The Ramsbottom Family History




       Notes Page

      Charles F.


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And Take A Look Around!

Just a few notes about these pages and some tips on how to get around.

     This history contains the Decendants of Obadiah (1720) Ramsbottom and Connecting Families. Each individual in this tree has their own page with all the information that we have about them. (Please help us fill in the blanks.) You can search by using the Surnames Index, or by using the Alphabetical Index. Note that it is quicker if you use the Surnames Index if you know the surname.

     Look for the "Notes" link at the bottom left hand corner of the header on the individual pages. The "Notes" pages provide additional information on that individual. It includes Occupation, Military Service, and Other Notes which, include stories and events in their lifes. So don't overlook the "Notes".

     Be sure and read The Charles Fremont Ramsbottom History written by Charles (1863) Ramsbottom in 1933. It contains a narrative on Obadiah (1814) Ramsbottom and the times in which he lived. It also includes type written copies of letters that where sent from various people in England to family members America. It's worth taking the time to read.

Don't forget to check out the Notes Page. It has a list of all of the individual Notes and Family Histories.

     Note that these pages are written to be viewed with Microsoft's Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher, so I can't be sure of the appearance in other browsers. If you need Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher, click the icon at the bottom of the page and download it. (Don't worry, it's free).

     For more information on this branch of The Ramsbottom Family, go to The Joel Etherton Homepage. It contains the Decendants of Henry (1859) Ramsbottom and Connecting Families. It is very good. (Note: The idea for the format for our Family History page came from the Joel Etherton Homepage.)

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Created by Robert Ramsbottom
Last Modified February 12, 2003