To be a woman in today's world requires a lot. Just ask any female!
I hope this page will make things just a bit easier. (*note... all links will open a new brower window)
Women Resources | Mom's Resources | Single Parenting Links |
Parenting | Special Needs | Domestic Violence |
Health | Working | *more to come* |
Feminist Mom Center of the Universe - includes info about breastfeeding, tubal ligation, and other feminist issues.
HerSalon - romp through a cyber themepark for women - chat, learn, discuss, share and be entertained. The site has feminist humor, information, sports, satire, and fun.
Mom's Resources
Balance! - smart, funny moms who work outside the home tell all about their lives and how they make the balancing act work.
CyberMom Dot Com - for moms with modems. Includes chat forums and informative articles.
MOM'S Magazine - includes entertainment, fashion, health and nutrition articles.
Single Parenting Links
Single Parent Resource Center - providing links and information to provide support to single parents on topics such as divorce, parenting, single dads and moms, counseling, organizations, publications, spirituality.
Making Lemonade Single Parent Network - offers single parent resources, links, chat, and more.
Single Parents Association - international nonprofit organization devoted to providing educational opportunities and fun activities for single parent families.
Single Parenting Chat - chat with single parents about dating again, coping with despondent children, marriage, divorce, separation and more.
Single Young Moms Mailing List - offers single moms, 25 and under, a place to meet new people and share experiences, advice and friendship.
Single Rose - articles, on-line message board, and schedule of events.
Parent Soup! - community where parents can discuss and learn about parenting, kids, adoption, family issues, dating, money, travel, entertainment, and more from the experts and each other.
BabyCenter - resource for parents-to-be and new parents from the time of pre-conception planning through the baby's first year.
Crayola Family Play - providing parents with kid's activities, daily bedtime stories, child-rearing advice, and reviews of children's websites.
I Am Your Child - local and national information about early child development from the age of zero to three. Idea Box - a site for parents of young children. Features ideas for education, activities, message boards, and more.
Idea Box - a site for parents of young children. Features ideas for education, activities, message boards, and more.
Family Village, The - integrates information, resources, and communication opportunities on the Internet for persons with disabilities.
Our Kids - support group for parents, caregivers and others who are working with children with physical and/or mental disabilities.
Parents with Disabilities Resources - a program of Project STAR of The Children's Institute creating opportunities and equal access for parents with disabilities through understanding, education and collaboration.
Family Violence Prevention Fund - Site includes statistics and an area that spotlights celebrities accused of domestic violence.
Commission on Domestic Violence - offers info on the commission and extensive links to related sites.
Doves, Inc. - devoted to educating people about domestic violence and helping victims and perpetrators heal from the effects of violence.
Legal Aid For Abused Women (LAAW) - nonprofit organization that provides legal aid for women and men trying to remove themselves from abusive situations.
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence - dedicated to the elimination of personal and societal violence in the lives of women and their children. Site provides resources to local coalitions and other organizations. National Domestic Violence Hotline - provides 24 hour, toll-free crisis intervention, referrals to local programs, and information about domestic violence.
Nicole Brown Simpson Charitable Foundation - creating programs that respond to the causes of domestic violence to facilitate treatment of both victim and aggressor.
P.E.A.C.E. Group - dedicated to alerting woman of potentially dangerous men. Includes information on shelters, links and a list of offenders.
Support Network for Battered Women (SNBW) - offers toll free hotline, resources, programs, volunteer information, and more. Taipei Women's Rescue Foundation - an organization working on domestic violence and child prostitution problems in Taiwan.
Turning Point - assisting victims of domestic or family violence and their children.
New York Times Women's Health - featuring comprehensive guides to 29 issues of special concern to women.
Forum for Women's Health - a collection facts, information, advice, and suggestions to help you deal with your health concerns. All content on these pages is designed, written, and developed by a woman physician and along with other women's health professionals.
Jacobs Institute of Women's Health - nonprofit organization offering timely information, publications, and research to advancing knowledge and practice in the field of women's health.
Best Companies for Women - find out how companies stack up when it comes to salary, advancement opportunities, childcare and benefits. Part of Women's Wire.
Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling - it may be invisible but it's still there, say these women who talk about how they made it to the top. Part of Women's Wire.
MLM Woman Newsletter - features articles written by successful women, internet resources, and business building tips of interest to women in network marketing.
Women's Business Center - from the Small Business Administration's Office of Women's Business Ownership.
Women's Wire - a great site with lots of different topics for women.