*Ü* *Ü*
From left to right

Quakernut ~MG cat ~Krispy ~Peaches ~Dakarai ~Shana ~MP birdie


Ode to a FeatherHead Convention

By Katie aka Tenkat

My dearest friends, when we first met
'Twas an online faceless encounter and yet
We had common ground and a few laughs, too.
You began to wait for me to chat and I for you.

Many more of us met for the very same reason
It happens all year and in every season.
We all love our birds, and of course each other
But there was a need to be met....to see one another.

We made plans to meet at a far-off bird show
Tickets were bought with cries of "Let's Go!"
And though the whole family was not able to meet
Our hearts our with you as you face to face greet.

May this weekend be a joy to each one
May you use up Depends and have loads of fun.
And when you return, the rest will be here
Everyone who loves you and considers you dear.

FEATHERHEADS THAT ATTENDED! *****************************************

DAKARAI ~~~~ Washington State

I cant even begin to tell you what a great time I had meeting all of you!!!
It was so much fun! I was touched by all of your thoughtfulness.
Mp~ I love you and you are truely a wonderful lady!
Krispy~ You are a nut! I cant wait till next year!
Peaches~ You thoughtful gift was so appreciated, I will never forget it!
Shana~ You are soooooo funny~ I nearly died everytime you made a reservation in the name "Featherheads" LOL.
MG ~ well I know why MP loves you. I do too now my friend.
Quakernut~ I am glad to have met you and wish you the very best with your new BEAKY!!!

MP BIRDIE ~~~~ California

I can't even begin to describe how wonderful it was to meet everyone. The Featherhead Reunion turned out to be thebest vacation I have ever had. Wonder if I will ever be able to catch my breath for laughing so hard for so long. Dak
you are the best, Krispy no wonder you have to travel with Depends, you are so funny, Shana what a wonderful dance
you do, you should be in the movies LOL....Catperson aka MG what a wonderful surprize and glad you filed your
kitty nails and were put up with a room full of birds. Peaches...jump birdie jump you were born to be on a trampaline. Quakernut you are so sweet and I am so happy you found the feathers of your desire. God is so good, he let me have the time of my life and meet some wonderful featherheads.....now if me will just let me catch up with the sleep I need so badly LOLOLOL Can't wait for next year!!!! When Krispy, Shana, MG and me get to stay in
my cousins little itty bitty cabin on Lake Washington.
Are you ready Ladies? LOLOLOL


I feel much richer in my heart getting to meet
my cyber family mpbird,dak, cat,krispy and peaches and
quackernut.Mp-has the heart of gold,Dak-the love
of laughter i loved having our secret with cat and I bet by next
year she will have a bird too and krispy thank you
thank you very much and our beloved peaches our c-mom we
wouldn't have been complete without you and
quakernut getting her dream bird.Paula was and is a very special
person with all her wonderful birds.I also loved
meeting the nutlets and i am real sorry dak's hubby didn't get to see more of me lol
Well gang acording to me we only have 360 toes left till
next year!!! Ilove you all and will see you
next year in seattle ((hugs)))))


Seattle was great!!!!! If anyone needs a song-
just ask us- we have been known to sing at the drop of a hat!!! Just ask
the people in the fish market and in Dennys! We may be
asked back next year for a return engagement- NOT!!!!!!
MP----you are absolutely NUTS!!! It's nice to have a cousin
with a shack on the pond- isn't it? Shana-------what a dancer you are!!
My new cockatoo needs lessons so I will be expecting a house call!
Dak----you are great and have wonderful kids and
a great hubby (that we didn't see much of).
Thanx for the opportunity to visit the bird santuary and to pay our respects to Barika!
Peaches------(((((roomie))))) thanx for being one of the girls- hope Lisa didn't think we were too crazy!
MGcat------you will get a bird- I am convinced!!! It was great meeting you!
Quakernut----the two things I will think of when I see you online are Big *** grapes
and the only person who was christened by a sky rat on our trip to Seattle!!!
LOL It was really amazing but when I met everybody-
it seemed like I had known them forever-
it was just putting a face with a wonderful personality. We have
met the inner self online and the outer self in person!
I have one last thing to say-----Thank you- thank you very much!!!!! Lov ya all!!!!!!!


I arrived home from Seattle broke, but far richer in spirit now
that I have met my cyber buddies....Dak, you are as
good as gold....I loved visiting you and meeting your children..they are delightful, and so are you!!......MP, you are
terrific...you laugh so much and are soooo much fun...
you even laughed at my silly jokes....Shana, you are one of a
kind.....who else would walk up to a street bum
and say..."Hey you! Where's the Purgula?"...That was too
funny!.....Krispy, Roomie.....it was great meeting you and sharing a room.....
you don't even snore.....(but I won't tell anyone what you were saying in your
sleep)...LOL...MGCat, It was a pleasure to meet you and make a new friend...
I enjoyed your company very much......Quaker, you are a sweet girl, good luck with your new birdie.....
Paula, the gal that runs the bird sanctuary in Bellingham is a lovely and gracious person....
I liked her a lot.....You are right, Dak, Seattle will never be the same.....
The Featherheads were there, and that made it better forever!!!!!


I went to Seattle to meet fellow featherheads and we had a fantastic time! It was my first time meeting any of the
"regulars" who helped me get started on the internet and have given me invaluable birdie
advise over the few years i've known them


Catperson also known as Sis!~~~~~CALIFORNIA

The laughs were abundant, my sides still ache.It was wonderful to meet so many really nice people.
God was obviously on our side.


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