franco - 11/11/00 19:10:10 My My Email:vicenza Country: Italy | Comments: Anna, I just talked to you & Claudio on the chat! I just want to say that having a baby with some problems like Cristiano has, proves how a mother's love can be so big: but I know that you already know that! Take care Anna and give Cristiano a kiss on his forehead before sleeping. Sincerely Franco |
Mike V - 09/04/00 22:07:09 My Email:Mesa, AZ Country: USA | Comments: Nice site! Just dropped by after your encouraging words today, thanks! |
Tina Jeffries - 07/14/00 15:30:43 My | Comments: I have a chile with tetherd cord and I was looking into the cause of this and found your site .It was cery useful to me.Thank you for creating your site.Tina |
- 07/05/00 16:27:43 | Comments: |
Tina Hogue - 06/25/00 02:49:58 My My Email:Bristol, TN Country: USA | Comments: Thanks! |
Brandi Adams - 05/21/00 21:06:27 My URL: My Email:East Grand Forks, MN Country: USA | Comments: What a beautiful Child!!! Children are such a blessing. He may have some difficulties in life to overcome, but it is my beleif that it only make us stronger and better people. Best of luck to you Good Bless Brandi ![]() |
Lynda Appell - 05/07/00 17:54:37 My My Email:Upper Darby Country: PA, US | Comments: Very impressed by your heartfelt informative site on your son and his Spina Bifida. Wishing all of you well. My URL is http;// Title. Appell Core DisABILITIES Resources. Could I please add your site to the neurological section. Warmly Lynda Appell |
julie walker - 05/04/00 16:41:19 My My Email:san antonio, nm Country: usa | Comments: hi!!! This is a really nice website. I was just surfin' around and thought i'd check out some of the pages in Heartland. My homepage is in Heartland Cottage. Please stop by and visit me at Your son is very beautiful and I know he will not let anything get him down:-) |
Djamal Djabou - 04/03/00 09:30:03 My My Email:Paris Country: France | Comments: Thanks for your message but i didn't write you before. My cause is sililary as your and i partage this. My passion is the cinema and the disables actors and actresses. If you want write me again to discute about that, you are welcome. Djamal - Bye. |
jessica kidwell - 02/25/00 15:46:56 My Email:germantown Country: usa | Comments: Im glad to hear about your son .Mysister just went through all that . she had to abord her baby though . Hydrocephalus is mostly why , a cause from spina bifida . Hope everything works out for you and your son with thoughts, Jessica Kidwell |
Karen Dixon - 02/25/00 13:29:26 My My Email:Munford, Al Country: USA | Comments: Hello.....This is the first time that I have been toy your web site......Sorry to hear that your son is sick......May God heal him and be there for you all in your time of need.......I'll pray for you all......and I'll keep in touch Karen D |
Oaks CLs - 02/17/00 17:01:36 My URL: My Email:Heartland! | Comments: Great site! Thanks for coming to the Oaks Community Center Party! Look for your gift in your inbox soon! |
Shirley Schutt (SAS, Hills and Creek CL) - 01/28/00 17:33:33 My My Email:Herman Country: US | Comments: Hi, very informational site. I am meeting and greeting CLs thru the guestbook signing party and I am having a great time learning more about each one. Good Luck in all you do. |
Terri - 01/27/00 14:08:00 My Country: USA | Comments: I am signing your guestbook as part of the CL guestbook signing party. Please sign my guestbook also. :) Take care. HTTP://WWW.GEOCITIES.COM/hEARTLAND/vILLAGE/5377 |
Katrina - 01/27/00 00:13:06 My URL: My Email:Adelaide Country: Australia | Comments: I'm a "heartland burb" CL, doing some surfing around the CL sites. I'm glad that I found yours! :-) |
Heather Gent (heatherozzie) - 01/26/00 23:32:18 My URL: My Email:Canberra Country: Australia | Comments: Hi Anna, what a fantastic example you are to other mothers in the same situation as you - finding a "disability" via ultrasound. You show us that children with so-called "imperfections" are just as loveable and worthy of life as anyone else. My cheers to ou!!!! I loved your page, and also enjoyed learning more about Italy. love, Heather, fellow CL in Heartland. ![]() |
Vicki/Siestamom - 01/26/00 05:48:21 My URL: Country: Canada | Comments: Hi Anna! I enjoyed my visit to your site, and wanted to wish you and Cristiano well. I am always happy to get to know my fellow Coconuts better. Take care! |
Loni Voorhis - 01/26/00 01:22:38 My URL: My Country: USA | Comments: Hi from a fellow CL. I CL in Hollow, Pointe and Ranch. It was nice to drop by and get to know you a little bit. Keep up the good work! |
LadySparHawk - 01/24/00 01:11:10 My URL: My Email:Tacoma Country: USA | Comments: On my way through visiting CL sites...very nice site...Heartland/River CL... ![]() |
Bruce - 01/24/00 00:23:32 My URL: My Email:Birmingham, Country: USA | Comments: Hi, just stopped by to visit. I have blocks in Falls, Cliffs,Creek and Hills. My lhasas and I enjoyed our stay. Come see us some time. ![]() |
Bari - 01/23/00 10:49:39 My My Email:Beer Sheva Country: Israel | Comments: Hi Anna! I enjoyed my visit to your page. I would love any advice on house training rabbits, btw -- we've got one who thinks our couch is a bathroom :-( Thanks for everything you do for Heartland! |
Bernie - 01/23/00 03:18:28 My URL:/Heartland/Grove/7108/ My Email:Mesa Az. Country: usa | Comments: Nice pages, I didn't know that bunny's could be that different.Also I just wanted to say Hi to a fellow CL in Heartland. ![]() |
NEALE SHELDON - 01/08/00 23:52:03 | Comments: all the best in yor efforts |
Brother Bill Dixon - 01/07/00 01:46:33 My My Email:Munford, Al. Country: U.S.A. | Comments: I was very touched by your page, and I have added you to my Prayer Partners list, along with your son. I ask God to richly bless you and give you that special touch. Visit my web site |
Barbara - 01/04/00 09:33:23 My URL: My Email:Caldwell Country: USA | Comments: Your site is very good and informative.I learned a great deal here.Your little boy is beautiful and I know we are not suppose to refer to biys as beautiful, but he is. |
Mona-Lisa - 01/03/00 23:40:26 My URL: My Email:Helsingborg Country: Sweden | Comments: Nice page. I have a 8½ year old girl with SB, so I know what you've been going through, are going through...If you need advice or help, please feel free to mail us. |
Mona-Lisa - 01/03/00 23:32:21 My URL: My Email:Helsingborg Country: Sweden | Comments: Nice page. I have a 8½ year old girl with SB, so I know what you've been going through, are going through...If you need advice or help, please feel free to mail us. |
Kristy - 12/10/99 16:09:22 My My Email:Tyler Country: USA | Comments: I just wanted to say hi, I was looking for pictures that I can use for my speech final. You have a great web page. Kristy |
Vickie - 12/02/99 20:21:14 My URL: My Email:Mt Gilead,Oh Country: usa | Comments: nice |
Heather - 11/28/99 21:53:38 My URL: My Email:Boston Country: USA | Comments: Very nice webpage! Keep up the excellent work! Heather Community Leader Petsburgh/Park 1750-1999 |
Ben Williamson - 11/27/99 00:58:29 My My Email:Seattle, WA Country: USA | Comments: Io no mento! Che bello raggazzo! Io capito Che es la Mama! Figlio mi, nato con mala orboso. Io capito tu compazzione! Ben |
catherine corrigan - 11/23/99 23:44:57 My Email:kildare Country: ireland | Comments: hi, I had a little girl in september 1998, she was born spina bifida and hyrodcelephus, I did not know and had no trouble during my pregancy. I was 34 years of age and had a little boy in 1994. Aoife my little girl was only given a couple of days but she ived for 91/2 weeks. I love & miss her. Her 1st anniversary was on friday 19th Nov last and not a day goes by while I think why? and could it have been any different if we operated. My love grows stronger each day for her and although there may be miles between us, I feel she is with me every minute of every day. I only wish it was different and I must admire all you children who have survied operations and are happy. My love & best wishes for you all. |
paulcorrigan - 11/23/99 23:36:05 | Comments: |
Dawn T - 11/23/99 19:42:01 My My Email:Oconomowc Country: USA | Comments: Your site is very well put together!!! Thank you again for your post on the thyroid site.. Was Christiano premature too? |
Shelagh Luffman - 11/20/99 03:50:02 My My Email:Ft Lauderdale Country: USA | Comments: Your little boy is gorgous, give him a big hug for me. He is precious. God bless you all and I sincerely hope that you have a happy life. |
Shelagh Luffman - 11/20/99 03:49:46 My My Email:Ft Lauderdale Country: USA | Comments: Your little boy is gorgous, give him a big hug for me. He is precious. God bless you all and I sincerely hope that you have a happy life. |
ofer - 11/01/99 01:07:03 My URL: My Email:israel Country: israel | Comments: |
- 10/26/99 15:51:00 | Comments: |
Bonnie - 08/17/99 12:23:58 My URL: My Email:dayton Country: usa | Comments: Cristiano, I love your pictures. You look like a strong little trouper. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Bonnie |
Stephen Burns - 08/03/99 02:53:34 My My Email:Grand Rapids, MI Country: USA | Comments: Thanks for the inspiration from your little overcomer. I'm sure he will become a blessing to many. |
Marigene - 08/01/99 21:30:21 My My Email:Irvine Country: USA | Comments: Your site is so precious. Just beautiful and I am so glad I could visit! Thank you. |
Neil Herrick, D.O. - 07/31/99 01:53:08 My URL: | Comments: You doing a great job with this web site! |
Laura - 07/21/99 16:46:52 My URL:http://d.d.jensen My Email:redvers,saskatchewan Country: canada | Comments: I really enjoyed your web page beacause i was born with spina bifida |
Dorothy - 07/17/99 09:05:40 My My Email:Timaru Country: New Zealand | Comments: Excellent stuff. Well done for putting it together |
hon.troy david reasonover - 07/01/99 21:24:37 | Comments: dear sir or madam, i would like to join your organization, for three reasons, one i love italian foods, on both my parent side, there are italian relatives, there is my father's brother-in-law tony (l) zeoila, and my best friend, and my mother's uncle angelo di tina, my father is a direct descend of anna maria de medici. the third reason my mother, her aunt-in-law shopia de presto jackson, her aunt betty leronzo campau, and the same with father aunts, they will kill me. it is not easy having famling from florence, naples, sicliy the mt. etna area. here is my address hon.troy david reasonover,c/o agape c mmunity church,15801 joy road, detroit, michigan 48228. here is my third cousin and godfather cornelius wilson jr., who can put you in touch with my mother. mrs. (Widow of jwautha) voila lee blaine reasonover sr., of the michigan blaines.. his number is 1-313-831-0121, and yes i would get in the morning to make the tomato sauce at six o'clock, on thursday and saturday. i do thank for your time and trouble. very truly yours, hon.troy david reasonover |
David - 06/09/99 23:47:46 My My Email:London Country: United Kingdom | Comments: Beautiful you, you are the apple of His eyes, I know He has a plan for you and would finish what He has started. Be strong and be happy as usual. God Bless you............Amen |
Betty - 06/09/99 12:50:03 My Email:Leavenworth Country: USA | Comments: I understand your situation. I pray everything will work out OK for you. |
Ellen Slavitz - 06/01/99 01:51:38 My My Email:Colorado Springs Country: USA | Comments: Hello, Anna I thought I'd check your Web site to learn more about your translation needs. Hope we can help. Ellen |
rocg - 05/15/99 13:50:28 My URL: My Email:akron Country: us | Comments: I have just signed on with netzero and so far have liked what i seen this site offer. I am a mother of a 14 yr old with s/b and will be visiting this site often |
Cherie - 05/11/99 02:32:03 My URL:http// My Email:Calgary Country: Canada | Comments: I think your page is great. I have a child with spina bifida too and I know exactly what you are experiencing. I have gone through the experience for the past 4 1/2 years. All the best too you. |
Vivian Haynes - 04/21/99 15:27:18 My My Email:São Paulo Country: Brazil | Comments: Hi Anna, Congratulations again on your efforts. You can count on my help and support ! Best of luck and do update me on your successes (I am sure you will win !), Vivian |
Melani - 04/13/99 01:51:53 My My Email:Carrollton Country: USA | Comments: Great page! Good job. Melani/WHW |
john hammar - 04/11/99 00:32:53 My Email:mt airy, no carolina | Comments: very nice best wishes to you |
Brendan McLarnon - 04/10/99 12:00:19 My My Email:Belfast Country: Ireland | Comments: Hello Anna, Saw your message to Little Sparrow. You have a lovely son and you are a wonderful mother. Twenty nine years ago my wife and I had a beautiful daughter, Helen, born with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalous (too much fluid in the head). Unfortunately medical science was not as advanced then and after 18 operations she took meningitis which killed her at 4 years of age. So she is a little saint in heaven and she will pray for you and your son as will my wife and I. So from Ireland my ve y best wishes. God Bless you Brendan |
- 04/09/99 22:41:54 | Comments: Ciao da Roma Franco |
The Community of The Little Sparrow - 04/09/99 17:46:12 My URL: My Email:Blue Jay, CA Country: USA | Comments: Dearest Anna, What a beautiful page...very touching and heartfelt. We are praying for you each day - and when you have the opportunity, please also visit The Virtual Dolphin Project for children with chronic illness and developmental disabilities. This is an org. I f unded several years ago -- God Love you! Claudia |
Tony L. D'Anzica - 04/09/99 01:20:53 My My Email:NY Country: USA | Comments: Good luck to you and Christiano and God Bless always, Love, Tony |
Steve Chevalier - 04/03/99 20:40:23 My My Email:Lafayette, LA Country: USA | Comments: I am a 52 year old with Spina Bifida. I have lived a great life and have four children. Even though all 9 of my brothers and sisters were born with SB none of my children have been affected. |
Buffy - 04/02/99 18:46:59 My Email:Ontario Country: Canada | Comments: I thank God for this precious son of yours..may he always bring you such joy and love..may he fill your home with laughter. I pray God continues to heal this child and strengthen him daily...PTL! |
Rob - 04/01/99 11:29:13 My URL: My Email:Los Angeles | Comments: Enjoyed visiting your site and reading about your family. Have a happy Easter. |
Leslie in AK, again! - 03/27/99 02:07:06 My | Comments: Correction to the prior email address (duh...happy fingers!) |
Leslie in AK - 03/27/99 02:05:55 My My Email:Wasilla Country: AK | Comments: Great site! Thanks for telling me about it. I'm Italian, too! Okay, half...LOL |
Angel - 03/15/99 04:48:08 My Email:Trenton, MI Country: USA | Comments: Beautiful page, beautiful baby. |
jopenn - 03/07/99 05:00:08 My URL: Country: USA | Comments: |
Carole Robertson - 02/23/99 04:02:08 My My Email:McMinnville, Oregon Country: USA | Comments: Anna... What a wonderful and creative mother you are. I would have never of thought of something as special as this if it were me. Your son is sooo beautiful and he has a beautiful mother as well. Good luck in all you do. |
Carole Robertson - 02/23/99 03:58:27 My | Comments: |
Tino Rozzo - 02/22/99 14:19:05 My URL: My Email:NYC Country: USA | Comments: Hope all goes well, I will tack your situation on my homepage and network it. |
Sherry Crocifisso - 02/16/99 18:28:11 My Email:Chicago Country: U.S.A. | Comments: Anna, your son is beautiful. I am sorry that I can not help with any information. However, I did say a pray for you. |
Joy Moak - 02/15/99 21:07:11 My URL: My Email:Wesson, MS 39191 Country: United States | Comments: My son, Dustin, was born July 7, 1979 with spina bifida. He is paralyzed from the waist down. He is now in his third semester of jr. college. He is our only child and we are very proud of him. He has been hospitalized approximately 25 times and has ha 18 surgeries. He is scheduled for another surgery this summer. But we feel like we have been blessed. God has been good to us. |
John P. - 02/11/99 19:27:47 Country: USA | Comments: Best wishes to you and your beautiful son. I truly hope that his father will see how wonderful it is to have such a miracle in his life. |
Jeralyn - 02/03/99 05:31:26 My My Email:Fargo Country: US | Comments: |
Jeri-Lyn Walsh - 02/03/99 01:56:30 My URL: My Email:Shelton CT Country: USA | Comments: Read your message on Richards Web Page and just wanted to wish you luck in your weight loss endeavors. I have lost 60 lbs using Deal-a-meal but am still 10lbs from my goal. Let me tell you, its worth every ounce of effort. Keep up the good work. Your s n is adorable, I can't imagine the time and effort it must take to care for him. But like Richard says, always make time for yourself. Best wishes! Jeri-Lyn |
Traci - 02/02/99 20:00:49 My | Comments: Hello Anna! Your baby is sooooo cute! I really like your website! I can't wait to return and learn more. I saw you post on the newsgroup and followed your web link! Hugs! Traci |
SaraH LITTLE - 02/01/99 22:03:24 My Email:SAN JOSE Country: USA | Comments: |
Kathi Crooks - 01/28/99 16:04:25 My URL: My Email:Morris, Pa. Country: USA | Comments: You have a very special boy. He is so cute. I have a little girl, 6 yrs.old, with SB. We all are quite a big family. Take Care...Kat |
Massimo Franzoni - 01/12/99 00:53:33 My My Email:Cassano d'Adda Country: Italy | Comments: Anna and Cristiano, my best wishes for a great future and all the best. We must behold the things we see. |
Faye - 12/27/98 02:29:12 My URL: My Email:POS Country: Trinidad, WI | Comments: Anna, Love your page. Did you do it yourself? Wonderful job! Christiano is a looker! He's going to break some hearts! I'm also sorry about your loss. Solo was adorable. Keep well. Faye |
Blue - 12/14/98 19:20:36 | Comments: Very nice layout H&K Blue |
Vivian Haynes - 12/11/98 22:20:15 My My Email:Sao Paulo Country: Brazil | Comments: I think your web page is wonderful - you are a very courageous mother and are to be hightly congratulated....and Cristiano looks like a lovely little boy. This is written on his first birthday, so a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY indeed ! Vivian |
bailey - 12/09/98 03:13:05 My Email:danville Country: va | Comments: your son is beautiful and your b/f would be crazynot to want to be part of his life, your new friend bailey |
Blue - 11/09/98 03:58:37 | Comments: God bless |
giovanni - 11/07/98 22:54:13 My Email:encino Country: usa | Comments: he is wonderful boy wish u the best grazie di tutto sei una persona magnifica love gio |
Teresa May - 11/02/98 21:55:57 My URL: My Email:Ceartown Ga. Country: U.S. | Comments: You are a beautiful little girl,I have a grandson with SB 2 and a half years old he is our biggest blessing.God bless you all. |
francesco - 10/29/98 22:35:33 | Comments: so very nice pics anna:))..wish him all the best:) |
Ahmed - 10/10/98 02:01:34 My My Email:Cairo Country: Egypt | Comments: Dear Anna , i'm so happy that i have a good friend like you , i didn't expect that a small device like my pc will let me be a friend to a very cute person like you ... i wish all good luck to you. |