5 Secure in the Lord

1 Samuel 25

In the TV series "The Honeymooners" Ralph Cramden used to threaten to knock his wife clear to the moon. "One of these days, Alice, bang ... zoom!" We all give similar threats at one time or another: "I'll get you for this!" "You'll be sorry you ever treated me that way!" "You'll wish you had never been born!" When people mistreat us, we instinctively want revenge. We want to get even, to show them how it feels.

In I Samuel 25 David is insulted by a man named Nabal. David's response gives us both a positive and negative example of how we should respond to those who mistreat us.

1. Someone once dumped a large load of garbage on a man's private property. While looking through the garbage, the man found the offender's name and address. He quickly loaded up the garbage, drove to the person's house, and dumped the mess in his front yard. Do you think the man's actions were justified or not? Explain.


2. Read 1 Samuel 25. What does the author tell us about the two new characters in this drama (vv. 2-3)?


3. Why is David so offended by Nabal's response to his request (vv. 4 13, 21 22))?


4. Even if David's offense is justified, how would you evaluate his plan to get even with Nabal ( vv. 13, 34)?


5. What methods do we sometimes use to "get even" with those who mistreat us?

6. What impresses you about Abigail's response when she finds out what has happened (vv. 14-32)?


7. The events in this chapter are deliberately sandwiched between two ac counts of David sparing Saul's life. How is David's relationship with Nabal similar to his relationship with Saul?


8. What lesson is the Lord repeatedly trying to drive home to David?



9. How would Nabal's fate encourage David to trust God about Saul?


10. In Romans 12:19-21 Paul writes: "Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: 'It is mine to avenge; I will repay,' says the Lord. On the contrary: 'if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.' " What are some additional ways we can overcome evil with good?


11. Think of someone who has recently mistreated you. How can this study affect your attitude and actions toward that person?