The POW / MIA Issue

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The following information might come as a shock to you but it is absolutely


There are still 2,029 Americans, as of 2 March 2000, missing and unaccounted for from the Vietnam War !

Official intelligence indicates that Americans known to have been alive, in captivity, in Vietnam, laos and Cambodia were not returned at the end of the war.

In the absence of evidence to the contrary, it must be assumed that these Americans may still be alive.


Evidence of secondary prison systems has surfaced since the latter years of the war. It is suspected, as reports mount that hundreds of Americans were witheld from release and are still alive today, that prisoners within a second system were kept completely seperate from the others. This would allow a large number of POWs to be held without knowledge of other prisoners.

Nearly 10,000 reports have been received relating to Americans in Southeast Asia. Whether our adopted MIAs, Raymond Czerwiec and Clarence Latimer are among those thought to be still alive is not certain. What is certain, however, is none of them deserve abandonment by the country they proudly served.

Be sure to visit these pages and read their stories.


It cannot be emphasized enough how important it is to keep pushing this issue inside the Beltway. The need to get specific answers is more important now than ever before. If still alive, some MIAs are now in their 70s......They don't have much time left. We have to demand the answers from the bureaucrats and keep standing on their necks (figuratively speaking) until they get the message that THEY work for US and that we are serious about getting these long overdue responses. Diplomatic considerations aside...We can no longer allow questionable protocols established by pseudo - aristocratic armchair strategists, to determine or influence the fate of the men who were in the trenches while the diplomats were sharing sherry and canapes and talking about "Their Plans" for the future of SE Asia.


Write letters to your Senators, Congressmen, The Vice - President and The President and tell them you want answers as to the status of these MIAs that our country left behind in Southeast Asia. They (the government) have played around with this matter long enough! The families of these MIAs and the American public are owed some answers! WRITE...CALL...E-MAIL ! Don't stop until we get our answers!

Fly the POW / MIA Flag and show others you care !

ALIVE OR DEAD, these American Heroes deserve to be returned WALK ON or be BURIED IN American soil. Their families deserve the closure that a FULL ACCOUNTING could bring!

E-mail the President, Vice-President, your Senators and your Congressman.

Raymond Czerwiec   and   Clarence Latimer   are just two of many who served courageously on their country's behalf and at their country's request - only to be abandoned when the nation they served shifted its political priorities.

This travesty must be atoned for, corrected and never permitted to happen again. No country worth defending does this to the men and women who defend it.

If you would like to help make a difference, click on the link or the bracelet below.



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A special thanks to George "Gunny" Fallon for opening our eyes and getting us involved.

Links For More Information On The POW / MIA Issue :

List of other MIA Tribute Pages

National League Of POW / MIA Families

National Alliance of Families

4th Infantry Division

Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall

The Virtual Wall

P.O.W. Network

U.S. Veteran Dispatch

Defense Prisoner of War / Missing Personnel Office

Library of Congress - POW/MIA Database

WebPage designed and maintained by David Zollers

Copyright © 2003. All Rights Reserved.

Last updated on 8/2/2003.

Member of   The HTML Writers Guild

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