Every day thousands of children throughout the world are reported missing. Some have been abducted by strangers, some by an estranged relative and some are runaway's. Have you given it any thought as to how you can help find these children? Lots of us don't have the means or the money to do this but there are other ways we can help. I'm helping by writing this page and distributing posters. You can help by reading it and maybe check out the links that I have provided. I've never been married and have no kids but I do have lots of nieces, nephews, greatnieces and greatnephews and I really like kids you know? And if you care you might want to check the links. Believe it or not, there's some kid out there that needs your help!
I think child sexual abuse and child battering are crimes that go unreported more than any other crime. The victims, the children are afraid to say anything for fear that it will continue to happen. And if they don't say anything it will still continue to happen. Sometimes it's love for the abusive parent(s) that keeps the child from opening up to others. Society has taught us to keep our noses out of other peoples business. When you see something like this stick your nose in all you want. It's the nosy, caring people that are going to save these children. Remember, the children of today are the world leaders of tomorrow.
Hey, how about those runaways huh? Why do kids run away? They can't get along with the parents, the parents are too strict. My parents don't understand me and want everything their way. They don't like my boyfriend. They don't want me to have fun. And than there's the peer pressure to do drugs and booze. Well you know all the reason's. If you really want to help these kids please check the links. And those links will take you to other links. Find out how you can help. After all one of these days the kid you save may be your own.
Link to a "state page" of imformation about missing children
To link to a page of imformation about and photographs of children missing from your state or any state, use the URL- http://www.missingkids.com/precreate/IL.html. Replace state abbreviation with the state abbreviation of your choice. ( Note: The two letter state abbreviation must be in upper-case letters.)