Below you will find some links to Italian sites. My grandparents were born there, coming from San Vito Chietino, Caserta area, Sicily, and another very small town in the "south". Cristiano's father is also from Italy. He is from Milan, which makes Cristiano a dual citizen of both America and Italy. If you have a site you would like me to add, please, email me!






C.I.A.O. Cultural Italian American Organization: CIAO is a student group that brings together all people on the University of Michigan campus interested in Italy or in any aspects of Italian culture.

The National Italian American Foundation: The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) is the major advocate in Washington, DC for nearly 15 million Italian Americans, the nations's fifth largest ethnic group.

Associazione Italia - Stati Uniti: Promoting friendship and cooperation between Italy and the States.




