: GA
Hobbies: Golf

Comment: Hey Friend!!!...Man, what a Great Site!...It's not hard to tell who is Lord of Your Life! Thank you for telling of His Love and for being obedient to His Call...God Bless!...Rick aka "SHAMMAH!!!" II Samuel 23 11:12

brandi and lyndon - 04/05/99 03:43:21
My Email:
From: milledgeville, ga.

We are sorry for your lost. Our son, L.J. died July 7, 1998 of the same cause. Our heart goes out to you and your family. Love, Brandi and Lyndon

brandi and lyndon - 04/05/99 03:37:54


brandi and lyndon - 04/05/99 03:37:13


brandi and lyndon - 04/05/99 03:37:12


Deryl Morgan - 03/22/99 01:35:05
My Email:rsmorgan@clandjop.com
From: Joplin, Missouri
Hobbies: Cross-stitch,sewing

A very nice site. You and I have similar intrests. I will come back again.

ELIZABETH FRAMELI - 03/10/99 20:30:25


Angel Dude - 03/06/99 06:48:34
My Email:space-angel@startrekmail.com
From: california
Hobbies: being with my son!

hello there , just got done reading everything , i'm really impressed , you have a wonderful web page! GOD BLESS YOU !!!!

Pami DeFraia - 03/05/99 19:26:24
My Email:pami@frontiernet.net
From: NY
Hobbies: sewing, cooking and gardening

Nice page Karen..........good luck in your quilt. Pami

Donna - 02/28/99 23:43:53
My URL:http://members.aol.com/pootrmom/lance.html
My Email:turmeric@bellsouth.net
From: Louisville, Ky.

So sorry to hear of the loss of your precious Keaton.

Fabe - 02/23/99 19:08:17
My Email:yvosipe@netins.net
From: the boonies!
Hobbies: Reading & e-mailing

Great! Job well done.

Rebecca Niland - 02/20/99 03:44:13
My Email:mike-beck@mindspring.com
From: Maryland

God bless!!!!

Susie&Dale Broadhead - 02/18/99 16:23:47
My Email:daleb@cybertron.com

nice page with interesting links

Linda Martin - 02/14/99 04:47:42
My URL:http://members.apl.com/healing4u
My Email:Healing4u@aol.com
From: Las Vegas, Nevada
Hobbies: Reading, writing, playing with my grandbaby, and surfing the web.

You have a lovely page. I trust many will come to Christ and be encouraged through these pages. May God abundabtly bless you!

Mary Abshier - 02/14/99 01:44:16
My Email:mabsh@lcc.net
From: Groveton.Texas
Hobbies: Computer,reading.crafts

your pages are really lovely. Thanks for sharing them. Mary

Edward Kleiner - 02/08/99 19:23:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/8622
My Email:72437.2367@compuserve.com
From: New Haven CT
Hobbies: Computer Games on my Compaq PC, Internet Surfing

Hi Karen I just surfed via a guestbook & came to your site. I like it a lot. You have a super great site. I like your Welcome Image at the top of the page & I also I do like your description of what you said about your children that you put on your homepa e. So come on down to my Website & tell me the things you like on it & sign my guestbook. Thank You Very Much. Sincerely Edward Kleiner

Col Irwin - 02/01/99 05:08:17
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~ninja2000
My Email:ninja@onclick.net
From: Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Hobbies: Collecting Police memorabilia

A very nice page. I enjoyed the visit.

Doug - 01/31/99 08:31:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hollow/6209
My Email:spyfox@netzero.net
From: Kansas
Hobbies: E-Mail

Just Visiting.

donny - 01/30/99 09:53:37
My Email:donny2000@webtv.net
From: donny


donny - 01/30/99 09:52:44
My Email:donny2000@webtv.net
From: donny


Richard - 01/28/99 14:27:18
My URL:/Broadway/8231/
My Email:calmuser@geocities.com
From: Canada
Hobbies: make webpages

cool site, make sure you check it out mine

Mary - 01/26/99 20:39:29
My Email:brillo_hari@hotmail.com

Very pretty page....enjoyed alot...would of liked to have seen some pictures.

Ronald Tai Lee Shyong - 01/26/99 07:48:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/4647/
My Email:tlsfile@usa.net
From: Malaysia
Hobbies: Listen to music

Hi, your homepage is a good actually but there's one thing which I should tell you. When the music is on, my computer jammed and wondered why this happen. ok, one advice I can tell you is: go to NETMECHANIC. Get ht l check. Sometimes there may be error in the html codes. Go and check

Debbie - 01/26/99 01:58:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lane/7657/index.html
My Email:mikel@midwest.net
From: southern Illinois
Hobbies: wood crafts and cross stitching

Karen, love you pages. they are all for the love of our Lord. Will come back time after time to check if anything new is added. just met you tonight in geocities chat room. So nice to meet other christians.

Kirsten - 01/24/99 19:04:40
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~blessedMom/momhome.htm
My Email:blessedMom@usa.net
From: Colorado
Hobbies: music - dulcimers

You have a wonderful home. Thanks for the reminder on angels. Please check out a new Christian Women Fellowship at http://www.fortunecity.com/millenium/taunton/102/

Sunny - 01/23/99 20:57:29
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Sunny77/
My Email:icstars2@hotmail.com
From: Sunny's Pages
Hobbies: reading, drawing, making people smile.

You have a lovely site here. Thank you for sharing you and your family. Suncerely, Sunny

Vicki aka ßlackrat - 01/21/99 04:01:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Stadium/9750
My Email:lindavic@bellsouth.net
From: Walls, MS: near Memphis
Hobbies: Christ, karate, and computers.

Lovely page, Kapitt. God Bless you. You are a blessing in geocities family religion chat. Thanks for allowing me to visit my site. Please feel free to come to my site, and sign my guestbook, if you haven't. ~§~ «»« † »«» ~§~ (the pic. is supposed to be fish, swimming out to sea, freely, w/ the support of Jesus.

Weasel - 01/19/99 23:50:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lane/3725/
My Email:defi@bedford.net
From: PA
Hobbies: Listening to Music, Playing GUitar, Skiing, Running, Chatting

I love the page, keep up the good work and I hope I see you in chat because you are great company in there.

Melissa Sears - 01/19/99 04:27:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Falls/9572/index.html
My Email:m.msears@navix.net
From: Lincoln. NE
Hobbies: reading, exercising

Our baby son, Peyton, was born on Dec.17, 1998 with HLHS. He lived to be 6 days old. Please visit our site to read his story and see his photos. The pain of this loss is still so new, and at times it is unbearable. Thank you for giving the oppurtunity t share my son's life with you. I would like to read about your Grandson, Keaton. Take care, Melissa

Kimberly - 01/17/99 21:19:29
My URL:/Heartland/Lane/7119/
My Email:kimdavid@wcoil.com
From: Ohio
Hobbies: making up webpages

What a wonderful job!!! I love your pages!!!!May He bless all you do not only today but always!!!!

Kateira - 01/14/99 21:42:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/2805
My Email:Servantes5@yahoo.com
From: Kentucky
Hobbies: writing poetry,gardening,history and travel

Loved your site. I was really glad to meet you. In His Love, Kateira

Tammy Dennis - 01/13/99 01:07:18
My Email:tam@nlcomm.com
From: Ohio

I think your page is beautiful..I am sorry for your loss. Please tell your daughter that my deepest sympathies are with her.

Bekka - 01/07/99 03:03:10
My URL:http://geocities.com/sunsetstrip/garage/7915
My Email:guitar_videogames@thedoghousemail.com
From: geocities chat
Hobbies: mountain biking, music, stuff

I hope you remember me, i was 777 in the chat room. I love your page! Here is my church's homepage http://www.couleeregion.com/bethany God Bless!

Maria K - 01/05/99 13:53:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~wingsofangels/craft.html
My Email:wingsofangles@geocities.com
From: KY
Hobbies: Stitchin'!

Enjoyed my visit. Check out my XS exchanges! There's a new one starting now. Maria

Pat Casey - 01/05/99 03:12:09
My Email:jinkxs@netins.net
From: Iowa
Hobbies: Swimming, ceramics

Hi Karen checked out you pages they are great

Beth Kietzmann - 01/04/99 01:22:14
My Email:kietzmann@dotnet.com
From: Wisconsin
Hobbies: recycling greeting cards


Freda Lamb - 12/26/98 11:32:23
My Email:D3323754@infotrade.co.uk
Hobbies: cross stitch &crochet


Willow - 12/24/98 05:12:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/4875
My Email:willowsweb@hotmail.com
From: Totoville, Ks. USA
Hobbies: The Lord and all His creatures.

I very much enjoyed your pages and I've always wondered what one would do with that animated rainbow bar ... now I know and it looks great. Thanks for all you've shared and hope to get to know you better as days pass by. Your friend in Jesus, Willow

Carol Cleaver - 12/15/98 05:44:31
My Email:cdcia35@uswest.net
From: Des Moines, Ia
Hobbies: my family

Great things, I will have to sign in later and look at it closer. I loved it!!! Thanks For sharing,

Linda Martin - 12/13/98 05:44:36
My URL:http://members.aol.com/healing4u
My Email:Healing4u@aol.com
From: Las Vegas, Nevada
Hobbies: Reading, writing, surfing the web, and playing with my brand new grandbaby!!

Just stopped by to share my burden with you. There are many within the Body of Christ who are hurting and feel hopeless. I was one of them. Like Humpty Dumpty, I had taken a great fall. Due to my own failures, my life was shattered. But the King of Kings ovingly picked up the broken pieces of my life and put them back together again. The world discards broken vessels, but God restores them and uses them for His glory! There is hope, healing and forgiveness through the blood of Jesus.

Tammie and Keaton Leak - 12/12/98 03:37:06
My Email:faith324@msn.com

My Keaton was born june 1, 1995. He is the love of my life as I'm sure your Keaton was and is. You are in are prayers. Yours Truly, Tammie

susan - 12/12/98 02:57:33

karen: Nice web site....love the music. It's great. Going back to chat with you now.

~ladydeb!~ - 12/10/98 02:50:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/4882
My Email:dsg@henge.com
From: Colorado
Hobbies: Crafts and my family

I really liked your page. It is nice to see some heart-warming sites on the internet. Keep up the great work and I will be back! Happy Holidays to you and yours! Jesus is the Reason for the Season!

Tom Keaton - 12/08/98 03:42:55
From: Kansas


Marcie Stumpf - 12/07/98 15:26:40
My Email:stumpf@palacenet.net
Hobbies: children and needlepoint

We lost our little angel at 5 weeks, Jazmyn was born with her heart on the outside of her chest(ectopia cordis). I have become friends with many moms whos babies have hlhs and I pray for their life every day. Take care, Love Marcie and Jazmyn Stumpf

carol - 12/06/98 02:03:36
My Email:karimz@starfishnet.com
Hobbies: x-stitch

enjoyed your pages i too like to crossstitch but since i have gotten my computer i spend little time on x-stitching trying to learn the computer and hope some day i can do a home page i too belong to icq anyway have a very happy and healthy holiday god bless you all carol

David McCasland - 11/01/98 05:24:09
My Email:david.mccasland@gte.net
From: Dallas,TX
Hobbies: golf

Hi Karen! How's everyone doing! I'm finally on the internet. Take care. Love, David

Leanne - 10/18/98 08:12:57
My Email:aslin@alphalink.com.au
From: Australia
Hobbies: X stitching, collecting bears especially Pooh.

What a lovely surprise to find your page. Not only do I love cross stitching but I also love Pooh bear, I've bookmarked this one so I'll be back to check out your other links too. Thanks for a lovely spot to visit!

Debbie - 10/12/98 22:05:26
My URL:http://www.wcnet.net/folks
From: Wharton, Texas


Carolyn Easley - 10/08/98 02:28:47
My Email:CE3010@aol.com
From: Katy, TX
Hobbies: sewing, children


Kym - 09/15/98 01:57:52
My URL:/Heartland/Ranch/9269
My Email:kymmi@usa.net
From: KY
Hobbies: homeschooling, reading, listening to music, raising kids (is that a hobby?), web page and graphic design

Hi Karen! I found your site as I was searching the gllowww webring. You've got a great start here. God Bless you and yours. :)

Mary - 09/11/98 18:01:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Studio/1676
My Email:seemary@cheerful.com
From: California
Hobbies: reading, surfing the net

Karen- What a cute page you have! I surfed in from the Geocities Christian webring. I like your rainbow swirl bar at the top of this page too! -Contrary Mary

Click here for Contrary Mary's homepage!

Patti - 08/24/98 21:42:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/2441
My Email:Sherlock@mcione.com
From: Appleton, WI
Hobbies: Cross Stitch, Reading

What a great page! I am also an avid cross stitcher. I, too, like Shepherd's Bush and Pat Rogers. Pat Rogers is from Appleton too although I've never met her! You've done a really nice job and I can't wait to come back again!

Mary - 07/28/98 02:58:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/3169
My Email:havingfaithinhim@hotmail.com
From: Nebraska
Hobbies: Adding to my web site, reading, auctions, etc.

Hi Karen!! Thanks for visiting my site and leaving a link so I could return the visit. Always nice to meet other Christians on the net and we're in a bunch of the same web rings, imagine that, haha! Anyway, I'm attaching my happy home page award since really liked your site! Have a great day! *hugs*

Tazi - 07/25/98 16:14:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/meadows/1747
My Email:onceuponatime@geocities.com
Hobbies: Genealogy, computers, crafts

I wanted to stop by and thank you for visiting my page,and signing my guestbook. I was so sad to read your story about your grandson...I know how bad it hurts to lose someone you love so much. My mother was very lucky to be born with her heart defect and live for as long as she did, and I thank God everyday that she was able to live that long. May God bless you and keep you in his love.

Maurice Thompson - 07/25/98 04:00:41
My Email:mthomp5118@aol.com
From: maurice
Hobbies: Golf

See u later

Cindy Bates - 07/24/98 02:53:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/5134
My Email:bates@ecis.com
From: California
Hobbies: Reading, Cross Stitch, Rollerblading

Karen... It is nice to meet you!!! Cool page....thanks for visiting my family's page(your neighbor from the Made with Love ring...)the above addy is for my other site..please come visit?

Kris - 07/17/98 10:33:56
My Email:kristysgifts@kristys.com
From: Ohio
Hobbies: Cross Stitch & collecting Seraphim Classics Angels

Hi Karen, I really enjoyed my visit and learning a little about you. Your site is very nice! I too LOVE JESUS! I also have been cross stitching for the past 15 years, although I rarely have time for it since starting my business. Well, again I enjoyed vis ting! Thanks!

Elaine Deppeler - 07/15/98 10:56:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/5877
My Email:elained@geocities.com
From: Australia

Thanks for stopping by my page and leaving me a lovely message in my guest book..... I'm returning the favour here..... I've enjoyed reading your pages....... keep up the good work.... "NEIGHBOUR"

Elaine aka Light - 07/12/98 17:28:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/1738/
My Email:elainem@i-55.com
From: My guestbook
Hobbies: Reading, Working on Web Page

Your page is Lovely. Thank you for sharing. Light & Love!!! Elaine :o)

angelChild - 07/08/98 15:41:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Bayou/1323
My Email:angelChild@rocketmail.com
From: here
Hobbies: photography, web design

Ver nice page, keep up the great work, and Lord bless.......

other pages Angels Place on Earth
Break Free

Melinda Stilson - 07/06/98 18:15:07
My URL:/Heartland/Meadows/1554/
My Email:woodsbend@geocities.com
From: West Liberty, KY
Hobbies: Internet, karate, judo

Hi, I enjoyed visiting you page, thanks for stopping by ours.

Rose - 07/02/98 02:12:13
My URL:http://www.concentric.net/~hiker867/rose.html
My Email:love.is.blind@usa.net
From: Ring of Love Webring

Hello- We're going around all our Ring members pages and seeing what their up to lately. From what we've seen you've been busy earning some really nice awards for your site! Good for you!!! I think your ring neighbors would love to hear from you or get o know you. Why not stop by! See ya in the Ring! -Rose

Paul Whitacre - 06/28/98 21:35:06
My Email:paulw@ctaz.com
From: Bullhead city,AZ


Lu Ann - 06/26/98 21:42:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/8463
My Email:texmex@3lefties.com
From: Clovis, NM
Hobbies: Chatting & working on my homepage

You've done a wonderful job with your page! I'm working on mine slowly, it's coming along though. *s* Take care!

Ann-Christin - 06/14/98 11:25:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/3394/
My Email:annchristin@os.telia.no
From: Oslo, Norway
Hobbies: Reading, pets, webpage design. making graphics

Yhank you for visitin me and signing my guestbook. Your page is absolutely beautiful, so well designed. I enjoyed my visit.

Ricka Parkhurst - 06/13/98 22:24:53
My URL:http://members.aol.com/srpark84
My Email:HONORTEM@aol.com
From: Ks
Hobbies: writing, reading,women's ministry

Hi Karen, Found your website and wanted to say hi. You have done a wonderful job with it!! God's blessings!

Ricka Parkhurst - 06/13/98 22:08:32
My URL:http://members.aol.com/srpark84
My Email:HONORTEM@aol.com
From: Ks
Hobbies: writing, reading,women's ministry

Hi Karen, Found your website and wanted to say hi. You have done a wonderful job with it!! God's blessings!

Daria - 06/09/98 17:36:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/7803
My Email:jgsik@epix.net
From: Pennsylvania
Hobbies: Cross Stitch, Reading, Sewing

Hi there. Now I understand why you felt at home at my site. I feel the same way about yours. It's nice to meet you and I hope to chat with you on ICQ. God bless, Dar (BBC Mom)

- 06/07/98 04:22:44


Nikki Kopenski - 06/07/98 03:31:06
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~NikkisHome/index.html
My Email:xstitcher_98@hotmail.com
From: New Hampshire
Hobbies: What else? Cross-stitching.

I found Pamela Martells page and decided to check out everyone who is a part of the Webring. I hope to part soon. I have been doing cross-stitching for about 10 years. I am only 25. Right now, besides cleaning a 2bedroom apt. and taking care of my 4 y old daugher, all I do is cross-stitch. I don't know how I would live life with out it. Would be nice to hear from another avid stitcher. Happy Stitching.

Melinda Stilson - 06/01/98 14:57:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/1554/
My Email:woodsbend@geocities.com
From: West Liberty, KY
Hobbies: Internet, karate, judo

Hi, I really enjoyed your page. I'm glad you stopped by mine. If you need any help making your church Web page, let me know, I would be glad to help.

Teresa Amy - 05/29/98 23:00:52
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~TAmy/index.html
My Email:tamy@speedline.ca
From: Oshawa, Canada

What a sweet little angel and a beautiful tribute page. I would love to include Keaton's page on my niece's website under personal memorials. Please e-mail me to let me know if it is okay. Take care and God bless

sharon curley - 05/27/98 01:19:19
My URL:www.yahoo.com
My Email:jscurley@teleport.com
From: oregon
Hobbies: everything

very nice graphics and I hope to explore some more.

Jan Donovan - 04/29/98 03:43:13
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members2/bydonovan/index.html
My Email:bydonovan@northstate.net
From: High Point, NC
Hobbies: Rubber Stamping

Very nice site. I will bookmark to visit again in the near future. A nice example to share with my computer students.

Lisa - 04/28/98 05:53:31
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~loganskylarsmom/index.html
My Email:schwartzfamily@hotmail.com
From: Los Angeles
Hobbies: The Net!

I really enjoyed your page!

Joey Martin - 04/22/98 19:19:52
My Email:hametown@aol.com
Hobbies: Cross stitch, silk ribbon


Micki - 04/21/98 20:42:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~mawandpaw/
My Email:playyard@swbell.net
From: KS
Hobbies: Reading, Gardening, Chatting

Hi There!! This is your ever-faithful Community Leader. I just wanted to stop in and say Hi! and sign your guestbook. I like your site. I myself am trying to turn my life to Jesus, but it is slow going since I am insisting my family go along with me. But we will make it, I have faith. => See ya next month!

Barry Fraser - 04/15/98 21:52:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/9943
My Email:fraserbl@idirect.com
From: Toronto, Canada
Hobbies: genealogy, computers, travel

Arrived by Heartland Link. You have a wonderful page. I was charmed. Congratulations on a great job.

Ricka Parkhurst - 04/07/98 18:57:34
My URL:http://members.aol.com/honortem
My Email:HONORTEM@aol.com
From: Kansas
Hobbies: writing

I have enjoyed my visit. I have a women's ministry and love seeing what God is doing in the lives of His people. Please come visit.

Ricka Parkhurst - 04/07/98 18:55:55
My URL:http://members.aol.com/honortem
My Email:HONORTEM@aol.com
From: Kansas
Hobbies: writing

I have enjoyed my visit. I have a women's ministry and love seeing what God is doing in the lives of His people. Please come visit.

Brenda - 04/01/98 07:47:48
My Email:whitfords@juno.com
From: Portland Oregon
Hobbies: stitching too!

Can't wait till I have time to really explore this site. I love it!

T. Amy - 03/23/98 12:49:41
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~TAmy/index.html
My Email:tamy@speedline.ca
From: Canada
Hobbies: photography, cat-lover

I am sorry about the loss of your grandson. My niece Geordi also had a congenital heart defect and died after contracting several diseases while recovering from open heart surgery. She was 18-months. Take care of yourself. God bless.

Tammy - 03/21/98 18:28:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/1310
My Email:dtmorris@twave.net
From: NC

Hello there and welcome to LOTH! Sorry I haven't visited sooner but LOTH is growing so fast! I think you have a terrific page! The graphics are wonderful! I can tell you worked hard creating it! Keep up the great work and if you get a chance please stop y my page and sign my guestbook! Also if you need any great graphics or are just out cruizin the web stop by my hubby's page and sign his guestbook...his URL is http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Horizon/4498 I've also started a campaign to stop dome tic violence if you would like to hear more about it visit http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/1310/campaign! Thanks and have a wonderful day!!

KT - 03/20/98 19:45:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~kht/
My Email:kht@nwlink.com
From: usa
Hobbies: dolls

First I want to ask you to join a new society of of Christian Ladies.. GLLOWWW Gods Lovely Ladies On World Wide Web.. If you chose to join I will be glad to sponcer you and just put that on the form.. http://www.geocities.com/~gllowww/ Now the other thing I woould like to say is

After seeing your homepage and your wonderfully hard work
youhave put into it and the great content it has
I would like to ask if you wouldPlease concider
becoming an EnchantedForest Community Leader
unless you are already one for another neighborhood.
The Kids Really NEED You...
For every detail you need please go to this url..

Sarah - 03/20/98 06:18:26
My Email:L8Baby@aol.com

Hi, I am so sorry about your grandson. Your page is so wonderful. I am on the PD heart list. I am 18 years old and had open heart sugery when I was 4 years old. I hope you and your daughter continue to be happy and well. ~Sarah

Laurie Beard - 03/20/98 02:23:03
My Email:Mbeard@lcc.net
From: Trinity, TX
Hobbies: My kids/homeschool

Your page is a great tribute to your grandson. I share your grief and my heart goes out to you.

Angel Wings - 03/19/98 16:44:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Gallery/2476
My Email:angelwings59@hotmail.com
From: TX
Hobbies: oil painting,crafts.

Heaven is full of Angels devine...Because it has yours and mine.

Danny (aka SILVERBOY) - 03/17/98 23:43:12
My URL:/Heartland/Acres/1035/
My Email:silverboycl@geocities.com
From: Geocities Heartland
Hobbies: Cheerleading, Gymnastics, Band, and the internet/computers!!!


Thanks for signing my guestbook, I'm pleased to do that same for you=) I hope you are enjoying spring break, that is if you get one. *grins* I get off tomarrow, Wednesday till next Tuesday. I really need the break. Tell your son to ke p up the good work on his bass clarinet and that anyone who plays bass clarinet, this totally applies to me, ROCKS!!! *L* Well, I just wanted to let you know that your entry was well welcomed. ~Thanks. Have a nice day and if you ever need any help or ust someone to talk to I'm always here. Don't forget to *SMILE*

Your bud, Danny SILVERBOY
SILVER'S HOMEPAGE -- Please visit!!!
Was the above banner the one you where talkin' about? *VBS*

Jan - 03/16/98 19:00:39
My URL:http://home.att.net/~jabarton
My Email:PopsHunny@aol.com
From: Florida
Hobbies: Too numerous

Really enjoyed my visit, Karen. Jan (Golden Angel Ring)

Brigitte Sealing - 03/16/98 14:13:08
My URL:http://www.imcnet.net/~schatz
My Email:schatz@imcnet.net
From: Watertown NY
Hobbies: Reading, computers, painting, crocheting and more:)0

Hi I am your neighbor in the Ladies ring and came to visit.I was working my way down the list and forgot to see my neighbors first.:) Loved your pages and may our Lord and Saviour Jesus christ richly bless you and all the ones you love. Love in Christ Gitte

Angells - 03/14/98 06:13:45
My URL:http://www.bluemoon.net/~angells
From: Ang.
Hobbies: computers, Reading Bible stuff, crossstitching, drawing.

It was nice to find your page through the Golden Angel Ring angelgram. I am glad, because you proudly proclaim Jesus. I also have three grandchildren. Their mother had a stroke at l7 caused by Moya Moya disease. She was not suppose to have the last baby, ut she refused to abort it. She can have other strokes, so she had to have all c sections. I have four children. The youngest is six. It must have been hard losing your grandchild. I came close to losing my daughter. The Lord has his reasons for everythin , and knowing He rules in our lives gives us peace. All things work together for those who love God. God bless you, and I hope to stop in again. Ang.

Gail Schilling - 03/13/98 07:49:23
My URL:http://userzweb.lightspeed.net/~gsangel
My Email:gsangel@lightspeed.net
From: Fresno, CA
Hobbies: Angels and collecting Barbies and Gene's

Hi, Enjoyed your site. Please come by and see my site and sign my Guestbook too. God BLess, Gail

Holy Fool - 03/11/98 22:08:54
My URL:http://home.bip.net/kgb
My Email:holyfool@kurir.net
From: Gävle, Sweden
Hobbies: God and clowning

Nice little place you have here a looong way from my place. Vaya con Dios! Hej då!

Keith L. Klaus - 03/11/98 19:37:56
My URL:http://www.topher.net/~klaushaus/
My Email:klaushaus@topher.net

nice page. Your E Free Church link didnt work. CELEBRATE EARTH DAY on April 22 BY WORSHIPPING THE CREATOR ! Col 1:13 For He delivered us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. 15 And He is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creation. 16 For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities-- all things have been created by Him and for Him. 17 And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.

Pamela Rowse - 03/01/98 05:31:30
My URL:http://members.aol.com/wownurse/index.html
My Email:wownurse@aol.com
From: Pam
Hobbies: Reading, writing and my grand daughter's web-site

I found your sight about your grand child....I lost mine a year ago March 5th....I had a daughter who is 19 now who almost died from a congenital heart defect.....she is due to have her first baby March 30th.....you have my prayers and thoughts.....Pam

Sandi Samms - 02/25/98 02:00:49
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/millenium/blossom/6/index.html
My Email:sandisam@swbell.net
From: Katy (suburb of Houston, Texas
Hobbies: Surfing the net these days.

A really great website. I love meeting Christian friends on the Net. "Praise God from whom all blessings flow."
Come by and visit my house sometime.

Lisa Carr - 02/23/98 18:08:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/1591/darwinsh.html
My Email:Xaviel@juno.com
From: NY

What a beautiful dedication to little Keaton.

Elvina Gros - 02/23/98 02:09:16
My Email:mgros@bellsouth.net
From: Houma,La.(Bayou Blue)
Hobbies: Camping,Cross-Stitching,Doing Avon,& Listening to my husband & friends playing guitars.

I finally got to look at your web page. You do very great work! I really enjoyed all of it. I hope that we can talk soon on ICQ. God Bless and take care. Hope to chat with you soon. Your friend,Elvina.

Pam Wingard - 02/22/98 15:21:18
My Email:lakotawoman@webtv.net
From: B.R.,La
Hobbies: Crochet,plastic canvas, x-stitching, & showing our APBT dogs

Great page Karen Write us sometimes Your Cousins, Dave & Pam Wingard

Sandi Coobs - 02/21/98 02:56:52
My Email:sjc@mindless.com
From: Your hometown!
Hobbies: cats, books, sewing

Was just "goofing around" while I should be doing income taxes, and was surprised to find this page! Neat! I might stumble onto this again sometime!

Jill Bondurant - 02/19/98 01:57:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/6104
My Email:Overseer5@metrolink.net
From: Florida
Hobbies: Piano

Adorable website Karen, your family looks wonderful. Thanks for visiting my site and for your kind words. God bless you.

Doris - 02/17/98 20:29:07
My URL:http://members.aol.com/mjrdomo15
My Email:Mjrdomo15@aol.com
From: Seattle
Hobbies: Cross Stitching

Cool site, I was just checking out some of the other people on the "Crossing Stitches" webring.

annie - 02/10/98 00:41:08
My URL:http://www.oz.net/~annien/annies_homepage.html
My Email:annien@oz.net
From: Washington
Hobbies: music, reading, website, figure skating (watching not skating unfortunately)

You have a very nice site here and I think it was nice to have a page as a tribute to your grandson. I've also been married (well for 27 years) and have two grown children and three grandchildren. May the Lord bless you and keep you; May he make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; May the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace annie

Charmaine - 01/22/98 05:52:38
My URL:http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/van.den/INDEX8.HTM
My Email:eynden@hotmail.com
From: Nova Scotia, Canada

I found you through the Voting Club and I have very much enjoyed your warm, friendly pages ! J

Jackie Thibodeaux - 01/22/98 04:06:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/1877
My Email:mjthib@cajunnet.com
From: Gray, La.
Hobbies: genealogy, bowling, camping, listening to my husband and friends play guitars.

You have done a wonderful job Karen, and have been great to me. Love you, your cousin, Jackie

Peggy - 01/17/98 02:38:37
My Email:davisfam@netins.net
Hobbies: cross stitch, collecting cherished teddies and angels

Karen-Thanks for inviting me to your page. You have done a beautiful job. Keaton truly was a blessing. God Bless

Audrey - 01/13/98 00:47:04
My URL:http://www.idigital.net/pwong/
My Email:audrey@idigital.net

Hi there! :) You have done a great job on your site, and I luv the layout, graphics, and super cool features! It's evident that you have put a lot of effort into your page. Congrats on your accomplishments!! I hope y u will visit my site sometime as well. Just click the banner below! Hey, wanna link to each other's site? If so, let me know! Until then, take care! PS. If U want to increase visitors to your page, visit: GSA Banner Swap! It really does work!! :)

Audrey's World

Aphreal - 01/13/98 00:44:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/8812
My Email:aphreal@wt.net
From: TX
Hobbies: reading, Needlepoint, computer (internet)

HI sweetie! Thank you again for voting for my site. Your site is very uplifting and I was so happy to see you so freely sharing the Love of Jesus. He is the Upmost! Hugs to you and Hope you day is Cheery! Aph

Kymberlie R. McGuire - 01/08/98 00:19:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~kymberlie
My Email:kymberlie@imailbox.com
From: Spring, Texas
Hobbies: Reading and computers.

What a lovely site you have here, sister. I am so sorry about Keaton and your family will be in my heart. Take care and keep up the great create!

Something Interesting!

Visit the Mutant Movie Reviewers From Hell!

Mary J. Failla - 01/06/98 03:05:46
My Email:MJRJ116@worldnet.att.com
Hobbies: X=Stitching, crochet,sewing & knitting

Retired and started Cross Stitching and love it. It seems I am addicted to it.

Cheri Williams - 01/04/98 07:59:25
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~CheriR/index.html
My Email:acwillia@mtnhome.com
From: Mtn. Home, AR
Hobbies: stay-at-home mom, floral designing, home decorating, computer

You have a beautiful website and a touching tribute to your grandson, Keaton. I have a page dedicated to the 4 babies I have lost through miscarriage on my site. I would love for you to visit if you get a chance. God bless you.

Donna - 01/04/98 03:16:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~pbear
My Email:pbear@geocities.com

Hello Karen =) Sorry it's taken me so long to sign your guestbook. I've fallen very behind due to the holidays! You have a wonderful page and I am so very sorry for the loss of your grandson. It sounds like he was a very special little boy! With warmest regards, Donna

AngelHeart - 01/03/98 04:42:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/9774
My Email:ajaks@norfolk.infi.net
From: Virginia
Hobbies: Computer,Reading,Gardening,Decorating

I'm very touched by this site..and your page for your precious grandson..and yes, he is now safe in the arms of Jesus and also a little angel flying high:) God Bless you my sister in LOTH....

Angel - 01/01/98 12:36:37
My URL:http://www.angeltoo.com/
My Email:angeltoo@geocities.com
From: Jacksonville, Fl. (home of the Jaguars)
Hobbies: are you kidding me? My computer, of course. *S*

Karen, thank you for inviting me to your "home". I am very touched by all you've written. May God Bless.

DEbby - 12/31/97 02:30:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/9784/
My Email:dbrandt@oregontrail.net
From: Oregon
Hobbies: html,LOTH, xstitching, quilting

What a very special page, thank you for sharing it with all of us.

LadyDebbie - 12/30/97 02:06:17
My URL:http://www.mindspring.com/~dkalbe/
My Email:dkalbe@mindspring.com
From: Kansas
Hobbies: Puters hehehe

Karen, I stopped by to say welcome to the Ladies of the Heart. I'm so sorry about your little Grandson, please tell your daughter I think she is very brave and courageous. May God bless you all. {{hugs}} J

LadyDebbie's Homepage

Diane - 12/30/97 01:36:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/2078
My Email:dtimmons@iswt.com
From: Tennessee-LOTH
Hobbies: collecting antique post cards, reading, surfing the web

Hello and welcome to LOTH. I look forward to "meeting" you soon. What a wonderful tribute to your grandson. You have a great page. Keep up the excellent work. Please stop by my site when you have the time.

Scott Leatherland - 12/20/97 15:54:44
My URL:http://www.comsource.net/~poopers
My Email:poopers@comsource.net
From: Evansville, IN
Hobbies: Computers, photography, etc

Hi Karen, I wanted to leave you a note to say that I visited your tribute to Keaton and I found it very touching. My wife and I lost our baby girl in December 1996 to complications brought on by several heart anomalies including Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. I nvite you and all of your other visitors to stop by our web site and visit The Paige Page! http://www.comsource.net/~poopers/paige.html Even though our story has a sad ending, I wrote the page to celebrate our little girl's life and to let everyone know that they should never give up. If we would have, we never would have gotten the chance to meet our little angel. Take care and keep th faith! *smile*

Debbie - 12/17/97 03:06:13
My URL:http://www.egyptian.net
My Email:rdhog@ns.egyptian.net
From: Sparta, IL
Hobbies: Painting, Crochet

Karen, Found your signature in my guest book so I thought I'd drop in and check out your page. You've really done a good job.

Donna Feickert - 12/16/97 18:29:09
My Email:baker@ptel.net

Hey Karen, I have a brief moment of free time and I thought that I'd say hey. I love the web page. It keeps on getting better and better. I haven't had a chance to talk to you lately. I hope to slow down after the season. Your sister in Christ, Donna

Jeri Fox - 12/16/97 01:46:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/2047
My Email:thefoxes@gamesonline.net.au
From: Australia
Hobbies: Cross-stitching

I enjoyed your stitching page. I have it bookmarked so I can come back again. Keep up the good work. Come and visit our site sometime.

Donna Feickert - 11/18/97 02:19:25
My Email:baker@ptel.net
From: Postville

hello my sister in Christ, I just talked to you on the phone. Tim said that he already talked to Shane and told him what to do. I was right, his computer caught a virus. Thanks again for going to pick-up my Tupperware. I will see you soon. I am praying for Katie. Jesus Bless you and your family. Love, Donna

Vicky Showalter - 11/14/97 04:32:32
My Email:hawks@netins.net
From: Wellman, Iowa
Hobbies: reading, family events, basketball sports fan (with coaching husband and player son)

Hi, Karen. Enjoyed your page. I'm so impressed!!

The Feickerts - 11/13/97 00:17:29
My Email:baker@ptel.net

Hey Karen....good job with the page. I finally made it here to check it out! Take care....see you soon and often. Tell Ken it's NEVER too cold to catch the walleye. My dad has been knocking the sauger and walleye dead for the past 3 weeks! Your brother in Christ, Tim

Shane - 11/10/97 01:15:52
My URL:http://www.iland.net/~weber
My Email:weber@iland.net
From: Whiteman AFB, MO

Nice page Karen. Let me know if you have trouble with the music.

Maurice Thompson - 11/09/97 04:36:12
My Email:MTHOMPSON5118@aol.com
From: Maurice

Karen we need help making a page. Talk to Chris just about every night.

Don Harstad - 11/09/97 02:55:28
My Email:dharstad@mwci.net
From: Elkader, IA

Cool. I mean, really cool. Love it. I can see right now that I am going to have to start to work on a page of my own. Yep. You've done a wonderful job. Don

Darcy M - 11/09/97 02:42:12
My Email:dmiehe@netins.net
Hobbies: Rubber Stamping!

Hi Karen- I finally found your page!

Lora Mager - 11/05/97 22:18:01
My Email:LMager@AEA1.k12.ia.us

Hi Karen, I finally got the time to take a look. Its great!

Betsy - 11/04/97 05:45:46
My Email:bgriffith@mwci.net

Wow Karen! So many changes in just the short time since you moved in. Your pages are really pulling together and they look very polished. Like that beating heart!

Susan Gnagy - 11/03/97 03:20:33
My Email:sgnagy@aol.com

Great Job!

Janet - 10/30/97 02:05:28
My Email:rkelly2@bellsouth.net
From: North Miami Beach FLA

Hi! I found your site through Stu Upchurch's guestbook. My husband and I lost our firstborn son, Sean Wesley, to HLHS in July 1995. Like you, not a day goes by that we don't long to have our Sean here with us. But I take comfort in knowing he's in heave and looks over us. One day, we'll be reunited and the joy will overflow!

BECKY MCDOWELL - 10/30/97 01:46:17
My Email:GSPBRIAR@aol.com


Sue & Maurice - 10/27/97 21:24:06
My Email:MThomp5118@aol.com
From: Sue & Maurice

Hey Karen, I think you did good. Now where is Willie Jewel and Jeanie's picture. You will have to teach me next summer when we come up that way! Sue Thompson

Chris & Candie Pittman - 10/25/97 01:54:29
My Email:CPitt73@aol

Looks good Mom! Was that clean enough for you?

Bob Hankey - 10/24/97 13:40:08
My URL:http://www.aea1.k12.ia.us
My Email:bhankey@aea1.k12.ia.us


Jackie Thibodeaux - 10/24/97 01:20:31
My Email:mjthib@cajunnet.com
From: Gray, LA
Hobbies: bowling, camping, geneaology, computers, listening to my husband and friends play guitars

Hi Karen, Great job. I hope to be able to have a web page one day. Michael and I go camping with some friends and the men play guitars. My friend Elvina signed your guestbook today. For some reason my signature didn't go through yesterday. Love ya from one great cousin to another, Jackie

Elvina Gros - 10/23/97 15:41:02
My Email:mgros@bellsouth.net
From: Houma,La.
Hobbies: crosstitching, camping, doing my avon, listening to my husband and friends playing guitar.

In fact it's Mike and Jackie, plus a few other friends. I also clean houses, but I don't enjoy it as much as I used to since my car accident. I have neck problems from time to time. I enjoyed reading your web page! Jackie says we have alot in common. Look like it to me!(LOL) Jackie says Hi!! Hope to hear from you soon! Your new friend, Elvina Gros

Dave Baum - 10/22/97 15:57:27
My Email:daveb@nobl.com
From: Ames, IA
Hobbies: Bible Study, Cooking, Cyclone football

Pretty cool!!! Come on down sometime!!!

Terri - 10/22/97 13:01:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/acres/1455
My Email:teritiger@rocketmail.com
From: Colorado

Thanks for visiting our page! I enjoyed yours very much and will be back to check out the changes.

Jeffrey McCasland - 10/22/97 01:59:42
My URL:http://www.swcp.com/~tokalion
My Email:tokalion@swcp.com

Great Job Karen!!!!!

Mary - 10/22/97 01:53:44
My Email:benmac@shreve.net
From: Mom

Very good job,Karen Love, Mom

Ben H McCasland - 10/22/97 01:45:20
My URL:http://shreve.net
My Email:benmac@shreve.net
From: Your O'l Dad
Hobbies: Golf, Fishing, Tennis, Flying

Great job Karen. You are a chip off the old block. Love You DaD

deb wilson - 10/21/97 23:30:41

Pretty good for your first attempt. I'm proud of you.

Ken Pittman - 10/21/97 21:15:02

I'm her husband. I can finally get to use the computer now that her web page is completed. Praise the Lord!!

Geneseo - 10/21/97 20:52:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/9530/QuickStart/
My Email:geneseo@geocities.com
From: Ohio
Hobbies: this box on my desk they call a computer

Hi Karen! Just wanted to stop by and see how you were doing. Page is looking good! You can find some nice graphics at http://www.designoriginals.com/ If any of your neighbors need help moving in, tell them about my QuickStart Guide.

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