Welcome to an unofficial home page of St. James Mannheim my congregation since I've been a little tot (I was baptized here by a pastor who loved purple). You can find out some basic information about the church at House of Worship~St. James Lutheran.
We believe that we cannot earn God's forgiveness by our own efforts, but that we receive forgiveness and become righteous through God's grace. We believe that Christ suffered for us and that sin is forgiven and righteousness and eternal life are given to us for Christ's sake.
Lutherans form the largest Protestant denomination in the world. St. James is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran church in Canada (ELCIC). We are Christians who describe our ministry in terms of Word and Sacrament. We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God, and that Baptism and Communion are means of God's grace.
Our denomination's name refers to Martin Luther, a priest who lived in Germany about 500 years ago. We continue to study his writings, including "The Small Cathechism".
Are you looking for a friendly open group of people who try to follow Christ's example of loving all people or are you feeling tired, worn-down, alienated, or lonely?
If you presently have a church home - Great! If not, and you are interested in becoming part of a church or just want to see what our church is all about, please join us at our Sunday morning worship service or call us at 519-579-4952 or call our pastor at 519-656-3547
Sundays at 9:30 and 11:00 for worship; 9:45 for sunday school. 9:30 Service ends around 10:30