God's Promise

to David

2 Samuel 7

At some point in our lives, most of us want to do great things for God. We may imagine ourselves as world famous evangelists, proclaiming the good news to thousands. Or we may aspire to be great Bible expositors, holding people spellbound with our oratory. Or perhaps we will be the next Mother Theresa, bringing care to the sick and needy.

David wanted to build a magnificent temple for the Lord. However, in this passage he is surprised to discover that God's plans for David are far greater than David's plans for God.


1. Have you ever wanted to do great things for God? Explain.


2. Read 2 Samuel 7. What prompts David to want to build a house for the Lord (vv. 1-3)?


3. Nathan initially tells David to go ahead with his plan (v. 3). But according to the Lord, what have both Nathan and David failed to take into account (vv. 4-7)?


4. Throughout history, sincere people have built monuments for the Lord that he never asked for. How can we avoid involvement in these misguided projects?


5. Verses 8-16 have been called the Davidic covenant. What specific promises does God make to David?


6. Who is the offspring (v. 12) who will build a house for the Lord and whose kingdom God will establish (see I Kings 5:1-5; 6:11 13)?


7. How do the promises in verses 8 16 find their ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ (see, for example, Lk 1:30-33)?


8. After hearing God's promises to him, David prays (v. 18). Why is he astonished not only with the promises but with God himself (vv. 18-24)?


9. When have you been astonished to discover that both God and his plans are far greater than you imagined?


10. After praising God for his greatness, what requests does David make (vv. 25-29)?


11. If the "Sovereign Lord" has already guaranteed to fulfill his promises, then why do you think David asks him to do so?


What insights does this give us into the relationship between God's sovereignty and our responsibly?


12. In what ways has the Lord demonstrated his greatness or goodness to you recently?


Take time to thank him for all that he has done for you.